The black dog and the ginger dog

/The fairy tale on motives of legends of Oceania /


The boat floats quickly, as if a palm knot in a mountain stream.
It is made of one tree trunk, therefore has appellation... everybody can name this boat so, as he wants, but it is not the simple  wood trough.
Not without reason the big sail  is straining so fast. Today it is cheerful to the sea wind. There is the full opportunity to blow on the one hand, and then to blow on the other hand.
But as to the sea current, wherefore does the fast water need to have fun? Why should the current be changed obediently at will of the wind? 
With hard skill it aspires forward,  headstrongly carries the boat under the sail  to a sandy bay of island. To the bottom of the mountain here.
- It is the strong current, - Daru speaks.
- It is the correct fast water, - his wife Nukuty speaks.
- Because will be there our boat in this bay? – Daru asks.
Nukuty answers:
- Because the current does not try to have fun at will of the wind.
They look forward,  the husband and the wife, sea travellers.
The coast comes nearer, is not going to be aside, is not trying to run someplace.
It pleases seafarers. There will be bananas for them in a wood. Also  there will be an evening fire just on sandy coast,  and what  will be there else?  Quiet shuteye under stars, which will not shake themselves on waves.
The ocean is great, and many islands could be seen though by sea winds,  though by sea travellers Daru and Nukuty. For a long time  the husband and the wife already float. Daru and Nukuty have chosen  for themselves such share. Why?  If there is any opportunity  to travel,  you can on the way help inhabitants of small islands.
It is necessary to make all always in a kind way during the travel of kind people, is not it?
Daru and Nukuty have swum far away from the native house. The boat  was  carried by waves many days. The seafarers have visited different places, and people have looked  there sometimes happy,  sometimes... not very happy.
Now the new get-together waits for them,  for the husband and  for the wife: they will see inhabitants of this unknown island.
The more interesting unexpectedness,  the more behoof for travellers will be, will not it?
But meanwhile current has moved into side from the bay.
It seems,  the waves  want to play a trick on seafarers.
- Oh! - Nukuty has told.
The husband has told:
-  Yes!   
-  But it is all right, - Nukuty has sighed.
- Certainly, - Daru has agreed.
In this time the coast has come nearer again, and there was closely a green mountain, which has risen right from water. The fog curled on its slopes, and above top …
- Look! It is a white cloud there! - Nukuty has exclaimed.
- It is, - Daru has told.
- There are clouds,  there will be rains, - the wife has told.
The husband has confirmed:
-  Will be. As usual.
- And there, where it rains over a wood, there are bananas, - the wife has informed.
- You are right, - the husband has agreed. - Here we shall pull out the boat on coast,  and then …
Nukuty has asked:
- What shall we do then?
- We shall go into a wood, - Daru has told. -  Bananas! I think, it's a good thing.
Be sure, there is no dispute here. Who will not like this white cloud, that fixedly stands above the green mountain?
The cloud  was pleasant. Why will  be not pleasant this white foam, in which the bottom of island mountain bathes? Daru and Nukuty are glad. There is it in front of them:  fine coast with a wood and bananas! Closely! And it is very good!
Curious birds have arrived, they have begun to revolve above the sail.
It would be desirable for them to sit down on the high mast.
Why not to consider visitors closer, not to wave affably  by wings  at first time, and at second time, and at third time?
Why not to welcome seafarers? They, may be, will give friendly answer,  and then a refreshments will be for birds.
But what is it?
They have flown away:  the mast has begun suddenly to rock fast, because the wind has become strong.
Only a heron, which has opened  wide wings,  has continued to turn persistently near the poop, where there was the spare sail-mat.
It is interested: are fishermen here today?
- If you have lost the way and have come into our lagoon, please, give me some fish! If you are without fish, can float further home.
- Will  you tell to it something? - the wife has asked the husband.
- Someone  revolves  persistently near the boat. It is possible to tell.
- Speak.
- Respected heron! -  Daru has shouted. - We  are not fishermen. We  are wanderers of the sea. And I wish to tell, that  here we shall not make  anything of the bad.
« Well, - the heron has thought, - it is not necessary for me  to worry strongly. »
It is possible to look for something edible calmly on the cay. When there is  the outflow on the sea, you are unwilling  to  refuse  from pleasure to seize in sand bars a small  crab, and it is very correctly.
As soon as the nose of the sailing boat  has reached the coast sand, the wife has told to the husband:
- I shall look for bananas. Also it is necessary to find  at least a rivulet. The reserve of fresh water has terminated  on the boat.
Nukuty is brave, but  Daru is careful. It is not pleasant for him, that  in dense thickets she  begins to wander  in loneliness.
- In the beginning I shall catch a fish for our dinner, - here it has been declared  by the husband.
Yes, it has been said just so. And then he has added solicitously:
- You can wait. The heron has flown to the reef. I think, it is necessary for the bird to have dinner. Small bays are there. And  for us also there will be something. Do not go  without me to this  big mountain.
The wife has jumped from the boat on coast, has said:
- Who will appear here in order that I should not get waters?!
Daru is careful, however his wife is brave. Therefore it has turned out:  she, without any fear, has moved there, where she wanted to.
Nukuty has gone, and has gone, and has gone… just to the wood on the mountain.
The small bird flitted on coast between trees. It searched for dew to get drunk.
She has thought, having seen Nukuty:
« Someone wants  to get to the rivulet and to do it quickly, and  someone  can get water in small cups of bright flowers."
Two cups in the morning…yes, it was good for the birdie, but already there was the midday.
The sun has risen highly. And it  burnt so,  that soon the small bird decided to think a little differently.
« What  do I see!? All cups of flowers are empty! And leaves of trees  are absolutely dry!»
Flying from a tree to a tree, it cheeped discontentedly.
And then it has speeded into the dense thicket of trees.
Nukuty has hastened after, because the small one will follow there, where a rivulet  has been certainly.
The birdie suddenly was frightened of something. It has flown away quickly and has disappeared between trees. But soon it has again appeared. 
The top of the tree has sheltered it: everybody, to whom there is necessary, can squeak discontentedly in the thicket.
The birdie was indignant and has squeaked loudly.
But what's the matter?  Oh! Someone goes near the stream and splatters in the water, and  the clean rivulet becomes feculent.
Having done some steps, Nukuty has seen the small old man..
It would be  impolite not to greet him.
And therefore she has greeted.
It should be not very pleasant, if he will not pay attention to her. Just this old man  has not paid any attention to her.
Well,  what was he busy by?
Here he did it: the small old man lowered hands to the bottom of the stream,  by fingers fossicked  something here, and all the time mistook there on slippery stones,  and  blackguarded.
He was noisy  very much,  this little small old man, who with strength plashed out water on coast.
Certainly, it was possible for Nukuty to behave more silently. And she would try to keep silence, but   it would be desirable to understand, what he there has  taken pains  to catch. The old man has come here not for a tuna, has not he?   
Having been tired,  he has thrown up the hands, has seized his head, has begun to rock.  Thereafter  he has tousled  white long hairs,   has cried in despair:
- I shall catch all the same! You will not hide from me!
Nukuty stood, and she was surprised, of course, very much.
What  did  the birdie do in this time?
It  has sat on the tree and has continued to take offence. The small bird has squeaked: there is nothing for the old man to rustle here! Any fish is not present in the rivulet! They are not here  even these green caterpillars!
Having twisted its head, it has started new flight to search for other source of water.
« The strange little man! -  Nukuty thought meantime. - He has tiny growth. His hairs  are thin, as if a spiderweb. They are very white and very lungs, they are waved very much around of his head. Why is he angry, this small old man, this little spider? »
It was possible to do nothing , also it was possible to make something.
So, what has she made? She has approached more close to the rivulet.
How is it not to approach? On the coast Daru waits for her. It is necessary to feed the husband,  he should  have a good eating. She will cook tasty something, and it will be very correctly.
For her cooking …  salty sea water will be not good at all. It is necessary here such water, that is taken just from this headspring.
Having stood  at the back of the white-haired stranger, Nukuty saw one great red fruit in water.
The one, who was noisy  in the source,  has taken pains to catch  it.  He would want very much to get this fruit and to eat.
Perhaps, it would be possible to fish out it.
Most likely the prey would be eaten at once. But here a trouble!  Again and again hands sank into the water, concerned the fast stream … and what has happened here again and again?
All, that was edible there,  all  disappeared unfortunately!  There were already nothing, both too red, and attractive too.  There were only small stones, and water bubbles, and petty grains of sand at the bottom of the rivulet.
It was a little strange.
But what was more strange ? Well,  when the unlucky hunter pulled out his hands from the headspring, the one,  this big red fruit, appeared in water again, and it was already strange very much.
- Another would go home. He would go into the hut and  would lay down to sleep. The more fixedly you sleep, the less you will be sorry herewith about your dinner, - the amateur of fruits has muttered. - However it is here, that I shall make.  I shall take out  all water from the source.
Nukuty has thought:
«The  small old man is right. When  you sleep strongly, you have no time  for any distemper.»
And was at her nothing of pity  to him?
You can think all that you want, but it was just a pity to the one, who has not gone to sleep and  has continued to be  distressed.
What has  he  begun  to do? Now he has taken pains to pull out  all water  from the source by handfuls.
And this big red fruit...  appeared, then disappeared, next time appeared, next time disappeared.
The rivulet did not get tired to disappoint the hunter.
Soon the hole with water has  become shallow at all, and the tiny old man has stopped his useless employment.
He has risen, has thrown a stone there, where the stream has murmured quietly again, and  has gone away.
His hairs  fluttered, as if a gale blew from the sea.
They in fact were  weightless, therefore have responded willingly on the slightest breathing of air. And there were they also endless enough, were curling  with sedulity, were not they? Quite right. Therefore nothing remains for them moreover, how to make such thing: to cling to leaves of any tree.
Here they caught  at  the leaves diligently, and  entwined about  them assiduously, and tore off them unmercifully.
To absolve themselves more soon  from  green leaves and from thin fragile branches …. No, these long white hairs did not have such desire!
The little old man, angry very much, all in green prickly bunches, with fluttering hairs,  has begun to rise on the hill.
It is clear, if something is not pleasant to you, it is possible for you to go away. And what does the headspring make there at this time?
