100s law low per day

it was in some persona deputat discribing -- "oh, she is great worker, she is writing 100 law(low) per day" -- what is this, ... bad words just on this situation.
"сто законов в день пишет" -- и интервью с этой "тупящей бабой". Мы тоже "тупим":: тогда как это возможно в реальности "не знание законов не освобождает перед ответственностью перед ними".

it was not my choice to be mentally sick but looks like it's a "present of fortune" in such a 100s law/low per day. Of cause -- we were told that low/law is starting when it is published in rg.ru -- but, can we live and exists if it changes with such напористость -- stupid --.

finally from this 100s law/low per day we got just this:: Мудрые мысли, цитаты, фразы, ok.ru.jpg
