tales, eng


Fairy-tale "ALUMINIUM"

Aluminium was among chemical elements the God of balance, equilibrium, harmony. Typically elements, dissolved in water, forms either alkali (like soap but concentrated they are dangerous for life) or acid (also dangerous for life when concentrated).
Aluminium is Amorphous and behaves both like alkali or acid when dissolved in water. As far as Aluminium is third after Oxygen and Silicon in natural occurrence, Aluminium helps natural organisms have balance in Earth between alkali and acid. All reaction in world goes until they reach balance and too much difference from balance makes organism sick. Aluminium defense and supports balance for Earth' organisms and their Environment.

Aluminium contains almost in any rock. But it was not easy for people to learn how to extract it. When they started extract Aluminium in 19 century it was expensive thus much - people made jewelry from Aluminium. People started to extract Aluminium in huge amount only ~beginning of 20-th century.

They say Aluminium was known as metal in extreme antiquity and one Inventor brought to a sovereign the Aluminium-bowl which looked like a silver-bowl. Sovereign was frightened very much and issued an edict to execute the Inventor. Sad story.

Aluminium contains in jewelry-stones such as bright-red Ruby and deep-blue Sapphire and almost not-colored Corundum or Diamond-spar as far as Corundum just a bit less strong then Diamond.
Aluminium as Red Ruby used in Ruby Lasers, Clocks.
Aluminium as deep-blue Sapphire is used in Sapphire-windows for nuclear processes.

Alumina consists of Aluminium. In Russian language Alumina pronounces as "clay-and-soil". Alumina, Clay forms soil and gives home place for roots of green-plants. Some people-scientists say that Clay consists of very small organisms, smaller then microorganisms, smaller then Cyanobacteriae. Clay can be different depending on Aluminium-structure: Kaolin that almost doesn't swell and Montmorillonite that swells well. Ability to swell is important for organisms, living in soil, and roots of green-plants. When Clay swells good it can take more water inside, gives better airing of soil after rain and holds more water inside when it is drought.
Clay in nature has different colors: blue, white, brown or like ochre. People used Alumina to color things - clothes, crockery and more. In some places like desert people from old years added white-clay in their food.

Aluminium is mystical metal - if not the oxide-pellicle on the surface of Aluminium-metal it could dissolve in water.
Chernyshevsky told 100 years ago that Aluminium is metal of Socialism. After revolution in Russia it was slogan "Aluminium is lovely metal of proletariat" because they were expected it will help in production airplanes - it is light, flexible and stays long.
In USA Aluminium is often to be used in building, construction.
In Far North in Siberia diamonds-extracting-factories are made from Aluminium and small period of sun-time in the winter they reflect sun-light and shine deep-pink-yellow and please mood of people like northern Ross' gull.



The main God of Earth was Cyanobacteriae. Cyanobacteriae formed oxygen of the air and created our cozy Earth as we know it. Cyanobacteriae brought balance, harmony and equilibrium to the Earth as far as Cyanobacteriae himself was always in balance between two processes - nitrogen fixation which is sensitive to oxygen and photosynthesis which evolves oxygen. Due to this Cyanobacteriae organized so that he has this two processes at different time, this influenced him have circadian rhythm longer then life of one Cyanobacteriae and they live like joined creature.

Two billion years ago our Earth was quite different from what it is now. Along flat mainland flow rivers and oceans were dark-brown with a lot of Cyanobacteriae in it. Cyanobacteriae formed and build-up Stromatolites - beautiful stone creature - they looked like stone-flowers and sometimes were big as mountain. Earth at that time was grey and sky was dark-brown.
Sea and land at that time was almost the same - landscape consisted of vertical mountains and flat land spreads for wide regions. Land was covered with water and this was ideal for Stromatolites.

Two billion years ago sky started to become blue due to Cyanobacteriae produced oxygen. Famous phrase: "Future creates BY you but not always FOR you" was about Cyanobacteriae who inhibit his development after produced too much oxygen and influenced ecocatastrophe for Stromatolites.

Also when in air was more oxygen then carbonic-acid-gas it was opposite to greenhouse effect and due to this Cyanobacteriae influenced glaciation with cold climate appeared in Earth.

Ediacaran Period or Vendian period was time of soft-body animals Vendobionts who were tolerant to cold and lived like in Garden of Eden where nobody ate each other. But Vendobionts also disappeared from Earth later and due to this people say they were draft-creatures of animals made by Mister-God.

Cyanobacteriae as God was all love and due to this all other creatures fell in love with them and lived in symbiosis after they had period of competition and fight. Some of them tried to eat Cyanobacteriae and couldn't destroy them due to love and let Cyanobacteriae live in their cell as endosymbiont - Chloroplasts of green-plants and other... Sometimes Fungi compete with Cyanobacteriae for space and food and due to this fight they felt in love with Cyanobacteriae and joined each other in one organism of Lichenes - pioneer of new land, very strong - love makes creatures stronger.

Cyanobacteriae was like God for people, he gives oxygen for air and food in green-plants and even some of Cyanobacteriae was food themselves - Spirulina and Nostoc could be dried and people made flour for food from them. Also some of Cyanobacteriae was influencing greedy-people to get more and more inside their body and this formed cancer-cells in body which couldn't stop growing and kills people.

Cyanobacteriae colored our Earth - he absorbs red light of Sun ray - he needs them for photosynthesis due to this sea water has green-color. The more phytoplankton, the more alive sea - the more green-color in sea-wave-color.
When there are a lot of water in the air after rain and Cyanobacteriae fly in the air they are happy and all land happy with rainbow shining in the sky showing harmony and balance of Cyanobacteriae-god and warming people heart.
When there are cold water in the air and Cyanobacteriae fly in stratosphere they show majestic, grand, stately, sublime, lofty, imposing northern lights - Aurora Borealis.