The hole of the headspring was again filled with water up to edges.
One red fruit  was also there  again.
Whence is it appeared here, such beautiful?
Nukuty has looked at the left side from her,  at the right side from her, whereat she has hefted her head. And  what has she seen?
Something, big and red, was on the tree among green leaves. It was directly above the source.
Why has not anyone  needed to jump up now? She has leaped  to view  the branch  a little better.
It was not difficult  for her to jump up near the stream in the first time, also in the second time. Who here should be afraid to jump in the fine orchard of the island? She was not frightened at all.
Nukuty has dexterously seized this red fruit, having jumped up in the third time. There was possibility for her to eat it, but what did she make? That  was what. Nukuty  shouted to the small little man:
- Listen! Take it, that you searched!
He has hastened back quickly.
The small man, this little spider, having stumbled hurriedly over stones, having puffed drudgingly,  fast has come nearer:
- Give here more soon my prey!
She asked:
- What is your name?
He has begun to eat greedily, having smacked with lips.
And to speak immediately...  it was not  enjoyable  for him. It seems, he did not hurry up  in general with this engagement. 
Nukuty thought, that such trouble was not great for her: let him continue to eat.
But, doesn't  she need to say something to the poor small little old man? Why does she have not  to tell the truth about this big red fruit? The help will not be superfluous to him.
Nukuty  just has done it,  she has given the prompting  to the small old man:
- Your prey hung on the tree. You have seen the reflection in the water. Therefore  you vainly searched for eating in the source.
Has this unlucky old man hastened to thank her?
He has stoped  smacking with lips and  has started to shout instead of gratitude:
- My name is  clever Banks. And  will you teach me?  What can you say the clever for me, Banks? See, what big-eyed woman swaggers  here! I  do not love such women.
Nukuty did not want  to offend him. All, that  she  wanted  now to do,  was it: just to try to apologize.
She has thought a little and then has tried to say something else.
Did Banks have some desire to listen to her?  No, he began to cry more loudly:
-  There is not any need to come here! Not enough meal for myself is near this rivulet!
Not to go here? Not to go there?
Nukuty thought: 
«Excuse me,  but legs  at people have to go  here and there, have not they?
She had full opportunity to twist by her head: the one, who catches reflection of beautiful fruit in water, will be always hungry!
However Nukuty  has not twisted by the head. She has said nothing, clever and helpful, and she has not become to take offence,  has simply continued her way.
If the quarrelsome little old man  lives on the island, it does not mean, that this island has to be small. It is enough big.  And what does it turn out then?  Quite right: always there will be good tasty eating  for all. In vain some people worry here.
In the end she has done all, how wanted to make: Nukuty has brought water to the husband, thereafter has welded for him the dinner on fire.
Daru and Nukuty ate the fish out soup, also fruits with pleasure. But they did not  know for the present: Banks, which lived near the big mountain, will be further a cause  of   troubles.


The island was rich by wood, by  water, by fish and  else … by what?   Oh, not only one little Banks lived here!  Therefore here that happened : Daru has seen a fisherman suddenly, and when has noticed, has told straightway:
- Well!
Nukuty was glad, and she has exclaimed:
- Certainly!
It was not  difficult for her to add cheerfully:
- When there is the fisherman, there is somebody else, who can clean fishes.
Why did she say so?  Yes, she has noticed as well a woman.
There were also other inhabitants of island on the coast nearby, not so that a lot, but also not so that a little.
Men and women received  benevolently seafarers: there was  the salutatory  loud song here. Also they carried out the dance of  joyful meeting.
It was clearly, that nobody of them  wanted to have quarrelsome conversation. And there was it:  some people have asked to take them into the surprisingly fast sailing boat.
They have liked very much this floating  lengthways the coast  in concert with Daru.
Further  it was told so:
- We had not such good boats earlier. Now they have to be.
- One boat will be, - Daru has agreed. – It is exactly.
- It should happen, if someone will teach islanders, how to do such fast boat, - Nukuty has told.
- Certainly, - Daru has agreed.
He has told and has thought:
« The  fast boat is always not bad. But it will be also fairly well, when you will find for the boat a suitable tree trunk. Therefore it is necessary to go to the wood. »
There are a lot of thin branches, as is known, even in a small  forest, however  thick trunks … oh, there can be a little of they  in a small forest!
Always there are a lot of thin branches in the big wood, as well there are a lot of thick trunks in the big wood.
But there can be a bit of such trunks, that would be thick and high,  just for the good fast boat. If, Daru, you go into the big wood, you need to be all eyes!
Here he goes, does not forget to look around,  he understands, that it is difficult to discover the tree, suitable for the fast boat.
And if he does not forget, it is necessary, of course,  to walk and to walk, all farther and farther.
Daru sees many trunks,  they are... though very thick, but not high…  though very high, but not thick.
The builder sees all here, understands all.  And it is necessary for him to go step by step to the top of the mountain, is not it? He searches for a suitable tree  in order that the boat has pleased inhabitants of  the island and has not let down the seafarer Daru.
At last, a coast of the river is in front of him. There are dense thickets around, where it is possible to find all, necessary for the fast boat.
There was a lot of water here for roots, there were many sunbeams for green leaves,
therefore the found trunk of the tree was... It was thick very much  and high very much, it was just such, that was necessary.
It is the right time for the seafarer to set about the work.
But if he had  very long quests and was tired, it was possible to postpone the work. You can think exactly so or not so, but the  builder of the fast boat thought here just so:
« It is the simple thing to postpone the work. However it is better to apply to the work immediately. Fell faster, my axe! »
Axe has not wanted to be silent now, has begun to fell  loudly. 
Now here it beats and beats the trunk. However the tree is very strong, continues to stand, does not fall.
Daru does not despond:
« The tree does not hasten to fall. All right!  I think, if the trunk would be not very thick, the boat...  then the boat would be not very good. »
The axe as always is loud, its beats are strong and precise, but the trunk  is unyielding:  it is not possible to cut down the tree in ten blows and in twenty too.
Daru does not get tired to fell.
Herewith he speaks to himself:
« It seems, there will be thirty beats. But it is very well. I am sure, then the boat will turn out more capacious, more wide
and more long. »
And then the ready-witted builder  did not count, how many soniferous blows were there. For him there was  other work: here he  took breath and started to chop off  branches, because the tree toppled over at last.
Now it is necessary to do more difficult work. 
It is time to receive a big deepening with help of the axe in the middle of the trunk, is not it?
But suddenly stones on coast have  started to rustle, to creak.
They have not wanted to lay calmly.
The stones have taken pains to make here just it:  they, having been lumbering,  one behind another have begun to fall down into the river.
And the huge woodblock has wanted  suddenly to slither  from the coast  into stormy waters.
Here already it floats downstream on the mountainous river.
« It is early for my boat to float, - the clever seafarer has solved . - Now it is necessary just to adz  the trunk.  And the big deepening in the middle of my big woodblock must be necessarily. »
However the river was too quick.
He also is fast, but the water  runs away  from mountain, as if a wind:  splashes fly up there, and the joyful rainbow stands up above the stream, above the disobedient woodblock.
« The rainbow is beautiful, - Daru has thought. - But there will be a little of pleasures, if the unfinished boat dexterously will get away from the builder. All right, I will catch it below, just at the sea coast. »
It is always difficult to go  to a top of any hill, because legs start to get tired quickly. When it is necessary to hurry downwards,  it is even more difficult for anyone, who must jump over various stones.
Should  Daru  run downwards all the same?  Yes, however soon he has got tired.   Therefore he has decided to stop,  to take breath.
And the mountainous river … what is it to stop for? There is no time to have a rest. The stream has to be nonstop. It must run downwards, moving stones merrily, rustling strongly.
The river does it, that has to do. The water throws the thick trunk here and there. And  what has the woodblock to do? It should  run off, rescuing itself from beats of greater stones. Here it turns in the stream, as if  not the thick woodblock there floats, but just a greater fish.
What dreams can be here now at this big stump? Probably, it would be very good  to become a tuna or a shark, however… oh, if only the tail would  appear now at the trunk and would help to run off  from these greater stones in the mountainous stream!
In the meantime rural boys have appeared near the river.
They suddenly have seen the swimming big wood stump,  and  these boys straightway have begun to shout:
-  Hey! Tell, where you float to!
Maybe, somebody would stop to chat. But the mountainous river is obstinate. And it seethes violently,  it runs quickly to the sea.
The swimming woodblock has plunged into  salty waves of the island surf, has  turned into… a greater fish.
Now there will be the conversation, why not to talk with these boys?
The fish  is swimming up to the coast willingly: where are they here?
The fish asks:
- Did you shout?
- We did.
- Now I am here. It is necessary for you something, is not it?
Boys stand, reflect. Yes, they need to think.
How can it turn out: there was the thick trunk  of the tree for the boat, and now there is not here any thick woodblock? 
Different thoughts come into minds, when there is not  any trunk, but there is this greater fish.
Why do not boys need to think strongly, if  there is not any wood stump, but there is just the fish, and there is the fish's tail, and the fish bastes by this tail on the water?
No, it is very difficult to understand all these things, if the tail bastes on the water, if the hungry fish opens its enormous mouth and wants to chatter.
They have run to Daru. There, at the sea coast, instead of the greater woodblock is a fish!
It would be desirable  for boys to know:  what is there on its mind, at such greater  fish, such caudate, with such sharp teeth?
As soon as possible they have led Daru down to the sea, and the big fish, who was the thick trunk earlier, was frightened. Having caught sight of the builder  of the boat with his bitting axe, it has  floated away quickly.
It was dangerous to be gabby with  Daru, whose axe was very sharp.
No, it is better to be far away from this seafarer. And the fish has disappeared in waves.
- Well! - Daru has told. - There will be no conversation here.
Boys have taken the interest:
- And what will be then?
- We begin to make a new fish. It should be for us more obedient.
He has found a solid piece of the tree  in the mountainous wood, has created not something other, but has made just the tuna.
Daru has started up this beautiful hand-made tuna into the  river, which has known how to rotate the tree into the different sides to transform  any stump into fish.
He has run behind the floating tuna and has shouted:
- Hey, be obedient! Where are you hurry up to? There is one work for you!
