jokes of my fortune

jokes of my fortune.
Нет, точно подначивает повториться, устоять невозможно::

You know... Эта,.. Вообще-то,.. I am from Diamond satellite, Peace-World District, Yakutia-Sakha. Moved to Lucky satellite, lived on the street Gagarina, studied at the school named after Tereshkova. When I was about 8 years old we hade nuclear explosion 3-7 kilomitres from our Lucky satellite. I am graduated from soil-science/pedology faculty of MSU, my lovely subject of soil-science is -- soils on Eternaty Frost.  When I studied at sociology faculty of MSU postgraduate I worked at Institute of Space Research department of Demos-Internet, formed by nuclear researchers of Kurchatov Institue. My husband and child were interested to visit our office at Space Resear Institute but office-manager Irane Koroleva was sad to tell me after  some investigation and consaltences, that children are not allowed to go in the Institute of Space Research. -- jokes of my fortune. am I -- was I a MADENGER??  "Моя жизнь как полифония -- старые темы повторяются с новой силой" -- Tomsk? Nothing about space and diamonds for sure!! -- Better go to look for the job to Akademgorodok -- right away happened to go to Institute of Atmospera Optic -- right a way suggestion to work as modelling -- of what modelling?? of Atmosphera?? increadble interesting but far from where I live to go work every day.

Вот, не знаю, как в двух словах охарактеризовать то, что в моей судьбе своеобразно -- "духовные рефлексы" достаточно хороши у меня, всегда что-то интересное/необычное притягивает даже в скучнейшей кажется окружающей социальной среде.