Fairy-tale "Cockroaches, Cruelty and Apocalypses"

Once there lived cockroaches suffering from Cruelty. They were fortuned to have food and home of Cruelty, but Cruelty disliked them and created troubles for them, they suffered and died. Once, one old-cockroach had Fortune to be noticed be Cruelty when she was in a bad condition, seeking for somebody alive. First old-cockroach was ashamed of him because he new that Cruelty disliked him. But since old-cockroach understood that Cruelty is indifferent he was nice to Cruelty and suggested her to live one day as a nice-looking child-cockroach or let some Myth she liked to live like this.
It happened with Cruelty lovely Myth and Cruelty after this day didn't know how to behave toward cockroaches. That's how cockroaches had there Fortune to prepare and get Apocalypses. And it was cockroaches Apocalypses just exactly they planed themselves and after Apocalypses all the dead cockroaches came back to live but also all the cockroaches changed to invisible for Cruelty.



Fairy-tale "Chrysolite and Embryo"

Since people exists it was Moloh who took some of there baby's life. People were suffering but couldn't do anything till they came to joined consideration they don't want Moloh any more. Moloh had to change to Abortion and get life of small people's embryos. Abortion was looking for pairs who were not completely ready for baby's birth. Those pairs just lost there contact with embryos and were not sure if there is any soul of embryos.

Once, Chrysolite got pregnant without preparation to it. She told: "Embryo, you are of main importance to me, but how can we live if we are not married with my partner? I kind like love him but not sure of him being my husband". Embryo's soul went to far from Earth to investigate issue and Abortion used this moment to get Embryo's life. Chrysolite felt like her life ended, days were going and she didn't notice herself alive. She missed Embryo and felt guilty. After some days it was some special day of celebration and Chrysolite also had to go to celebrate even though she was like robot without any emotion. They went to the street and Chrysolite saw very unusual colored Northern Lights - Chrysolite recognized the soul of her Embryo returning back to Earth and was happy knowing the Embryo will find better time and place to make pregnancy with her and become baby - child - grow-up. And later he did.



Fairy-tale "Chrysolite"

Once there lived one woman Chrysolite married to a brave man and also they had nice child. Chrysolite was fond of her child and husband.
Chrysolite loved people and believed that if you treat people with love they can not do you any harm. Also she was very happy with her child and husband and felt she needs to help somebody as a gratitude to Fortune. She knew about herself that she has 'light breathing' and can help Fortune to find people she is after. When Fortune was after somebody it was not an issue to give a person wealth or glory. It was more like hard but happy-in-some-way work, when people do something their soul wants to.

In the past people had many magic things but they didn't listen to their soul needs and magic things didn't make them happy. Some people where proud of themselves when they managed to get magic things and used them to keep down others. That's why magic things disappeared. Only some imbeciles (kind of them) had luck to get magic things and ease their life. Other people worked hard to have what they need as basics. With time people started to learn again how to make magic things but they didn't change much themselves.

While Chrysolite was young and single she just listen what most of the people think about doing right things in life and got it as a rule for her. This was comfortable to live like this even though sometimes Chrysolite's soul was crying she is doing injustice. Chrysolite wanted to work as sociologist and study what most of the people think because she thought she didn't know something and did mistakes in life. What Chrysolite found surprised her - all things, she got like biggest mistakes in her own life, was just an average for most of the people. That was how she realized it is time to change something in people's rules.

When Chrysolite was child/girl she decided for herself to marry and give rise to her child by some age and there was time and age for Chrysolite to do this. She was spending time looking for future father of the child but something was always wrong. Once she came into thoughts she is too pernickety and Chrysolite promised to herself to marry first man who wants to have child with her - she saw the main issue in life was that men don't want to take responsibility of a child. Next day after she promised to herself - she met a brave man she couldn't even dream about and he told her almost from the first sentence he wants child with her. That was how Chrysolite got married and their lovely child was born.

When Chrysolite lived many magic things started to appear very quick. People worked to create them but they had to do it together so that nobody can tell he produced any magic thing himself. The main issue in life - people - didn't improve much.
They still didn't understand that Fortune and Justice are oneness-family Myth.

At first, when Chrysolite was child/girl people had to join together to create an idea, discuss it and make a reality. Later it came into the world Internet and ideas started to grow like wild plants there. Again, same like with magic things, nobody could tell about himself that he is demiurge of an idea.

When Chrysolite was child/girl she was good in complicating things. For some reason grown-ups when they are bored of life feel happy with children-'troublemakers'. That's why it happened from time to time to Chrysolite that she found herself in troubles, but Fortune was watching her and in a difficult situation she used to run into a Fortune-persona - a stranger who talked with her nicer then any relative could and helped her with some blessing advice. This Fortune-people where quite different in age, gender, ethnicity and the distinguishing feature was they all were strangers, impulsed to give blessing advice and later Chrysolite couldn't find them even to say thanks. As far as Chrysolite was upset she can not return somebody kindness, she just hoped the Fortune will also use her sometimes to help somebody. That’s why sometimes she felt like put aside everything and talks to a stranger who she got thoughtful about for a second without knowing reason. She hoped the Fortune needs her help as a guide.

One of the first sign that something is going wrong in her world for Chrysolite was when a baby - little friend of Chrysolite's child - fell from window of third floor while playing next to it and died. People got upset, they started to watch there babies more carefully but soon another baby fell from window of seventh floor and this time baby was lucky to recover and be healthy.
That was sign that the Fortune is still with people but something wrong is happening with people.

Another bad sign was a new magic thing that showed up in the city - 'magic tool' to control rats' brain and make them avoid quarters. Chrysolite studied pedology and she knew from pedology that things are balanced in natural world - competition and cooperation and also from pedology Chrysolite knew that pioneers of a new substance are organisms that could create symbiosis with each other - the Fortune blessed such an organisms.