And the river flees quickly downwards to the sea, the fast current twists the piece of the tree strongly.
The wood tuna thinks only about the one: it is necessary to receive any tail, because there are greater stones in the riverbed  and they do not refuse to baste everyone, who is swimming in the water.
The stream has brought it to the sea coast.
Waves rustled here, cormorants shouted,  the salty wind flew freely.
The hand-made tuna has plunged into the foamy surf.
It dived and was enlivened immediately, and the remarkable tail, of course,  appeared at it straightway.
When this beautiful hand-made tuna has become alive,  it has forgotten about the tail and has forgotten, that at all recently  had to shirk from boulders, but willingly  it has recollected about Daru.
It seems, the builder  asked to be obedient.
The tuna, which has received the remarkable tail, has thought: why is someone not to have a talk with Daru? It is no necessity to hasten to float away, it will be better, if to come more close  to the people and to tell something.
Certainly, it has not hastened, and has swum up calmly to the coast, and has told to the builder:
- I am obedient. Speak, what do you want from me?
Daru stands  up near the water, broods on: 
« Boys have run along mountainous pathways to me. And they, probably, have got tired. It will be quite not bad,   if now to offer them a tasty dinner. »
And then he has said to the fish so:
- I am the seafarer and can go out now into the sea, find a shoal of sardines. But it would be desirable to know: how many  forces has the  tuna? Can you  find and drive a shoal of sardines to the coast?
-  Didn't you know, that tunas are capable of all? I have a lot of forces! - the fish has wagged the tail.
As soon as  it has wagged the tail, the tuna has gone immediately far away.
But here boys have seen: suddenly the Greater Water has become to boil.
Waves really  had the right to rage: the huge shoal of sardines  has come to the coastal cay. They were driven by the tuna.
Boys were delighted.
Inhabitants of island were glad all. Why soon have all started here to sing, to dance? Now it was possible to catch fishes so many… how many the fishers have wished.
This dinner was abundant for inhabitants of island,  and it was not surprising, that many of them did not want to dream about the new eating.
Boys ate willingly together with all, herewith did not forget to speak thanks. It is necessary to be sharp-witted and to know words of gratitude, is not it? If you do not say thanks at dinner … oh, it is always the shame!
Nukuty was glad for Daru, but  has not forgotten to tell to the husband:
- There are many sardines. Well! However there is no new boat. When will it be ready?
He has answered:
- It has floated away without my permission. I shall make another …
- But if it again will run away..,  -  Nukuty has begun to reflect.
- Is it without my permission again?!  -  Daru was surprised.
- Well! - the wife liked to do any kindlinesses. - When you continue to make the boat strongwilledly, it is pleasant for me.
Who was gloomy at dinner? Who was dissatisfied? The small quarrelsome old man with white hairs was.
The prey was not great  for him. He  wanted to obtain in the sea much more.
What catch has he wanted to get ?  It seems, the catch should be just such great, how many sardines floats in the sea.
The little old man, this small spider, ate, ate, ate, and then he said, grumbling:
- You can chew  here yours scraggy sardines. But I shall go away.
The grumpy fisherman has not told, where has gone.
But he has gone just to that place, where the river  has  twirled, twisted  woodblocks very quickly. It always forces them to think of a tail, to turn into any fishes, does not it?
- Magic changings of my woodblock  will be much better! - Banks muttered. -  For the present you did not see such mighty fish!
He has broken off a thick long branch, has started up it into the mountainous stream.
The river has carried downwards this slatternly job made of branch, and the water has twisted the long wood piece strongly, and somebody, of course, could become angry with this bad builder.
As soon as this branch has slithered down into the salty sea water, it has been lively immediately, however… when has become lively, it has rushed to eat sardines greedily.
The terrible fish has gobbled up all of them, whom it could. After that it has swum up to the coast.
-  I am the shark. Approach here, the bad builder! I shall eat you.
The little small old man with long white hairs was frightened. He has run off without long talkings to the village.
See, such unpleasant fishes are now here! They can drag you into the deep sea. In this case it will be at all not bad to hide in your rural hut, will not it?
Yes, it should be difficult for the shark  to make its way to the hut of the master of wood affairs.
The wooden piece, this long branch, that became lively and found itself very hungry, can swim,  and swim, and swim… somewhere far away.
In the sea every fish can go here and there, can catch something for a dinner, but this eating should be not Banks.  Therefore it will be better for him without hungry scarecrows to sit calmly in the house.
Here he sits at home… the day, another day…
Who is happy now in the village? Who is pleased, that the shark has dissipated all sardines?
Inhabitants of the island were not going to praise Banks, because catchings became very lean.
Banks burrowed from neighbours very long time.
This cunning one was afraid: they could say something strictly. It could be so strict, that it was better now not to go out from the house at all.
However the sly has got hungry in some days. He has gone out of his hut cautiously, has begun to complain:
-  Didn't you know? It is bad to sit in the corner all time. In any case for me it is so: I am hungry very much!
-  If it is bad for you, do not sit in the corner,  -  neighbours have told, having regretted unlucky Banks.
-  Allow to gnaw something in this case!
Inhabitants of the village have not begun to say strictly with him, but merely they have agreed to feed the little small old man.
Was he a good hand of magic changings? He was not the correct master of wooden works, because the plain long branch became in his hands the shark.
It was possible for his neighbours to say a strict word, certainly, however would it be correctly?
Nothing will be repaired now. There are huge gluttonous sharks in the sea at present.
These large-toothed fishes are always hungry.
They are ready to eat all everything in order that to fill stomach.
The sharks are similar to Banks, who ate at neighbours all, that was there, and further demanded:
-  Feed me better!


The tiny old man has gulped down everything, that has been in hoards at neighbours. When he has demanded addition, they have told to him:
-  Fossick in your house. Maybe, there is something for you to continue the dinner.
-  It is empty at my place.
-  It is empty too in our hoards. Go where you will wish to.
He has come home, has begun to hunt for eating and has not found even a small bone.
Here Banks also thinks:
«If to make a fish on the river…I am clever, and I do not want. Suddenly any scarecrow will drag you to itself for a dinner into the sea. It will be not very good for me, if to abscond  long, during all time».
Clever Banks went to the close seacoast, where it was possible to walk around the sand bar, to hunt for tasty something. Perhaps, there crabs did not disappear for the present.
Here he wanders along the warm spacious lagoon, fossicks at the bottom something for eating.
Herewith the tiny old man has burbled:
-  Is it necessary to walk here? You can be assured, Banks knows all. He is cautious, because remembers about the scarecrow with big teeth. Banks is clever.
Any brisk fishes have swum in the lagoon.
Greater and small birds have revolved, have turned above water, in the sky, have shouted near and in the distance.
The little old man has walked to and fro, has said to himself:
«Somebody  has known, how to tear off this big red fruit, but  another somebody has eaten the fruit. Who is more clever? Someone has made the dexterous tuna, and another someone has hidden dexterously from the shark, which has remained without dinner. No, Daru and Nukuty, I am the cleverest in the village.»
Banks has scared away all small birds. They have risen highly to the sun. And now thoughts were alike at all of them:
«What does the little old man think to make here? It will be better for us, when we will stare into his side and will stare more fixedly. If this time near the coast there will be a fish, similar to a gluttonous shark…oh, it will be not good at all!»
They began to gaze at the man, who would like, possibly, to do again any greater fish with long teeth. Some of them started to fly around Banks and flew herewith assidiously very much.
Small birds have waved by wings quickly and even very quickly.
But, certainly, they have tried to fly over the lagoon slightly higher, than always, and to do circles above the water a little wider, than usually.
Herewith they cheeped anxiously, though it would be desirable for them to be quiet instead of that to squeak loudly.
Also the big birds were discontented. The cormorants rose to the sun much higher, and if they dived into warm waters of the island lagoon for the eating,  took pains to fly again into the spacious blue sky more soon.
What did they shout about?
-  Nge, nge! Be all eyes! I see a good hand of magic changings, but he is not the master of magic affairs at all!
-  Nge! I see the one, who is not a good hand at all. Nge, nge! Whether has he brought with himself a wooden hand-made fish?
Theirs roll-call is very creaky, very loud.
Thus big birds, these deft fishers, look diligently: are visitors going to do here something the bad?
The one, who is to be a good hand of magic changings, but knows only, how to start up just sharks into the sea, the one will be always not very good man, will not it? Birds were anxious not in vain, when flew above the water, shouted shrilly and loudly.
At this time Nukuty has come to the coast of the rivulet. It was there, where the tiny old man received earlier  one greater tasty fruit.  She gathered some water for the supper.
Coming back to the village, she went past the lagoon, saw Banks and told to herself so:
«When this angry man has very good appetite to catch something in the lagoon, birds have the right to worry.»
She came to the village, told to the husband: Banks roamed on the sea coast. He was bad-tempered and very hungry, and there all birds did just it: they began to shout overanxiously.
-  Oh!  -  Daru has exclaimed.  -  Probably, they are right!.
-  What will my husband make?
-  He will continue to make the boat.
-  But, you see, birds are…
-  Yes, it is possible for me to look at…
-  I think, it is necessary just to go to the lagoon and to look at these birds now,  -  Nukuty has told.
-  Then we shall go together.
Nukuty and Daru have gone there, where the birds have shouted excitedly.
What did Banks make in the meantime? He has tried to catch some crab on the coral reef.
Here the heron has arrived to the lagoon.
It was not pleasant for the tiny old man, when the heron began to catch small fishes. The longnosed bird snatched its prey from the water too dexterously.
If to count the catch of this fisher and to count with diligence, there will be no fingers on the hand of Banks.
-  Well!  -  The little small old man has cried out.  -  You think, that I have very many fingers. But it is wrong! I was counting, was counting... And you put me out, because all time you seize and seize small fishes. Soon there will be nothing for me to eat!
-  Excuse me, you have opportunity to move a way off. There is a lot of places to catch any fish on the coral reef, is not it?  -  The heron has said politely.
-  There is a little of fingers on my hand. Therefore go while the going is good!
-  Why is not much fingers, if on your right hand and on another hand there are all fingers?
