The affairs of bygone days. About Ukraine and Crim

Перевод на английский Дела давно минувших дней…., Момент истины, Практика критерий истины, Детям до  16…

The Ukraine was on the second place in the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, the girl with pigtails (Timoshenko), a fighter for freedom in the prison and on the Maidan said IN UKRAINE. I'm Russian, but we were taught the poem of Shevchenko (now he is ukrainian, but lived in 18 century) in school. So , in Russian and Ukrainian were the same
When I die, bury me ON the cute Ukraine
make the grave for me
Among the wide steppe...
She  struggled so much that the rules of the Russian language were forgotten .
However, everything is reduced to the rules of the Russian language.
In Poland, in the United States, in England, in Russia. It is logical and in Ukraine.
It turned out that ON Ukraine.
To the history of the issue:
In 1654, The Parliament named as Pereyaslavska Rada was under the protection of troops of  Moscow tsar. In accordance with the contract of Pereyaslav (Pereyaslav certificates) Russian troops supported the Zaporozhian Hetman. Pereyaslavska agreement included the following main points: Ukrainian lands within the Poltava, Kyiv region, Chernihiv region, mostly Volynschiny and hem joined the Moscow state under the name of Little Russia. Little Russia had to help the king's troops in the war, and the king is obliged to protect Ukraine from attacks.
Geographically, Malay Russia(Little Russia) turned out to be the outskirts of Russia.
Then, in 1768 to 74 in Russia  was  the  war with the Turks.
As the result Crimean Khanate was recognized as independent of any outside power, but in the late 18th century included in the Russia. "April 8, 1783 Catherine issued a manifesto on which the Crimea, Taman and Kuban became Russian regions
The  old law preserved   peaceful life and justice for the population
The new era for  Crimea had started.
That was a great    diplomatic victory for Russia, when the area was taken without any shot!
This paradise "corner of Russia" was the envy in Europe and started growing anti-Russian sentiments.
As a result, Russia had the war against the British, French and Ottoman coalition. The greatest intereses were in  Crimea. The Crimean War was on 1854-55 years.
After the heroic defense of Sevastopol the Crimean War ended .To make Russia weak was failed.
"Crimean region was transferred from the RSFSR in the Ukrainian SSR 19 February 1954 as  the personal initiative of the head of the CPSU Khrushchev
It must be the sign of the great friendship of Russian and Ukrainian people. 
This whole chain of decrees was illegal because: a) the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party had no right to transfer the territory of the republic to the other, b) Constitution of the RSFSR of 1937 does not mention among the powers of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet to decide questions of territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, c) generally no public authorities of the RSFSR were not entitled to change the territory of the Russian Federation or to give consent to the change .. "
I still lived in Arkhangelsk and to maintain the health level. I was running around the stadium
All our pilots were concerned about their health and were running on the stadium. Vitek worried about his health and was running around the stadium too. He was from Kiev and recently married, and his wife gave birth. It was happened the terrible with Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Vitek was in shock. We were the same. Especially when the flights there were limited
It was the summer navigation, and we flew extended sanitary norm After that I
was half alive.
I offered Victor to stay with his wife and a little baby in my appartment because my wife with the child at that time were leaving away from the north. To rent an apartment at the time was impossible,But luck, Victor found an apartment, but you will remember, I will come back to Victor..
My grandmother's brother was a pilot, he was shot down  in 1944 near Lwow. Every time I  was flying near that places I thought that somewhere  he had shot down..
 At the end of the 90 th, we flew to Donetsk. We went to airfield dispatcher point, and saw a huge poster hanging there about achievements of Ukraine. Where  Ukraine on  first place in the World, where the second, and where the first in Europe, in Asia and in Africa and even Antarctica!   It was signed by  Rukh(the Party that time in Ukraine). I was very surprised.
In '91 I was in St. Petersburg.The Soviet Union collapsed.There in Bialowieza Forest,
there bastards did it. So, Kravchuk asked Yeltsin what they would do with Crimea then Yeltsin as last shopkeeper, said that to take it in Ukraine.
In general, in September we were sent to Lwow . I was flying and I was sad that did not visit the grave of my great-uncle. We landed. took our parking place and I saw Vityok run,around his aircraft and refueled her. We met and greeted. I ask him if Ukrainian head were bad?
He said to me that soon we would go the Crimea only for the currency .
Vitek was probably ill. His brains probably collapsed ...

Алексей!! Хороший тренинг . Жаль что Вам не довелось посетить могилу вашего родственника.

Вахтанг Рошаль   16.12.2015 19:30     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо Вахтанг. Моя знакомая поехала на Украину и спросила про Донбасс. Я и подумал, что давно уж написал Дела давно минувших, Момент истины, Диалектика критерий...,до 16... перевёл для неё, а заодно для американских моих друзей.
Кстати, если Вам нужен английский, то я перевёл всё что внизу(2 книги) и очень хороший перевод Приключения индийского слоника. Это потому что ошибок нет. Когда я книги переводил мои друзья говорили, что перевод хороший, а сказка для детей, поэтому я очень внимательно следил.

Поправкин   16.12.2015 20:33   Заявить о нарушении
Алексей!! Какой Вы молодец.

Вахтанг Рошаль   17.12.2015 05:42   Заявить о нарушении