Whenever a new magic thing appears also old opposition of people and Fortune - Cruelty becomes more powerful. It happens because world is balanced and when Fortune has chance to relieve people's life - at the same time Cruelty limits people.
New magic tool that influenced animal's brain and helped people to communicate with animals slowly developed but at the same time people noticed that whatever they were given before from Fortune started to be half-disappearing from there life.
Chrysolite's child was the bounty of Fortune. Chrysolite noticed her child at that time to become difficult of access for her. Some force holds her away from her lovely child. He even moved with his father for sometime to a different city and it was time of traveling that measured this distance. But Cruelty wanted to constrain people even more and she had as a target Fortune-guides - people who liked to help Fortune to find people she was after. Chrysolite as one of the Fortune-guides was also targeted by Cruelty. One day Chrysolite found her sitting on her bad bow her head, she didn't know for how long she was sitting like this for her it was like eternity, and Cruelty was celebrating. Chrysolite was trying to remember what has happened but refused to remember at the same time - it was like bad dream as if somebody with the name Glue almost threw her a bag saying it is her lovely child there. There were nobody in Chrysolite's apartment, no signs of the bag, just Cruelty reveling in her win.

After Cruelty disappeared from her apartment Chrysolite asked her home-plants for help. She told individually to Kalaheo and Pineapple plants "I loved you and took care of you but now go and help me to find Fortune. I'll put my jewelleries in your pot and let you out from apartment. People who do you good and take care of you can get these jewelleries as gift from Fortune and bless her".

Next Chrysolite thought her lovely child exists somewhere as the ideal idea. She looked at computer and remembered she registered site Pupil as a gift for her child and wanted to put there something interesting for him to prepare for school. Chrysolite connected Internet and asked Internet for specific place where server with site Pupil can be located in future. Chrysolite just put as a hope for the future that her child will be growing as the idea and helps her to understand him by information she fells like his interests in his site Pupil.

"Where will my child like ideal idea get energy to grow?" - asked Chrysolite herself. And she remembered her father - power specialist and his tales about Electricity she heard in her childhood. Electrical lamps for her was like energy's children living there own - long or short life. She looked at the lamp, loved it and asked Electricity to let her lovely child like ideal idea live somewhere as a lamp as long as he wants and don't feel any sign of Cruelty.

Chrysolite felt like her child lives his own life immaterialized while Cruelty exults in the world. Chrysolite took some gift, went to Eternal Fire, put her gift to the Eternal Fire and asked witch Alice to pay attention to her and help with understanding world. She told: "Alice, you were burned by cruel people. I wish to have Fortune to be burned like you so that after death I could see souls of all of those people cruel to my child and staring at my burning". Alice came as a fire and soothed Chrysolite with unity.
After Chrysolite came home she saw an old cockroach ashamed of him and she liked him more then cruel people. Old cockroach stirred his antennas as if he was talking and Chrysolite understood that her lovely child can live somewhere short live of a child-cockroach. Chrysolite told to herself: "It is ok. I wouldn't mind if this is his choice and if he enjoyed it". Next day she found a very small child-cockroach; she loved him and wants to please. Chrysolite put child-cockroach in the plant's pot, put there small colored candies and small piece of bread and told child-cockroach: "You have old-style food here, but also you can try to eat new-style food - plants, be independent from people and then they will like you". Later she put the child-cockroach on a magic book for developing meditative view and wished the child-cockroach to learn meditation of world-unity. Some other insects appeared in Chrysolite place later - the queen bee and the beautiful butterfly and she helped them to go to the window saying: "Good luck to return home".

Chrysolite recollected when she was child/girl she read a story about Sekundochka - little second, part of mechanical clock where world was all-scheduled, Sekundochka once noticed somebody crying for help and run from the clock and all the clock stopped without her and everybody was looking for Sekundochka. Chrysolite child/girl right-away recognized this story and told to herself - this was me before I was born. And now she asked herself: "Remember you were Sekundochka and help yourself to find your lovely child". The castle where Chrysolite lived started to turn in past against clock hand and she returned to the past. For some period of time she had feeling there is nobody left in the world except her husband Justice and those man with the name Glue, asking regrets. Soon she phoned her husband and was very happy to hear her lovely child answering her.



Fairy-tale "Nuclear and Chrysolite"

Chrysolite-child lived in a small place Luck in the forest near the Polar Circle. There were many wolfs around, they howl night time, it is frightful, also there were bones of animals wolfs ate in the forest.
Once her brother went sick, she was sad and went for a walk along. She was told by mother not to go further then last building, but this time she was upset and forget her mother's words. She was playing when big crowd of big boys swoop down upon her and manhandled her to the forest. They blindfolded her eyes and she couldn't see their way in the forest and thought she will get lost in the forest after they let her go. Also she remembered all the fairy-stories about girls left in the forest and remembered how they escaped. They brought her to the hut and started to investigate her - they were at the age when children start learning about girls and they didn't have these lessons at school that's why they came to this kidnapping. To Chrysolite-child it was like ages passed since she was kidnapped when by coincidence bandage had fallen from her eyes and she saw bright light and everything has changed she didn't even noticed how she returned home - it was very quick. She promised to boys not to tell anybody otherwise they told her they leave her in deep the forest along with wolfs. Her father was asking what has happened to her but she didn't answer just thought that may be when he was boy he also did such an injustice to somebody and this spoiled her mood.
Chrysolite was very depressed after this case. She wanted something to happen and this place with the hut clear in her memory. She remembered advice to do 3 kind works in one day without thinking of rewards then magician come, give you magic wand and you can think your wish. One day she managed to do 3 kind works without remembering of rewards and after she remembered it she go to the road, sat near-by and was waiting for magician. She was waiting for some hour but magician didn't appear. Then she took just a first wand she found, imagined it is magic wand, struck with it and asked: "I want Justice to be done to this place, because I don't remember boys, and then let this place to be punished".
Soon people in place Luck was told it will be Nuclear Explosion where the hut was. Chrysolite was sent to different settlement. Chrysolite asked what Nuclear Explosion is but people just were answering her: "Poor girl, your parents may die". Chrysolite remembered her asking for something to the place with hut and cried to herself this was her fault that her parents can die no from Nuclear Explosion because she wished it. And Fortune answered her: "Good that you understand this, everything will be good". Soon she returned to place Luck and it was not yet Nuclear Explosion, it was later when nobody expected but everybody was alive after it.