-  This beef-witted bird gives the prompting to me, how many fingers I have!  -  Banks has become angry.  -  Though there will be six hands at me, all the same you are obnoxious for me. When you will be in my soup, then you will know: to argue with Banks is bad.
«The sharp piece of coral has arrived,  -  the heron has thought,  -  And it seems to me, I should not explain to this man, how many hands are at him.»
It has walked away.
The second gift, not very appetizing, has arrived, and   the heron has begun to run quickly, has begun to wave wings.
The bird has wished to rise more soon in order that to be in the air and herewith to be far away from Banks. But suddenly its leg has got into a coral crevice.
The heron claps by wings, however the trap does not free, holds the poor bird, and how strongly does the snare hold it? There is no possibility to be free here!
Also now it turns out… that is what: the more diligently the heron tears off itself from the corals, the more of any splashes and the fidgety noise are here, in the
Who was delighted with this noise? The shark with large teeth, certainly, was glad very much. At once having been woken in sleepy depth of the sea, it has swum up to the island immediately and has begun to turn near the reef.
«It seems, that I shall swallow someone with pleasure. You can have no doubt, my big appetite has woken up.»
The birds, which were in the sky, rose if not higher, than the sun… in any case, now they were in the considerable hight.
The shark has done one crafty thing: it has started to shout, because these words would be likable for the big birds.
-  Cormorants! You are remarkable fishers! You are very clever! Who else will say to me, why there is this alarm in the lagoon?
Cormorants were not brainless. For this reason they have answered so:
-  You will know from us… nothing!
That, which had greater teeth, thought:
«If you would be clever really, you would want to give me the prompting. And then you would receive from me some tasty piece of food in the award.»
The shark has wagged the tail and has floated away. However it has decided to be close by the reef.
The heron was tired.
It has not claped by wings now. And what thoughts has appeared at the bird?
They were at all not silly:
«Cormorants were sorry for me. What do I need to say after that? It seems to me, they are kind.»
And now the heron takes pains to be hidden: maybe, the enormous fish will float away at all, then it will be possible to get out of the trap gingerly.
But the shark goes around the reef still. It looks at corals and its mouth is open: there sharp teeth are in three rows. Also what do cormorants make now? They, of course, do not hurry up to come to the first row of teeth.
They do not hasten to be in the first row, and in the second, and in the third. For them it will be better, when wings begin to brandish more strongly, elevating everyone above and above. Is not it so?
And it is necessary also to think about the neighbours in the lagoon, is not it?
Cormorants have no such thoughts to be silent about close danger:
-  Nge! Nge! Everyone, who wishes to know, may know: nearby there is the shark, rather thick and artful!
-  Nge! Nge! It is not only artful, but also hungry.
-  Nge! Nge! It is rather thick, rather artful, hungry enough in order that to be very blackhearted. Is it clear to you, inhabitants of shoal?
And it became clear for all, that it was better to glance fixedly to the side of the sea. Even Banks, who did not like to listen to someone's advices, decided to hide.
The cunning one has understood: it will be quite good, if he will hide behind a coco-nut-tree and just will look out cautiously.
The old man stood, having been hidden behind the palm, and did not tire to mutter.
In the beginning his words were proudspirited:
-  Nobody can deceive Banks.
Thereafter he has muttered another something:
-  Banks will think and will make it. If you wish to know, he will not show even a tip of his nose!
But then the tiny old man has thought: maybe, it would be better to run home. This road is well known. Certainly, it is more convenient  to be hidden in the hut behind a mat and there to not show the nose to anybody.
It is the quite good thought.
However what will be then with the long-legged beautiful bird?
Banks  knows, that it is not bad thing also: to bake the prey in coals and  to eat the heron with pleasure.
And he will do it necessarily, because he is hungry. Banks today is more hungry, than the fish, artful thick malicious and very hungry. To tell the truth, he would like to eat now and also to have a lot of eating always.
What else would he like to do now?
He is not against to lead away the boat for himself.
Travellers Daru and Nukuty came to the island on the good boat, and Banks would want to float on it and to strike the big shark by a fish-spear.
Someone does not object, that the prey would be greater. Yes, Banks has always excellent appetite.
But, of course, he will not float nowhere, because the shark, big thick and very hungry, has too big and too sharp teeth.
Here Banks is hidden behind the palm tree and is going to stand there for a long time. He waits, when the big shark with its greater teeth will float somewhere far away.
However it would be necessary to run to the water and to seize the heron as soon as possible. Therefore he has shown his nose from behind the palm tree. The big beautiful bird, to pleasure of Banks, was on the place, in the trap.
On the place there were cormorants: they were in the sky. And the shark did not think to hide its caudal fin: that, high and edgy,  was going there and here near the reef.
Was something new on the coast?
That was what: Daru and Nukuty were near the lagoon, and it seems, they were preoccupied by the shouts of the cormorants.
The wife has looked at the husband:
-  Who does hasten there behind us?
He has answered:
-  The young man does. His name is Taktur.
-  I shall say, who hurries up to follow him close,  -  Nukuty has told.
Daru has asked:
-  Is it the girl there?
-  Her name is Pakua.
Banks has seen: the young man has come running really. His hairs were curly. They were short and curly, as if curls of a bark, of a bark of a palm tree.
And then the girl, whose dark skin was similar to ocean in silent night, came running also.
What has happened there moreover? Two dogs have come tearing along: the first was black, the second was gingery.
The old man has not liked, that Daru and Nukuty have led the boat to the lagoon.
Banks was afraid to strike the shark by fish-spear, but here the seafarers were not in scare at all. They  have gone to the sea to chase the greater fish. Others were not scared too.
Who has remained on the coast now?
Near the water there were just two dogs, the black one and the ginger one, also was the cunning old man, who was very short. Yes, Banks was ruther angry, but at the same time he did not want to protrude his nose far from behind the cocopalm.
The ginger dog has noticed, of course,  the cunning old man.
The black one has seen him too.
What have they made?
Maybe, they would twist by theirs noses. It is possible, the dogs would make just so: theirs ears would rise and would stand apeak. However... why should the dogs do it, if the man stands silently? Anybody can see well, that this man simply props up the tree and does not move almost.
There was no interest to look at him.
Therefore two dogs began to look at the sea. There was something more remarkable in the sea, than the tiny old man near the cocopalm.
To the middle of the day the wind has abated. The gold disk of the sun has started up  patches of light into low waves. It was very cheerful to look at the water.
Yes, waggish patches  of light would be attractive for anybody, but they could not gratify the shark.
That was indifferent: there was no deal  to cheerfully sparkling tops of waves, because the greater fish waited for the prey, hoped necessarily to have something for eating in the lagoon.
It cut the waves by its caudal fin. The shark continued to go obstinately there and here near the reef. It was no need for the fish to borrow patience at somebody.
And for the seafarer Daru it was no need to borrow bravery.
He safely led his boat along the golden solar path, which was laid on the sea water. There was a spear in his hands. He rose it, and now the spear was aimed  at the terrible fish.
The ginger dog has twisted by its nose, has told to itself:
 «I think, the seafarer does not know, how to hit this awful shark. It is exactly.»
Another dog has revolved its black tail:
«Daru is brave and dexterous, he will not miss, certainly. The shark will get something the inedible.»
It would be wrong, if it would come into somebody's mind: these two dogs are similar, as like as two peas. It was useful to remember, that the first one was ginger, and the second one was black.
If it would come into somebody's mind, that they thought always equally, it would be again wrong. Always theirs thoughts were different. Yes, it was so.
Therefore the black one liked the wanderers of the sea, and the ginger dog did not like.
But who would want to be interested in dogs? Everybody could wish, only not the shark. That has seen the boat and has thought… Clearly, the gluttonous fish has wanted to use cunning:
-  Listen, you, in the boat! We are friends, are not we?
There was no answer to cunning words.
The boat has come quickly,  and Daru has not lowered his spear.
Probably, he has known: to be friends of this shark is more, than unwantedly, and then the enormous fish has pronounced words, more wily, more crafty:
-  Let's hunt together. I wish to have dinner in the lagoon too.
-  We do not want to have eating, - the young man has shouted in the answer.
-  We will not have dinner, - the girl has agreed.
-  Certainly, - Daru has told.
-  We have told all to you! - Nukuty has exclaimed.
The gluttonous fish has understood: it will not be possible to outwit hunters.
- Hey, you! Be more cautiously with yours spear, - it has shouted and has floated  away.
However the boat did not lag behind.
As if the wing of a cormorant, the oar flew up in hands of the young man.
Pakua was glad:
- He is the brawny boy, can catch up with the shark. I know.
- It is no doubt , - Daru told,  and  his spear was aimed again exactly there to, where the enormous fish was.
That floated far away more soon, disappeared in the sea, as if the shark was never here.
Cormorants were happy. They flew above the coral reef and informed its inhabitants cheerfully:
- It has turned out very well with the help of Daru. We have won! Nukuty has thought:
« Now it is all right. However the shark can return back. »


The ginger dog twisted its nose discontentedly:
« I thought, Daru will not cope with the fish. If will throw his spear, he will miss necessarily, but… Yes, this seafarer is not pleasant for me. He, at all not having thrown his spear, has banished the shark from the lagoon. Here Banks is pleasant for me. He skulks from the huge fish skilfully, dexterously. And for me always it will be good with such master. »
It has run up to the cocopalm, has begun to wag the tail precatoryly.
The small old man, this little spider, has asked:
- Do you wish to be my dog?
That, happy and  contented, has continued to twist the tail.
- I understand, - Banks has told. -  You can try. Maybe, some day the small morsel of meat will come to you.
In the meantime the heron tried to draw out its leg from the trap.
There were no greater waves. But just the surf has begun, and legs of the beautiful bird have disappeared under water.
The heron began to beseech a fish, which was long, as if the water snake:
- Save me, sargan!
The ginger dog has begun to yelp discontentedly. Banks has looked out, has screamed from behind the tree:
- Do not dare to rescue! The heron is my prey. If you will not obey, I shall catch you! And on my fire I shall fry you!
The ginger one fidgets and squeals joyfully: or it will be a slice of bird's meat for its dinner, or it will be a slice of the sargan, baked in coals.
The sargan has become to reflect. It is possible to help the heron, also it is possible to get on fire.