Nuclear Explosion is Fortune, Justice and Cruelty at once. It fastens Fortune, fastens Justice and lowers Cruelty. Slow, lower Cruelty appears like disease. In place Luck people was not noticed in being seek. The strange thing for Chrysolite was that person who participated in organizing Nuclear Explosion 10 years later went sick with cancer and died but later his name was given to a diamond.

Later Chrysolite with her parents rested in place Blackfairytale. Something strange was happening to her - she noticed in her hair unpleasant insects. Also water in the river was very dirty from gasoline of motor-launches. Chrysolite caught one unpleasant insect and told her: "Get out from my head better do it yourself, live like plant insect." And insect creaked her back: "Your head is like Earth for us - round like a planet. People also live like us on the Earth bothering nature, look at this dirty water. If we disappear from you then people also vanish from the face of the Earth". Chrysolite put unpleasant insect to the grass and told her: "Get out and your tribe after you". She had to fight with unpleasant insects but after she left this Blackfairytale-place unpleasant insects evanesced.
After they came back home soon Chrysolite heard it happened Nuclear Explosion in place Blackfairytale. It reminded her case with Nuclear Explosion in her childhood and she was worried did she wish something wrong while fighting with unpleasant insects. She listened what people was saying about Blackfairytale. It became like protection forest where people were not allowed to go. Some people didn't move from there, but there were very few of them. They were saying they drink Vodka and it helps them against radiation. There were also fairy-tales about person whose organism went to symbiosis with some microorganisms and he was able to produce Vodka inside himself when he wished and get drunk from water.

Chrysolite married in city Moscow and they had their lovely child. After her husband and lovely child moved to different city, Chrysolite was scared by somebody that her child has died and she was crying inside of people's cruelty while they are playing such an issue. She was helped by invisible forces. Her child was alive. After sometime she remembered how she felt herself went very upset and thought: "What is this capital of Russia Moscow? They are exploiting people of the rest of country and now they want to make them slaves using there magic tool for controlling brain. They are playing with such an important issue like child and they will punish themselves - somebody at Moscow Nuclear Object will make mistake due to them and blow it up". And she imagined it. After this there was people's cruelty answering: "This will happen not in Moscow but in place where your child live and you will cry". Chrysolite thought: "It can be in any place but Moscow for sure is targeted".
Soon she came to city where her lovely child lived and find out it was pollution from nuclear heating plant but small. Due to this pollution her husband made up his mind to go to USA and her lovely child was happy to go with him there.


Fairy-tale "Chrysolite and TECHNIQUE"

Since people lived ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY were characteristics of some people genetically and they were crowd type of people due to this - they collected together, their ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY joined and due to this no-ordinary-person died and people who loved person went lost from anguish. And ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY were using this moment to replace history of person in HUMANITY memory.
Due to this sometimes no-ordinary-persons were gun to a new land far from crowd and didn't want to be bothered. But crowd followed them first asking for help and crying they need help to adapt in this new place and after just play the same game with them - joining in crowd with ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY...
Then no-ordinary-persons changed their style and after death became some type of  technique/equipment/machinery and educating crowd-type-of-people: when they were nice and fine they were using TECHNIQUE but whenever their ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY increased, TECHNIQUE broke and crowd-type-of-people died from this.

Chrysolite's ancestry from father's side went from warm part of Russia all the way to Siberia and were just enjoying freedom from ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY of crowd-type-of-people but slowly they followed them first changing history and saying that people went to Siberia due to they were slaves in Russia and couldn't be successful their. Chrysolite's ancestry didn't pay attention to this and just let crowd-type-of-people continue with their believes. Then crowd-type-of-people who Chrysolite's ancestry helped before to adapt in a new place collected together with ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY, took everything from Chrysolite's ancestry including big house they build themselves, horses they grow themselves and food they grow themselves and forced them to go away hoping they will die from don't have basics and being destroyed from ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY.
Chrysolite's ancestry first tried to fight back but went upset and again just moved to a new place this time already at the world's end near the Arctic Ocean. But even there Chrysolite's grandfather still died killed by ENVY, MEAN and CRUELTY of crowd-type-of-people.
Then Chrysolite's ancestry changed their style - there were not anymore place to escape from crowd-type-of-people because people started to live everywhere almost. Chrysolite's ancestry also like others no-ordinary-person started to become some type of TECHNIQUE after death, helped people to live and educated them at the same time from the point of HUMANITY.
Their were still crowd of people in the world but crowd people noticed that no-ordinary-person appear rarely in the world and started to cry that something is wrong with demography and people as type of animal are in danger of disappearing.

Chrysolite-child didn't know people are different in HUMANITY and only when she was aged enough she noticed this as some rule. She noticed she loved some type of TECHNIQUE as if they were her ancestry from father's side who she never knew or her unborn children.
These TECHNIQUES were:
Psychotronic technique as here grand-father Aleksey soul,
Medical technique as here grand-mother baba-Lena and grand-grand-mother babka-Malanya,
Planes, Helicopters and whatever fly as her unborn children...

She believed her lovely father will be Electricity-power technique after he dies,
Her husband probably Internet technique,
And she herself probably Nuclear technique,
Only her child didn't want to show jet anything about him and kept this as secret.