- I can do, of course, something, -  the fish speaks to the poor bird. And then the sargan sidles away.
The ginger assistant of Banks does not want to bark any more. That tells to itself: 
« My owner has frightened this fish. However, it seems to me, he overdid. If he will leave me without the fish's back, baked in coals … If he will leave me without the soft belly, where bones do not happen almost … If he will force me to go hungry … Then I can take offence. »
And what at this time did Banks think? That was what:
« What did it occur the bad?  Nothing did. And what did it take place for my behoof?» 
The tiny old man, this small spider, has become to mutter:   
- Well!  The heron is in the trap still. If there will not be the sargan on my fire, there will be this big bird. For me, clever and dexterous, it is at all not bad.
The ginger dog has decided to be calm. The assistant of the small old man is quickwitted also, why not? It was not mistaken, when has thought, that to serve to the cunning old man would be better for the clever dog.
Today there will be it, that should happen, and will come to the assistant of Banks though a small piece of the wing, though some tasty bone.
Be assured: the master was not disappointed, and his assistant was happy with the master as always.
At this time a turtle has floated nearby.
The heron has complained to it:
-  I can not get out to the freedom from the snare. Water arrives, and I do not know, how to be now. Help, the kind turtle!
That has thought slowly. 
It reflected exactly so, how it was able: not more quickly, how it was able to creep.
While it has thought, in the sea again the caudal fin of the shark appeared.
- Look! - Daru has told.
- I has not forgotten about the shark! - Nukuty has exclaimed.
- We shall catch up it, - Taktur has promised, having waved the oar.
- Then you should hold the oar confidently, - Pakua has said. 
Yes, the shark has not wished to leave the reef. The gluttonous fish would like to have dinner there, where were  many corals and where was the poor heron in the trap. This hunter was obstinate.
Daru began to threaten the shark with the spear.
Pakua cried loudly:
- There is no need to float here! It will be better for you to leave our lagoon!
In the meantime …. reflections of the turtle were too long, and the heron cried:
- I shall bring  dolphin's teeth to the kind rescuer  for a necklace!
The turtle decided, that  it would be dispensablely to cogitate further. It swam up to the unfortunate bird and  told:
- We should help each other without any gifts.
It has helped the heron to be released. The bird flew more soon far away from the trap.
The ginger dog began to bark from such affliction.
How not to be upset for the clever dog! In the beginning the slice of the fish  disappeared, and  then the slice of the bird's meat disappeared too.
As to cunning Banks, he has become angry.
He has run to the village, and all neighbours have heard from him:
- Go to the lagoon more soon.
- What for? - those were surprised.
- Daru has banished the shark. Sardines have swum up to the coast, now they are there, and I can not tell even, how many sardines are in the lagoon!
Neighbours have not known, that artful Banks has bethought to one cunning thing.
They have gone there, where the sly has said to, have thrown a network into the water.
Here fishers look, but the network is empty, there is only one tiny sargan.
The old man, this little spider, has told:
-  It is necessary to wait for another prey.
Fishermen have started up the small fish into the lagoon and have thrown the network to the water again.
The turtle was seized this time. Was it necessary to release this prey too or not?
Banks has cried:
- This turtle is just necessary for me!
- And what about our sardines?
- Catch them, if you want, but they are not present here. And I shall go home with the turtle.
Neighbours have taken the network, have gone to the village. They have spoken about the little small old man so:
- Here what he is, artful Banks!
- He is too artful!
- If he will beseech, will begin to request eating, at once we shall send the sly somewhere closer to the water. Let him catch sardines, which are not present in the lagoon!
And here the dexterous old man, this little spider, has brought the turtle to himself home.
That lays in a corner, and Banks thinks, how he should prepare the bird's meat for tasty dinner. If to fry the prey simply on the fire, it will turn out not so tasty, how he would want.
It means, how is it necessary to do? It is necessary to make so, that it has turned out cleverly enough and tasty enough.
- Whether to dig a hole in the ground near the house? - Banks has told to the ginger assistant. - There we shall put firewood and shall cover the turtle by leaves then. We shall bake the prey in coals. Is there  a desire to object? To bark?
That, of course, needs the food: the more tasty it will be, the better. The ginger dog has jumped up joyfully and has waved the tail.
Yes, it was happy very much.
- What clever it is, my dog! - the little small old man was surprised. - I think, we are rather alike and will understand each other.
Here his assistant  looked at the hut of neighbours and began to bark. It would not be desirable, if somebody would be invited else to the dinner, would not it?
Banks has told to the ginger dog:
- Do not worry, the clever one. There will not be visitors. It will better for you to guard the prey here.
The tiny old man has gone away, having snickered:
- We will not put off the tasty work. It is necessary to invite rural children. Let them bring firewood and leaves. I shall promise them a tasty dinner. But you, the clever one, do not need to bark. They will not get any eating, because I, sharp-witted Banks,  shall banish all of  them.
Here what crafty he was, this quickwitted old Banks!
He walked off, and the ginger assistant  could afford to think: is the turtle able to rush off to the sea?  What for should the clever dog to guard it? All the same the prey will be  today baked in leaves on the  fire.
The assistant of Banks has told to the turtle:
- It is boring here with you. I do not want even to think, that you will manage to rush off somewhere.
- You are right, - the turtle has agreed. - For me it is difficult work to run and to be hidden.
- Have a rest then here without unnecessary fuss, - the ginger dog has told.
It has told exactly so,  but what has thought herewith about? Its thoughts were, certainly, about eating:
« Daru and Taktur will discover in the sea, for certain, something the tasty for themselves. There is the very good, very fast boat at them. It is necessary for me to hurry up to the coast of the lagoon and to thieve there something! » 
The ginger one, as if incurred by a whirlwind, has run to filch though a slice of prey of the sea hunters.
The turtle reflected, where it was necessary to creep to and how it would be good, if  to creep more quickly.
The tiny old man returned at this time.
He could not find the ginger assistant in the house. Also there  was not it nearby. 
Banks has begun to grumble:
-  I want, that nobody disappeared even then, when for somebody it would be desirable to run away.
The little old man, this small spider, grumbled and dug the hole in the soil.
And children of the village stood and waited, when he will calm down.
When will he end to dig this hole? Probably, it will be not fast. Therefore it is necessary to stand and to look, how he digs soil near his hut and  therewith  grumbles loudly.
At last they have decided to ask:
- We are sorry! Whether should we go to the wood for leaves? Maybe, will it be better at once to have dinner?
The little old man, this small spider, did not want to feed them, but it was desirable for him, that they would  work.
- You are here still. It seems to me, some boys think vainly, that they are very clever. Listen to me, children!  Here I am  the most clever. Go, where you should go to.
- And will the tasty eating be for us here? Is it exactly?
- If you will continue to ask questions, you will receive nothing. But… wait a little! Two boys should remain. I shall  go to bring vegetables for condiment, and here it is necessary to look, that the turtle would not creep away. 
The owner of the hut, certainly, was not against to dig the hole more deeply, also was not against to eat the prey more soon, therefore he hastened to go for vegetables, for yam's tubers.
Excellent seasoning for meat will happen of these vegetables. And really  does not Banks like to eat?
Be assured, he knows, how to make for himself the tasty dinner. And he will make it for himself, but just not for boys.
The ginger dog… this cunning assistant of Banks did not forget, that the small old man was going to bake someone on the fire:
« I have not managed to thieve something at the sea hunters, and now should not I run more soon to Banks? »
More soon it has returned back and has begun to growl loudly. 
If there is a main watchman here, it is the ginger dog!  Just it should get a piece of the baked meat: 
- Go far away, the watchmen-boys!
The dog has begun to bark so spitefully, that they have hastened to go away.
Was there big necessity for small watchmen to be near the turtle? And to argue with this loud assistant of Banks? There was not it now?
Here the heron has arrived.
The beautiful bird could not forget, who was its rescuer, and  did not wish to leave its friends in the misfortune.
- I am capable to dance, -  the heron has told to the ginger dog. -  I think, you  will be not against to look at me and to have fun.
- It is possible, - the dog has answered. - But thereafter I shall eat you.
- It seems, I have to fly away! - The heron has sighed. - And it would be desirable very much for me to dance here.
- What for should you to fly away? Your dance will be interesting for me.
The heron has sighed, as if it has dreamed always to be eaten by ginger dog:
- It is well, that you care for my dance. But really should I  dance without adornments? It will be impossible!
The ginger assistant of the small old man, of this little spider,  has given the yelp from disappointment:
- It means, will nothing be for me here?!
The beautiful bird, which was capable to entertain spectators, sighed again:
- Someone here has banished the watchmen- boys.
- I have!
- Now it is necessary to catch up with them and to tell, that they should recieve at theirs parents immediately adornments. Adornments, which are made of dolphin's teeth.  Catch up with these boys, run  quickly!
The assistant of Banks has escaped, because dolphin's teeth are always necessary for beautiful dances.
The heron has found the poor turtle:
- Carry away your legs more soon!
That has started to run.
It will be better to say, the turtle has gone to the lagoon.
And if to say more simple, this poor one has crept very slowly  to the sea water, where it would be very difficult to catch up with any turtle.
The unkind dog has come running.
It did not manage to catch up with the watchmen-boys, but the ginger one, of course, was capable to get into the house nearby, to filch at neighbours  the adornment. The adornment, which was made of  dolphin's teeth.
- Hey, the heron! Try to dance! Or I shall eat you immediately!
- Who does not dance here? I try  already, - and the bird, having put on the adornment, has begun to wave its wings.
Also it has jumped up highly, has turned dexterously and has sung loudly:
- All is good. All is fine! Kerem-bae-bae!
The beautiful kind bird danced diligently, and the turtle too tried to make it, that was necessary to do: the poor one overcame, though hardly, a stone on the road.
Thereafter it has done another difficult work,  has overcome another stone.
The dancing rescuer understood: the turtle should have a rest from time to time. Otherwise the poor one will be tired so, that it will settle down to sleep a little straight on the road.
- Do not worry, - the heron sang. - Have a rest a little, and then you can overstep  the third stone!
The ginger dog has put ears upright:
- Your song is not bad. But are stones necessary for dance? I like palm trees. Behind them it is more convenient to be hidden, when you wish to steal something tasty at these sea hunters, Daru and Nukuty. Hey, why do you sing about stones?!