Fairy-tale "Chrysolite and the Chechen"

Chrysolite was friendly for some amount of years with a Chechen. She held in high respect him due to his Responsibility she saw many times in different issues. Only one time she was thoughtful when some other guy asked her to advice him person as business-partner and she advised the Chechen - he roughly answered her: "Chechens can not be trusted". Some other time it was good side of the Chechen: one evening she went somewhere in the corridor and some stranger-Chechen stopped her, grasping her by hand and asked to go with him, she refused and after sometime told she know and friendly with stranger-Chechen to change his behavior but she didn't know this 2 Chechens were like enemies and stranger-Chechen was criminal and it came to an issue that stranger-Chechen struck her on the face. She came back home and in her way ran into the Chechen she knew. He asked her what has happened and when she answered about strange reaction the Chechen told this stranger did harm to him personally if he didn't appreciate people he is friendly. He wanted to go and fight with this guy but Chrysolite got afraid he will be killed by this criminal and convinced that the her harm was due to her fault.

Later after some time the Chechen asked her to give him some valuable for her at this time amount of money for 2 months and she trusted him but asked: "What for you need this money?" The answered was that he needs it for the risky thing like money-gambling where people are most likely to get fooled but it was a new issue for Russia and Chrysolite just told this is too risky. The Chechen insisted as if his all-life is issue and Chrysolite embarrassed and agreed to give it with agreement that he will return them not depending on results of his gambling. Soon they came into the topic to give money back but the Chechen convinced her to wait for one more month. He went somewhere to rest and when he retuned he told Chrysolite that money-gambling went wrong and he lost her money. She asked how about agreement we made that you will return money in any case. He answered that he remembers this but she needs to wait. She was waiting but once her girl-friend told her on this topic that the Chechen at the same time purchased a ground in Crimea as she knew for sure. And when Chrysolite understood she was right she did some gesture as a witch and wished the Chechen to be punished... Soon in his small place in Chechnya started conflict that was growing more and more and became a long war... Chrysolite went upset feeling like this was her wish and like she didn't want that much punishment but she didn't know what to do. She decided to become a sociologist to be able to help this issue, but right away she noticed polls results in a newspaper with deceitful results as if people want this war even though she knew they are most of them against it. She put like hope for the future she will find some way to go to the government and do Justice back to Chechens.


Fairy-tale "Chrysolight and Named Diamond"

"Memorials are more important then people..."

Once upon a time there lived Chrysolight with her lovely husband and child in a castle MSU. At that time it was war as injustice against humanity as far as some people Chechens wanted to be independent but government of Putilo wanted them to be depended from the center. People were not interested in this war and argued with government to let Chechens be independent if they wish it. Then it happened an explosion of 2 apartment building and many people died and people were upset at this and didn't know who to blame. Chrysolight were also thinking about this and she told her husband who was new to this country that this was done by government of Putilo to blame Chechens and make people to fight more with them. Chrysolight husband told her she has to fight with this issue but she answered back she has little child and it is not her time to fight with somebody. Later some other person Seleznyov who were communist told this on news - same as Chrysolight told and he was blaming government of Putilo but it was not very much discussed and officially it was told the reason was gas-explosion in this 2 apartment building. Chrysolight husband started to be not polite to Chrysolight as far as he was not agree with her behavior and he told she has chosen her profession to be sociologist and need to be more interested in what happens in life. It went so far that Chrysolight took her basic things and moved for some period of time to her girl-friend’s apartment in the same castle where she stayed along and could think what is wrong with her.

At the same time when she moved out from her family some people in her internet-program for chat started bother her and say in different languages bad issues to her and it looked like a group of people did this.
First she remembered that she is signed to a group Hedgehog of internet-people and also that she saw once in one girl's computer people from this group saying bad things to her without any reason. She thought who of them could be bothering now her and only remembered once some Idesigner from this group wrote her that banner she used has wrong shadow and she answered back to him as a joke that they are following historical tradition and reminded him short-poem: "We don't need sun - Communist Party shining us! We don't need bread - just give us work!" this was a bit like Chrysolight parents worked in Far North. She thought that may be Idesigner is ideologically different. She also remembered Idesigner's mother book "Shoo" about some place with nuclear-explosion how she described this place - as if people were eating rats and burning books due to radiation. This book made her disappointed due to she had nuclear-explosion in childhood and people just became better from the point of humanity due to it.
So she had like inside conflict but didn't know exactly who to blame for bothering her.
She was trying to meditate at home to come down but right a way some notice came to her and she couldn't and smoked instead.

Once she got too much bothered and suggested this group of people to meet. The same day in the evening when she stayed in the street and smoked some tall person came to her and asked her to go somewhere with him to see some people who wish to talk with her. This was better then to be bothered from somebody unknown and Chrysolight agreed to go. In their way they discussed that plain-crash is more secure for people that car-crash and others issues. They also bought water-melon and wine in bastmat. They came to an apartment in the nearest building which looked as if nobody lived there but it has some icons, pair of child and woman shoes. Old-style TV showed something boring and dreary. Tall person cut water-melon in a strange way and asked Chrysolight what she thinks about people's opinion that "memorials are more important then alive people". He also told he is from Abkhazia where (as Chrysolight remembered) was like war without specific reason. Chrysolight was very polite and complimented Abkhazia as she remembered it in the past - city with apricot's smell from trees with flowers. Later she told many thanks for Abkhazia-person and excused that she needed to hurry back to home. But Abkhazia-person answered her that he doesn't have keys from flat and only in the morning somebody could come and open door. Chrysolight tried to look for keys but didn't find. Also Abkhazia-person didn't let her for some reason go to the closet and only after she answered she will do it right in her pants in the flat Abkhazia-person let Chrysolight go to closet. She also tried to call phone to police but Abkhazia’s person switched it, also while fighting with him Chrysolight broke his neck-chain, table coincidently set on it. She felt better when Abkhazia-person very calmly just took broom himself and cleaned everything what fell from the broken table. In the morning nobody came. Abkhazia-person suggested Chrysolight to eat some chicken made in aluminium-pot and she answered it is better for her to eat peace of old black bread then anything made in aluminium-pot as far as aluminium is not for cooking. Abkhazia-person was surprised. From the window Chrysolight saw children with their parents playing in the street and thought she can just scream to them but she was ashamed to scream. Later telephone started to work and ringed, Abkhazia-person listened to the phone and from his speech Chrysolight understood that Abkhazia-person's child is sick. Abkhazia-person found keys and let Chrysolight to go from the flat.
Chrysolight came to home to MSU-castle and wanted to meditate but when she concentrated right away without reason some vase with flowers fell from shelve. Chrysolight went to the corridor to smoke and while she smoked some music came to her singing that she is butterfly playing with fire.