The ready-witted heron continued to dance and to sing, not getting tired to prompt the poor turtle, where to creep to:
- Your road has to be just such: by the big palm trees  and further straight to the Big Water.
The turtle, certainly, heard all, understood all. Step by step it came nearer to the seacoast.
And if herewith it puffed... that not because it could not overcome a new stone. It puffed only because the poor one tried very well to obey, and crept, crept, not stopping. When Banks has returned, he has not found his prey.
Nobody, except for the ginger dog, was near the house.
That, having put on the adornments of dolphin's teeth, has danced.
The spectacle of the singing bird has bored to the dog. How much long  could the spectator look and listen to the silly song of the heron?
The assistant of Banks has taken adornments of the silly bird, and now jumped up, turned, howled. What did the ginger one sing about?
- The most good song is not about stones. It is about cocopalms always! Because  it is convenient to be hidden behind trees!
Banks has become angry:
- Run away  and be hidden. Otherwise someone will receive from me the good present… by  this stick.
Being hidden from the stick behind a palm tree, the ginger dog, which could not be the good watchman, continued to howl.
What was there the song now about? 
- Now I would be not against to filch any slice. A slice of the prey of the sea hun-ters. It is desirable, that this slice would be more tasty, than the present of my strict master. Another dog could hear, how the ginger one howled, but the black one did not hurry up  to howl just thus, and it thought about Pakua so:
« If someone will go fast to my owner Pakua … If will want to filch the dinner,  which she prepared for Daru, Nukuty and Taktur … What shall I  make?... Probably, it will be necessary to argue with someone. »         


Taktur looked at the girl.  That gave dinner to the guests, the sea wanderers Daru and Nukuty. And therewith the young man thought so:
- She is dexterous, our Pakua, whose hairs, already dried up from sea water, became fluffy!   
Yes, sometimes the young man reflected not only about it, what fishes swim  in the lagoon.
And what did the girl  think?
She looked at Taktur and told to him:
- I am glad, that Daru has managed to banish the shark. 
Taktur has exclaimed:
- I am glad too! Let's arrange now a holiday.
- Well! - Daru told to the wife. - But really after hunting for the shark should I dance now?
Nukuty told:
- We begin to dance with Pakua.
- I shall dance too! - Taktur cried.
- All right, - Daru told. - But I also will have a quite good employment.
- What? - Nukuty asked.
- It will be good, if I shall tear off a coconut from that high palm tree, which stands on the coast.
- Try, - the wife agreed. - Then all  we shall drink the coconut milk after dancing
All inhabitants of village have taken part in the holiday.
They sang, that the lagoon without the shark with big teeth is better, than the lagoon with the shark. Therewith they danced, of course, and pommeled into drums very loudly.
As well as the dancing islanders, rural children loved coconut milk, but even more they liked to blow into greater sea cockleshells.
Certainly, all of them did not get tired to blow.
And those, which had  rattles,  diligently rattled on  theirs wooden instruments, also they encouraged the dancing men and  women by shouts.
What did cormorants make at this time?
One of them has turned, has revolved diligently above the coral reef.
It stared: where is the ginger dog here?  Whether does the cunning one  stand somewhere behind the coconut palm? 
This dog was capable very well to be hidden behind trees on the coast. The ginger one is always ready to have dinner by any bird, which will get in a trap, or by an unwary turtle.
This cormorant was sharp-sighted.
However it could not see well the dog, which was always hungry, as its eternally hungry owner Banks. The ginger one was not visible!
Some sharp-sighted cormorants by the way are very curious. Therefore they are ready to look not only at palm trees and not only to search for ginger dog, also  they are not against to look at the boat of Daru in the lagoon.
It would be desirable  to them, inquisitive, to know:  has Nukuty made this sail just … was it made of fibres, really of fibres of a palm bark?
And here already the cormorant sits on the mast of the boat. The one sits, who  is both sharp-sighted, and very curious.
It considers the sail: she is dexterous woman, this Nukuty! The strong sail  was made of usual fibres!
At this time did the ginger dog continue to sing its hungry melody near house of Banks?
No, it has stopped to howl.
The ginger one solved, it would be more useful to come running there, where the holiday was, and to seize somebody  for a heel.
Otherwise you will continue your songs all the day, and it will not be correctly then here. Probably, anybody will  not look at your side.
The ginger dog was now more close to the cheerful circle of the dancing inhabitants of  the village.
Here it shows its teeth, reflects, whether it is time to seize Pakua, the owner of that dog, which loves to argue.
It is necessary to do, because this girl  helped to banish the shark, and if it was so… It is necessary to force her: she should give a hand to seize the turtle again!
Taktur has seen the ginger dog, has told  the black one:
- Hey! Look! The ginger one shows its teeth. It seems, here someone is going to snap somebody. Or is it not so?
The dog, whose owner was Pakua, thought:
« The teeth, assuredly, are good. They are big very much. There is a lot of teeth at the ginger one, and they are very sharp. But is it necessary now to bite? For me… it is possible to argue on this account. »
The black one went there to,  where the ginger dog showed its teeth,  and  said with archness:
- At you the teeth are long, however legs are short. It seems to me, you are not able to run quickly.
- See, what dog here is clever! But really I am clever, and you look silly.
-  Let me argue, that I shall be the first...  for example, near the boat!
- Should we race with one another? What boat do you speak about? - The assistant of Banks asks.
- The cormorant sits on the mast. It admires the sail. Do you see the boat of Daru? 
- I have to run. It is immediately! 
The nosy bird sees: two dogs rush to the coast. Only paws of each appear for a moment, and grains of sand fly out to the different sides.
What did the cormorant think about?
It would be possible to think, certainly, about especial something. 
However here the thought appeared suddenly: certainly, it was not pleasant to the dogs, that somebody  examines the sail.
The сormorant waved wings, flew more soon away. And to the bird it was a little insulting:
« They have regretted this mat! Anything of the terrible one did not happen. Did the nosy cormorant create really this small hole? It was earlier there. »
The sharp-sighted and inquisitive bird has started to turn, to revolve again above the lagoon.
Then  it  has settled down on the top of the big palm tree. The cormorant has decided to look: will be some interesting things further there?
And, of course, something especial has happened near the water.
Dogs have come tearing along, they have run just to the boat of Daru, and the ginger one has told  to the black one:
- You  are the first. But the stone under my paw has got to me, I have stumbled over it.
- You have stumbled. But I am not guilty. Is it correctly?
- It will be correct, if we shall run further now. For example, up to that rocky cape. I shall become the first then. Is it clearly to you?
The sharp-witted cormorant  is astonished, looks at the dogs: they run along the island very quickly, very diligently.
Here they rushed near the boat of Daru, but here start simply to fly around the huts, covered by palm leaves.
All roofs shuddered, when suddenly the whirlwinds of these dogs came nearer. Then the bird shuddered  also and asked the question to itself:
- And is it impossible to run more silently on the island at us?
Eventually the black fast dog has stopped, has told:
-  We have laid the wager. It seems, I have lost.
The ginger dog has exclaimed:
- Were really not fast legs at me?! Yes, I have won!
- You have won, - the reckless wrangler has agreed.
And the black one, quiet and happy, has run to the Pakua. Nobody will bite the beautiful and kind girl. It is very good, is not it?
When dances have terminated, Pakua and Nukuty have received milk of coconuts, as Daru has promised.
Then women have gone to Banks. Who does sit at home alone? The little small old man-spider does. He, probably, is angry and hungry.
Maybe... is the help necessary to him?
That looked at the burnt down firewood near the hut. Merely to look at coals was boring for him.
Therefore he talked to himself:
- See, how many ashes are here! What is it to me for? Here the turtle … just a slice of meat, baked in leaves, does not happen superfluous! Is it correctly or not? In my opinion it is very correctly.
Nukuty has told:
- The old mat lays in your house. Probably, it is inconvenient for you to sleep on such litter. If you want, I shall weave some new mat. It should be created  of cottony fibres of a palm bark, should not it?
Banks has grumbled:
- Woman! You are very big-eyed. Who did invite you here? Go away!
- The small old man! - Pakua has decided to say. - We wish you well. Do not become angry.
- Let's kindle a fire, - Nukuty has offered. - It is possible to weld vegetables on fire.
Pakua has told:
- Banks! You will have supper and will be happy.
He has jumped, has cried:
- The girl, whose leather is dark, as if the sea in silent moonless night!  Listen to me! Remain for ever in my hut. You will be my wife. And then I shall become happy.
Pakua has objected:
- I cannot be your wife.
- I think, you should understand, that Pakua have no wish to be your wife,  -  Nukuty has told to the small old man-spider.
He has become angry very much. His long hair have started to fly and to wave to the different sides, as if seaweeds, when sea inflow begins to bluster near the coast of the island:
- All kinds of people come home to me. There is a little of sense here from them!
In the evening there was no baked meat, no baked vegetables in the hut of the old man. You want or do not want, but it will be always for you very dumpishly to sleep, when the  stomach is empty.
Night has come.
What has Banks made? He has lain down on his old mat and has tried to sleep. However no sleeping was at him. Only hungry ideas were. Yes, it is necessary to tell, that at him there was very big desire to get up and immediately to have supper, to have a hearty meal.
The darkness has become more dense.
Banks was down on the mat still without any sleeping.
He has thought the night thoughts and has thought so strongly, as if there has come light day:
« It is bad, that dexterous Daru and big-eyed Nukuty have appeared in the village. Without them this girl Pakua would become my wife already today. I would take pains! »
The tiny old man-spider was very unkind in the morning. And hardly the sun has ascended, he has jumped, has found the lean tail  of  the small sardine, has begun to gnaw round the bone.
What was further with  that bony tail? Banks has thrown out it, has not he?
Naturally, he has thrown out the bone, lean and gnowed round, but  soon, of course, has found the small gnowed round tail near the hut. What has the little small old man made this time with it ?
He has made the same, that he has done  with the bony tail earlier: has started to gnaw it.
He had breakfast long, very long , but thus, certainly, he remained very hungry, such hungry, as if  had not breakfast at all.
Here Banks sits near the fire, already fireless, with almost cold coals and ashes. And what does he  see? A small snake creeps out of a coconut shell.
It gnaws the tail of gnowed round sardine.
And then … It was alike, the snake ate a crumb, such tiny, that you could not notice by eye… Anyone hardly would be thick from  tiny refreshments… However this guest has become thick in a moment.
Yes, before it  had time to climb into the shell of the coconut, it, hungry and fast, has started to get thick. The shell did not sustain, though was rather firm, and it cracked.
« Oh! - The snake thought. - It is necessary to apologize, if my appetite seemed too big to the small old man-spider. Is it really possible to have breakfast without the permission of the owner of the hut here? »
It has apologized hasty, but, certainly, has thought: in local village it is possible for everybody to have a lot of eating.
Yes, it reasoned just so and  therewith said so to itself:
-  All is very well! There is possibility to be thicker and to regain my health, as they say.
Banks has understood, that the snake was not silly. Also he considered himself clever  enough to take the small guest and to put it in the basket.
- I can carry you to the eating.
He has taken his basket, has put into it the small snake and has gone to Daru and Nukuty. Just there to, where  was theirs hut.
- I know, you are very clever snake. Now you will see a lot of meal. You should eat all, that will be there. And then you will become much thicker.
Cunning Banks thought so:
«The seafarers were, were… Now they will be never on my island, because this snake is very hungry… I shall go then to Pakua and shall tell to her: it is necessary for you to be now my wife! And she will be afraid. She will not refuse. No doubt, I am the most clever on the island!»
The little small old man-spider bears the basket, hurries up. 
The ginger dog is running after.
If Banks goes with his basket, it is necessary for the assistant to be near, is not  it? The owner will not forget to share with his dog some prey. Is it correctly?  It is correctly!
Near the hut of Pakua the black one has laid, has not slept, fairly has guarded the house.
It has seen, that the ginger dog  has run somewhere.
- Oh! - Without thinking twice, the sharp-sighted dog has told to itself. - It is necessary to have a look. Where has the ginger one directed its legs to? Whether will not it be necessary to argue again with this dog?


Dwellers of the village slept still. But Banks was afraid, that somebody will notice him with the basket, therefore  the little small old man-spider went by bushes along kitchen gardens on the quiet.
Having approached to the needed hut, he has hidden the basket in bushes and then has  told to the snake:
- What will you do,  when will get a good eating?
- I shall become big, - that has answered.
- It is correctly. However you should become very big.
- All right, - the snake has agreed. - But I love meat. From tasty meal I grow more quickly. I want to eat then more and more, more and more…
- I am not going to argue! - Banks has told. - On the contrary I shall search for something tasty, because you  should grow, should become thick. It will be  very good, if you will wish to eat all here more strongly, more strongly, more strongly …
- But then I shall want to eat even more! I can swallow…
- What clever snake is in front of me!  - Банкс has exclaimed. - I like you, because you are not silly.
- Also I have very good appetite, have not I?
- I like you very much, because you will not refuse from any food!
- I am glad, that you have the sincere respect for my appetite.
They talked politely near all these houses of the village, where seafarers had a rest. So they talked and talked, being hidden in these dense bushes, and at this time the ginger dog jumped and started to jump impatiently around of them: maybe, will something profitable come to me here?
Banks has promised:
- You will receive everything, that you will wish, but only in that case …
- In what case will it be? - The ginger one has taken the interest.
- It is necessary to be the good assistant.
And now could the clever dog not to try to be the good assistant?! It has tried: has recollected, that local men have caught a wild pig recently.
- Food had sufficed here for all then. And now it is possible to go and to look: is there something for the snake in old pots on the kitchen garden? 
- Pots with leavings of the food! Oh, for me it would be the holiday! - The snake has exclaimed. - I shall start at once to grow very quickly.
And where is there another dog, very black and very sharp-sighted, at this time?
It creeps on the sly to the bushes, hears these conversations about the pots and about the food, and the black one thinks preoccupiedly :
« What for will  someone go secretly along another's kitchen gardens? It seems to me, bad business is conceived here! »
The black one waits: will some strange things be further in addition to pots?
Further just it was, and it was so. Banks has told to the ginger assistant:
- Go, my obedient dog! You can look, that there is in pots. Now we shall feed this snake, and it, always very hungry, always with big appetite, will help me. The obstinate girl Pakua will not argue with me then, she will be the wife of clever Banks.
That has begun to wag his tail  joyfully, as again has won confidence of the owner.
Here the ginger dog goes,  sidles along the bushes, and what  does suddenly see?  The black one, sprightly and vivacious, jumps out towards to it:
- I want to argue with you, that in the lagoon there are many flying fishes today!
- Yesterday they were not there.
- But all has changed.
- These flying fishes are there! Do they jump out of water today all the time?
- They jump out, then fly by air. After that they all  are down suddenly on the coral reef. Without effort they can be caught. If you will not be too lazy, you will have any eating as much as necessary. For today, for tomorrow and … I know, you are in fact not only the very fast dog, but also very dexterous. Never you will refuse  to hunt on the coral reef,  when fishes fly by air. Do I speak correctly?
The ginger dog was delighted:
- You are right. It is necessary to run more soon to catch this good eating!
The black one has thought:
« To run?  As much as necessary! Though all this day we will run here and there, here and there! »
The dogs have hastened to the lagoon.
When they came tearing along there, on the coral reef nobody was. No, clouds floated above water, and the wind blew above foamy tops of waves, but no meal flew above corals.
- We are here, and our fishes are not present! – The assistant of Banks has cried.
- It has turned out interestingly, - another dog has agreed.
- What is it interesting here?! - the ginger dog was surprised.
- The shark has come. Fishes have looked at it and have disappeared.
- Have they exhaled in the air, as if a cloud?
- They have flown up cheerfully, also cheerfully have departed from the lagoon to the sea. All of them have flown through corals and further have floated far away from this shark with big teeth.
The assistant of Banks has thought and has told:
- I do not see anything cheerful! 
-  Do you know, what sharp teeth  there are at the shark? You would cheer up so strongly: you would go quickly through the sea. You, very speedy, would run through all seas!
What has the ginger dog to do, if there were greater teeth at the shark, if the flying fishes speeded away through all seas.
Now it was necessary to recollect about pots for Banks. Who should search for them? The order was just to the ginger dog, and it, having caught nothing, went back.
In the meantime the cunning small old man waits for his assistant.
But the ginger dog was not present.
It is necessary now for Banks to creep along the kitchen gardens, to search for pots with the leavings of eating. Otherwise the snake will not grow at all.
In the end  Banks has found it, that he searched. It was the pot, which smelled at all not bad.
The cunning old man has glanced into this vessel: there were neither meat, nor bones in the crockery.
He began to look through pots ... one, another... 
But here one of them has slipped out of his hands, has fallen on the ground. It has happened then... The pot has fallen and has got broken, the crockery has scattered: just loud pieces have begun to ding.
Banks was frightened of noise. He has run far away,  has hidden in vegetable beds in the kitchen garden.
Somebody, of course, waked up in the next hut. The little girl, wich was the sister of the girl Pakua, went out to look: what did it happen with pots, why was it a lot of noise?
Nearby in bushes the basket with the snake has leaped to the her eyes.
The little girl was surprised, told:
- There was a noise! It seems to me, you have beaten all pots at neighbours. It would be desirable to know, what you made it for.
- Bring  for me something to eat, - the snake has answered. - Then I shall say.
The little girl has run to the elder sister: there someone asks for himself the breakfast.
The elder sister has brought  refreshments, and the snake has eaten a piece of meat. Then the snake has grown big. 
Certainly, now it would be necessary to declare loudly about big appetites, that the hungry snake has hastened to do:
- I need, the beautiful girl, to eat you. I am sorry,  but my appetite is very big, and I can not abstain from the further breakfast, you should understand.
- Is your appetite greater?  Is it big, as if you are now? -  Pakua has asked.
- Understand, that I  am now huge, and it is necessary for me  to have a lot of meal. If you will run away … if the appetite will order to me … then it will be difficult for me to abstain … and then I shall eat all of them in your hut.
The mother of the girl, the father of the girl, not having known anything, slept in the hut.
It was clear, they would not escape, and  Pakua told so then:
- I thought, and it became understandable for me, that to run away would be absurdly, but would be better to go to put on the adornment and to dance for you before the breakfast.
The snake has told:
- Look there, do not deceive me. If you will not come back, then I shall eat all in the village necessarily , also I shall beat pots by reason of rage. I want  to have breakfast, and for you  it is better to not argue with my appetite.
The girl has gone to put on her adornment.
Here the black one,  the same dog, which was enough fast to be in time everywhere,  came tearing along.
Pakua has seen it, has thought:
« Probably, it would be better for me to see now Daru and Nukuty. They know, what it is necessary to do, when the shark appears in the lagoon. Really do not seafarers know, what it is necessary to make, if the hungry snake appears on the island? I can dance long, and while I dance here, they will help me, certainly. » 
The girl told to her dog quietly:
- Go to Daru. Tell, it is the morning now.  Now,  in the early morning, Pakua will put on her adornment, will dance.
Her dog has woken seafarers:
- The morning is early. Now Pakua will put on her adornment, will begin to dance.
- Hear! - Daru has exclaimed. - The morning! 
- Certainly, - Nukuty has said. - The morning is early. Should  dances and adornments be now?
- It is necessary to go there to, where there are these dances and Pakua, -  the husband told to the wife.
- Really is something else to be for us? - the wife was surprised.
- Dog,  you run quickly. Help! Hurry up to Pakua! - Daru has told.   
- We shall be quickly also! - Нукути has shouted to the dog, which has run away immediately.
Why has the black one rushed off obediently to the girl? Clearly, it needs to obey only its owner. But when someone respects for seafarers, someone obeys here too. Really is it not so?


The little small old man-spider had no objections to stay all the day in the kitchen garden among vegetable beds.
Yes, someone, greater and awful, did not promise to swallow all in the village at once and without conversations. However this someone did not object to have the breakfast with all his might.
If here some will start to swallow all by reason of rage …
If the snake has promised to become angry,  it will fill, certainly, the huge stomach very densely. And Banks will not take refuge then.