One or two days later she was called and told some person needs to see her to talk and she had to go far away to see him. But right after she saw this person he run away asking Chrysolight to wait for him and Chrysolight took newspaper that he left. Right away in this newspaper she found photo with that Abkhazia-person who just spoiled her mood badly and in this newspaper he had last-name of American person from internet-company who were developing fast. She asked people what that person with newspaper wanted from her and they answer he wanted some advertising in Internet of uniform. Chrysolight was waiting for this person with uniform to come back and say something for one or two hours but he didn't return. Chrysolight was not sure if this is true and American person from newspaper is the same person as Abkhazia-person. She decided to wait and see.

Soon she returned back to her husband and child home. It was one week-end that they saw from the window fire from tv-tower and tv went off for one day. It was discussed a lot among people but Chrysolight was not very much interested in this topic because tv for her was not like basic need - she grow in Far North almost without it. But once she was interested to see an exhibition on this topic. She went to this exhibition and was surprised that crowd of people who stared at photos with nothing - just like her grand-mother who once asked her to switch on tv when it didn't work, looked very close to it through the glasses and told Chrysolight: "Is it snowing on tv?" She left exhibition going back to home but in her way right away something happened to her leg - a cramp of leg and she had to return back to exhibition. She decided to meet owner of exhibition as far as she returned back and discuss general topics of culture but she couldn't concentrate what start with and just started her speech with sentence of small notice she saw somebody put at the entrance. Surprisingly for her the owner of exhibition went aggressive from one simple phrase, pushed her, asked to close door and not let people come to his room and also this day Chrysolight found him saying something bad about her in Internet. She still was thoughtful about Abkhazia-person and what 'group of people' he was talking about and it came to her mind that may be this exhibition-owner was among them. Also name of this exhibition was "The quick and the dead" and it reminded Chrysolight Abkhazia-person's words of some people strange opinion "memorials are more important then alive people".

Chrysolight returned back to her husband and child home and they were fine but once she talked with her husband and blamed him that she was closed in somebody's flat due to she was along and upset. Her husband told that as his wife she has to go to police but she didn't know what to say in police. Also Chrysolight mother who lived in a wooden city in Siberia found out about this case and unexpectedly went half-paralyzed and couldn't talk.

Chrysolight investigated who is this person from photo she saw in an newspaper and found one person working with this American or Abkhazia-man. This was person with last-name which reminded her friend of her parents - shaman-person from Yakutia, geologist who worked with diamonds-mining Gotovtsev. This other Gotovtsev from internet-company was interested in changing aggressiveness to art.

Chrysolight was worried how is her mother' health far away in Siberia-wooden-city. Once she fell asleep and saw some river with snow around and she heard her father's voice saying: "Your mother is crossing river of forgiveness!". After that her soul went to her mother soul, mother recognized her and welcomed from all her heart and they went together over land covered by snow, they went up the hill to some white building on top and other voice told: "This is secure place for your mother to stay here". Soon Chrysolight heard news about her mother that she is recovering slowly.

Chrysolight husband blamed her for not going to police to investigate that case. Once Chrysolight was laying on the floor listening to Alaska-music and something from this music reminded her shaman-person from Yakutia Gotovtsev. His soul came to her with strong feeling of Yakutia-wild-nature which scared and calmed her at the same time. She remembered herself there as little girl and all this alike-mystics of her new life was very simple compare to past in Yakutia. Chrysolight wrote this American person from photo asking to see him and check if he is the same person as Abkhazia-man who closed her in a flat. American-person agreed and Chrysolight looked at him and understood he is another person even though have appearance like that Abkhazia-man.

Half-year passed, Chrysolight was staying looking from a window to the roof of MSU-castle with Eternal Fire in the distance and some decoration on the roof reminded her old-style monument and she remembered Abkhazia-man words: "For some people monuments are more important then alive people". Chrysolight compared these words to Yakutia-diamonds which are carbon like people and appear from under the earth to face people to eternity. Chrysolight went thankful to Yakutia-shamans who knew this diamonds-nature.
Later Chrysolight came to Siberia-wooden-city to see her mother and father. Chrysolight asked about Yakutia shaman Gotovtsev: “Where is he?” and she was depressed to hear he is dead but right away she found in Internet diamond named after him and it was like see him alive. Chrysolight thanked named-diamond that he gave her support in the past.



Everything in world appreciates with money:
God or Devil - all of them has value.
This old way was changed by other means
When Named Diamonds in Yakutia appears.

You can not put price for love,
You can not put price for devotion.
Money is for basics,
Named Diamonds - for emotion.


Fairy-tale "Chrysolight and Planes"

"Under wing of this plane secretly sings
Green sea of a primeval forest..."

When they traveled somewhere by plane, Chrysolight argued with her elder brother who sits near a bull's-eye, and when she managed to sit there she was looking through bull's-eye trying to catch primeval forest singing under wing of plane as she heard in the song her parents liked - but it was hard to tell due to plane-sound.

It was some link between Chrysolight and planes: once she, her elder brother and mother hurried to airport to meet father. Chrysolight was little and couldn't go quick and mother with brother went ahead. They walked by wooden-road on top of sewerage-pipes along the river and this wooden-road was repaired and it had a deep hole in it. Chrysolight was looking upwards at the plane in the dark-sky trying to imagine her father in the plane and accidentally fell in this deep-hole. Mother and brother couldn't find her first and she also felt as if she has died - at once all darkness around her. She saw faces of her mother and brother somewhere far above and didn't understand what is going on around her. After she climbed back to wooden-road she was upset that her mother hurried-up her to go and Chrysolight answered back that father didn't come by this plane. It happened that she was right and her father came home next day by other plane.

Planes always had their own smell of height; also they have their own traditional food - candies "on take-off", lemonade and chicken - Chrysolite thought about this airflot-chicken-tradition: it is strange - why the only way this bird can fly is only when cooked - like hen's life-dream after life.
Candies "on take-off" was the oldest tradition: once they went by a very small plane from Yakutsk to Sangary and this plane had only benches on each side, Chrysolight was small and fell from bench during take-off and after she climbed back on the bench one of the pilots gave them candies "on take-off"; also this was a remarkable plane-trip because they landed at the end of flight in a meadow without any sign of airdrome.


There were funny-stories happening to Chrysolight and her fellows.

Once they went for chess-competition to Yakutsk and one person from team was late to plane. He had to go by cargo-plane and instead of ticket he was given paper saying about him: "Load of seventy kilogram".

Other time they traveled from tourist-competition and half of group was suggested to wait for another plane - later they were welcomed to helicopter (one fellow told as a joke: "What a nice plane!") and all the flight (5 hours instead of 1,5 hour by plane) helicopter made very bad noise and same fellow all the flight was saying: "What a nice plane!".

Chrysolight also traveled funny by cargo-plane: right before her flight the same cargo-plane brought stuff of famous Russian singer Pugacheva and they didn't have time to get back containers for loads - due to this they had to put a lot of sweets (loads) without containers - and at the take-off all this sweet-loads started to fall on people who were in plane, people laughed: "It could be sweet-death!".

Other story was not that funny but with some luck: a person (who gave Chrysolite recommendation to Communist Party from diamonds-factory) right before she became acquainted with him traveled by helicopter and during their flight helicopter's engines stopped and they fell from height, good luck that pilots were qualified and they did something for propeller to rotate from wind - nobody was injured - but pilots were convicted later. At the same time in a newspaper they saw the same-type of case with helicopter and those pilots were rewarded.


Airports and airdromes were alike in different places, but some places were exotic: Chrysolight was impressed by pink-color airdrome in small Yakutia-Sakha city, the cover of the airdrome was made of semiprecious stones sard/cornelian gravel.
Also she liked airdrome in Petropavlovsk-Kazakh where night-time was very pleasant air with smell of steppe-plants dried by sun.


Chrysolight traveled by planes about 100 times; 3 times she was late to planes but came to place earlier then plane she missed.

Once they were going back to Yakutia-home from vacations and they helped grand-mother and daughter of their friends to move from Moldavia to Yakutia. All together they had a lot of luggage. They were waiting for plane from Moscow to Yakutia, but it was bad weather and the flight was put off and for one week every day they spent in airport. Daughter of friends suggested to go to the cinema to see a French picture and female went there. When they came back to airport their flight was already announced earlier then promised time of delay. They went by taxi from airport-building to airdrome and caught plane but they were told they can go only some of them and without luggage. They decided to wait for a next plane. It was hard to get tickets to the next plane due to crowd of people but they managed. When they were already in this plane somebody told people that in intermediate place of landing (where they had to change plane) all flights were delaying without serious reason. People in the flight knew each other, worked together and they agreed quickly to go on strike and stay in plane until they receive other plane with fuel to continue their flight. They did the way they agreed. They were hold in plane for some hours without light and water closet and finally they were given 2 smaller planes with fuel. They promised to stay all-together in airdrome runway if they were fooled with planes. Planes were fine and half empty even though there were a large number of people waiting for planes in this place. They came to Yakutia-home earlier then plane they missed.

Other time Chrysolight was going from Tomsk to Yakutia visiting in her way Irkutsk. Her flight in Irkutsk was delaying and she decided to go and visit quickly her friend near Irkutsk. When she came back to airport in the evening her plane was gone earlier then it was on schedule. She was walking around airport thinking what to do and saw three people who asked her nicely what with her. They told they worked in airport at security-service and could help her to go next day by cargo-plane. While waiting for the cargo-plane loading in airdrome they showed her another plane inside with escape hatches for security-service to go inside plane. It was fun. Chrysolight came to Yakutia-home by this cargo-plane and surprisingly to her earlier then plane she missed as far as cargo-plane flew without intermediate landing and was not influenced by weather in intermediate place.

Third time Chrysolight traveled from Moscow to Tuldy-Kurgan, Kazakhstan and was late a bit to registration. She was given ticket to next-day flight without commission as far as the plane had full-load but she was still upset that they didn't let her to go her plane even though she was not that late to it. Next day she flew to Tuldy-Kurgan and again earlier then her plane that she missed due to bad weather in intermediate place of landing. Her father made a joke that she probably "spat after plane" she missed.

It started strange period in the country that planes went to a poor condition.

Once Chrysolight went to Rostov-on-Don with a secretary of some country’s embassy. They had good service at Moscow airport and went to airdrome without examination of things but plane itself was very old and half-destroyed, she was thinking during flight that it can break into pieces right in the air. After this plane she stopped going by plane and changed to train.
But every time before a plane-crash she had a strange feeling of unexpected meditation and went like sick for a time and after she heard from news about plane-crash. First it happened when one airplane had fallen on a building in Irkutsk.