Oh, it is unpleasant enough!
It is simply badly, when someone wishes to take you and to devour, as if you are ordinary a small pig.
And what is Banks to do now?
It is not late to take stalks of a pepper-plant  and to be covered under them more reliably, is not it? Yes, the little small old man-spider has decided to make so, because it will be difficult for someone to creep under such heap and there to hunt for Banks.
For example, the snake will manage to do it,  but then it will not abstain, will sneeze repeatedly.
Probably, the snake will sneeze... time, another time... … Certainly, in the end it will  be blasted. Then Banks will get out of the heap and will be glad.
Here he sits, therewith does not feel contented, is not pleased at all, but tries not to move. The little small old man-spider takes pains not to sneeze and even not to breathe.
But if nobody moves among the garden beds and does not breathe at all, how can the dog notice the cunning one?  The ginger dog would like very much, for example,  to have a talk with the clever owner. Who else should tell to Banks  about flying fishes in the lagoon?!
It has come running, has started to search for its owner, however... Where is he now  in the kitchen garden?
The ginger one has seen suddenly a tuft of the white hairs.
They were sticking out of the heap of pepper stalks. And it was here... Yes, it was just the cunning  little old man.
When the assistant of Banks has caught sight of the owner, it has begun to jump joyfully.
And as soon as it has found out him, at once it has started to speak: I an not guilty. The owner should excuse his assistant, because it was promised to the dog a lot of meal there in the lagoon. Much more eating, than it was possible to find in pots of the kitchen garden.
- Someone has promised, but it has turned out, only tiny crabs have creeped on the seacoast. There was nothing to take and to eat.
Banks has murmured in fright out of the heap:
- You are the unreliable assistant. Leave alone! However… You can look, of course: what does the snake make there? For me it would be interesting to know something about this hungry one.
The unreliable assistant, which has wanted more quickly to become reliable, has looked there, has looked here.
Also it looked there to, where... there was the hut of Pakua.
Did it, obedient and fast,  see something  very interesting?
There someone has opened the greater mouth. Yes, the thick snake had the mouth, big enough. This hungry one had such mouth, of course, just in order that to open it widely, to creep to the hut of Pakua, to be going to swallow the girl, who has put on her best adornment.
The little small old man-spider has murmured again:
- It would be desirable to know, what kind of interesting things are there.
- I see the owner of another dog, of the black one. It seems to me, some are going to have breakfast.
- All right, I shall sit among the pepper stalks, while someone will have breakfast. And who is going to have breakfast?
- I think, for the snake it is the right time … to eat. Its mouth is open, and this mouth is rather big.
Banks has sneezed and has puled in fear:
- Sorry, I am not guilty!
Where is Banks now? He is unvisible. The cunning old man has hidden, and now even the white tuft of his hairs has disappeared fully.
His assistant has thought:
« Banks wishes to sit in the heap of pepper stalks. He does not mind to hide  better. It is possible for him, of course, to get through the heap deeper. And then all is to be very well for Banks. Is it correctly?  He thinks, it will be correctly. Oh, it seems to me, I have here decidedly the sharp-witted owner, very clever! »
Having thought so, it has asked such question to itself:
« Will it be superfluous, if I shall help the girl? »
It was necessary to answer, if this strange question suddenly appeared.  The assistant of the cunning old man  has hastened to find such answer:
- It would be too hardily.
Then the ginger dog has decided to lay down near the heap, to lower ears and to hide its nose into paws.
Certainly, it was impossible to lay near the heap of pepper stalks and not to sneeze.
At once the ginger one has sneezed... time, another time...
Also what has the tiny clever old man made then? He has given tongue from the heap of pepper stalks immediately:
- It seems to me, here someone sneezes out of spite to clever Banks. Go away, the unreliable assistant!
The ginger dog has begun to revolve its head to all sides. It has understood, that it would be better now for the quickwitted dog to get just there to,  into depth of the bushes, far away from the pepper heap, from Banks and from the very hungry snake.
It has started to creep away, having twisted by its tail. And, certainly, the black one, the dog that has hastened to girl Pakua, has stopped, has told into the depth of swinging bushes:
- If there someone creeps for help to the snake, I can advise to leave away more soon. Otherwise I shall bite!
The ginger dog speaks immediately:
- It is not some necessity to bite me. I am ready to whisper, that the very hungry snake is going to eat the girl. Do you wish to be the breakfast for this snake? You should run away more soon!
The ginger one thought, that another dog will listen to it, and then they together will disappear more soon to be far away from the village. But the black one does not wish to listen to advices, does not hasten to disappear, and what does this unobedient one make?
It hastens there to, where  was  the hut of Pakua, and where the girl was dancing  obediently in front of the snake. The black one comes running to  this thick snake immediately to seize the long tail.
That has hastened to say, to give the explanation:
- Listen, the dog! You have come running from afar, have jumped out of the bushes to us. And, certainly, you do not know, it is impossible to bite me.
- Why? - The dog was surprised.
- I shall cease to grow.
- It is very good!
The sharp teeth of the dog, which was very black and very unobedient to displea-sure of the hungry one, have seized again the tip of the tail.
- What do I tell to you?! - The snake has cried.
- I have the idea, - the dog has answered. - Now also I know all, that you can speak further.
There came hard times for the very hungry snake. This black one was not only very black, very disobedient, but also  it was very obstinate to displeasure of that one, which was able here to have the breakfast very densely.
Yes, the dog, which had the correct idea about this snake, answered just so and  started the teeth again.
-  What's the matter?!  What is not understandable for you?!  If you will bite me, whether will it be necessary for me at once to become small? Be sure, I shall be just tiny in such a case. The shell of a coconut, not something else, will be my house again.
- Very well, I agree. With all my pleasure or without any pleasure, but I shall agree to meet you ever in the shell of  a coconut!
- Go away, the dog, too disobedient and too obstinate!
They have started to revolve, to whirl on the place: one of them has flown to another again and again, and another has tried to evade.
- Now Daru and Nukuty will come, - the dog, such obstinate, has promised. - You  will feel itself very uncomfortably. Creep more quickly from here.
The snake, which did not have time to lose  its appetite, continued to baste by the tail to all sides:
- I shall not leave the village, because I have to receive my breakfast.
But meanwhile winners are not present still, and what is it possible to see...for example, for the assistant of Banks? Near one hut there are a lot of disputes, also any bustle and shouts.
It has decided to disturb the owner in the pepper heap. Probably, it will be interesting for him to hear from the ginger dog, that the black one disputes with the snake, impedes  to have breakfast.
The cunning old man still sat in the pepper heap, did not show even a small tuft of white hairs.
Interesting things … they were present. No doubt, they were in the story of the ginger dog. However there was doubt: whether is it necessary for him to show  his nose from the depth of the heap, if the dispute near the kitchen garden is too hot?
Having cogitated, Banks has thought up such thing … very artful thing.
Really is he not capable to think up something necessary? Who does know better, that is necessary for the little small old man-spider?
He has tried, has reflected and has thought up one cunning. It was necessary now for him to be … Yes, Banks has thought up something and has ordered:
- The ginger dog! I shall sit  still here. But if  the black one will manage to beat the hungry snake, you will tell then to the father of the girl …
- To speak with the father of Pakua? What words have to be said?
- You will tell to him: just Banks has given help, has sent dogs here. The father of the girl should understand, that your owner is the winner here. Who is the most provident in the village? It is he, your owner, clever Banks. Therefore today he has the right, that the girl Pakua would be his wife.
In the meantime the black brave dog, which was stouthearted and sharp-witted also,  wished to tell also something to the debater, which was going to have breakfast very densely:
- I see the seafarer Daru. He hastens here  with the greater spear. He has banished the very big shark  from the lagoon recently. I suppose, now his greater spear will help to him also to debate strongly with the very big , very hungry snake.
The snake has ceased to hiss,  to beat by its tail to all sides, it has creeped quickly to the bushes far away from the sharp spear of the brave seafarer Daru.
- My appetite has gone away. And now I need to have a rest somewhere in a silent place.
What does the black vigilant dog see? The thick snake creeps away, its head is in bushes already. However the tail has not hidden yet. It is possible to seize  more strongly the tip of the tail at this cunning one, is not it?
The black one has seized the tail of the snake, and then this brave one has taken pains to pull, to pull. The tip of the tail has come off.
The snake became small again.
It was now such tiny, that its hause will be just in the shell of a coconut henceforward.


Did the ginger dog speak with the father of the girl?
It has not forgotten the insistent order of the little small old man-spider, has told to the father of Pakua all in accuracy. Everything, that was ordered by Banks, very clever  and cunning.
Maybe, the dog wished to receive here some tasty refreshments, however  it was possible also, that the ginger one was afraid of its owner, did not want to be disobedient.
Anyway nobody has believed to it:
- Your story would be interesting, however all your sight here is … it would be better for you to be here less wily.
-  I am the cute dog, sharp-witted very much and fleet-footed!
- You can be more speedy or less speedy, but Pakua will become the wife of Taktur. Sorry, but they want to be…
- Will they be the husband and the wife necessarily? However Banks, very sharp-witted and very cute, he is the bridegroom more good, is not it?
Nukuty has exclaimed:
- It is not so!
Daru has said:
- You are right, my wife.
The father of Pakua has agreed:
-  Certainly!
The girl and the young man have listened to all of them politely, and then Pakua has told so:
- Where is Banks now? In my opinion he is hidden at home, is afraid of thick hungry snake still. If he is such clever, still he can sit there, where sits.
The wedding has turned out cheerful. All were happy.
And if the cunning old man has been dissatisfied, having remained without the wedding entertainment … Let him ask, how  he has appeared suddenly in the pepper heap.
What was further there, on this small island at the big ocean?
Seafarers Daru and Nukuty have wished inhabitants of this island of good luck and have floated. Where to?
They have left on the Big Water far away anywhere.
There are many islands at the ocean. There people like to dream about happiness also. And if seafarers help people to find it, they are right, have the right to swim freely under the fast sail to various islands at the ocean.
It is good for all. It is correctly.
The wind blew strongly, but cormorants flew long behind the boat of the wanderers and shouted:
- Hey! Your boat floats very well, does not it? Happiness to you, the kind seafarers!