Once she was sleeping and had a dream that she goes somewhere by plane with a group of people but she was late. After that in her dream she saw herself inside plane walking along the plane-salon and suddenly she met a 'soul of plane' - silver-person deeply upset about something.

Airport in old-Lucky-satellite -- just across ther river.jpg
it was all the same since I remember, but here year they put 1974.
worst thing -- to carry little child your bag up ther -- just stair-up -- the simplest one -- to laggiage-part of plain -- to find place there ot put it secure yourself your vulable laggiage.
once, when we went from Blagovechesk buy plane -- comsomol-leaders-training for month -- one girl put in the laggiage department just open not packet sit-thing for closet -- when after somebody asked -- where is closet or why is it closed -- a guy laughed -- just go to laggiage-department of plane -- he stared stupidly while we laughed badly.

how to trust people to carry you bags:: -- once same Evgeniy Zholdibin (he died, I wrote before at stihi.ru) wanted to be nice, we went from practice and he suggested to take bag of mine -- I agreed, had lot's of bags, but actually could carry myself. Just nice jesture. In the tram I set at the window -- once -- looked out and was surprised why a stupid somebody unknown is jumping near tram showing something not seen -- we found out -- persona was leaving the tram, the door was clothing -- as somebody took quickly bag -- mine -- that was standing near that leaving tram persona -- and through it from the tram, the door closed. Tram went further. After were were running with Zhenya by taxi looking at all the places where they could give lost things for this bag and didn't find absolutly.


Fairy-tale "Chrysolight and Crowd. A new-born Flesh-Mob"

For centuries and centuries people lived they were crowd-type-of-animal. They had among them Social Ecologists who were able to make crowd. And it was hard work because crowd is dangerous. One can remember this right away from example of Social Ecologists Jesus - best and incredible genius in collecting crowd.

Without Social Ecologists working on this issue, people-crowd behaves stupid and it happens like unfarming ('raskulachivaniye') in Russia.

People don't choose to become Social Ecologist, just it happens to them that crowd bother them and they develops in a way to manage crowd even though it goes through big depression.


Chrysolight went to problems with crowd many times in her life.
First time she was kidnapped by crowd of boys who pushed her to forest.

Second time at new school she was newcomer and didn't want to slave of leaders and fight for her independence. Once she promised one girl and one boy help but they behaved as if she is their slave and she refused her help. After this when she went out of school she saw big crowd of boys and girls running on her to bit. She was so upset that wished later at home to boycott all her school-group and don't talk with any of them.

Once when Chrysolight was Sri Chinmoy follower she meditates, fell asleep and saw beautiful place with golden light and golden existence there. She was like at home very cozy but unexpectedly golden existences grow with envy all of them, collected in crowd and pushed her out of golden place.

Third time she was grown-up, her child and husband was moving from her and she walked in the forest to calm down. There she saw two squirrel running from boy's crowd and she stopped boys and was pushing them to change their mood and they started to throw branches to her, ran after her, tried to burn her with lighter when she hired in branches of a pine-tree.

Next time this nervous crowd moved in Internet. They were bothering her in blog and hiding at the same time. She wanted to try to see what happens and fond and lj-community and other thing - mail-list of internet-workers and both place went mad at her and pushed from both communities but after this they stopped bothering her from time to time in Internet.

And later with time Chrysolight found out very good thing growing in life - new born Flesh Mob which defense individuality and turn crowd people to an individual person.

Fairy-tale “Chrysolite and her birthday”

Chrysolite had birthday in autumn, day when some people celebrated New Year.

Once in the autumn Chrysolite was in the street in a bus going somewhere and thinking about her situation that her child is USA-citizen but her husband is saying she wouldn’t be able to adapt to USA mentality. She was thinking how can be this situation and warring how her child goes there without her – this was like neglecting mother’s wish to stay with child. This remembered her Moscow neglecting rest of country for many years. And she felt tide of this issue again. And with some quick reaction Chrysolite wished USA some bad accident to happen. It was very quick and emotional and she didn’t think much.

Later in spring about same feeling came to here again and that time she was near their home and when she came back home her husband right-away surprisingly for her told her (as if he knew her thoughts) that she should watch some imaginary movie about New York where big wave from meteor came to city and people run in panic. He told she needs to be more responsible in her thoughts.

Next autumn it was Chrysolite birthday and her husband forgot about it and didn’t congratulate her. This day plane run into big tower in New York and it divides people into 2 groups – one were upset that people died and others where celebrating won over USA. Chrysolite was in the middle and couldn’t get it – what a strange present from Fate to her birthday. It was like punishment – for the rest of life she couldn’t celebrate her birthday as far as it became a day of a tragedy.

Next day she went to work and in the street where was their office she saw many fire-engines all along the street. First thought was that their office is in fire. But it was problem with building next to office. She went to cross street and in her way they talked with old woman with a dog, also crossing street. This old woman told her she also has birthday this day 11-th of September and she was client of a pawn-shop that is in fire now. They fooled her not long ago with thing she pawned and she had conflict with them. She told that God punished them for this with this fire.

From this birthday “present” Chrysolite learned that one needs to be very accurate with thoughts. She got this message that she needs to forgive people and control her emotions. May be one person doesn’t influence reality by thoughts, but when many people coincide in emotions it happens something – good or bad, like regiment marching in step due to resonance can break bridge. Resonance thoughts can do good things also.

Some years ago Chrysolite get again strange present from Fate or Fortune for her birthday – test of a new Vacuum Bomb in her country.
All the humanity practicing in destroying things they created and killing each other. The new type of mentality gave to the humanity Jesus, Sri Chinmoy – peace and harmony in heart and love to each other. In past generations replaced each other and like philosophers say “stem disclaims root” – young generation denied older people mentality and broke system made by previous.
It appears cloning and people could give resurrection to those they remembered like most useful for society. This turns back process of disclaiming past.
Weapons like Vacuum Bomb make war stupid issue where nobody wins.
