English poems

Песня о самообмане The song is about self-deception

It is not a game,
It's a joke or something else.
You can hide behind a wall,
But I find you all in all.

Other people looking for
Treasure. They want to get all,
What they can take in their bag.
Not all of them like a cake.

It is even not the joke!
I can see you through a smoke.
Other people lose it and
They don't know how use their hands.

Капля высокомерия A Drop Of Arrogance

I'm not mistake, I'm not like others.
Just smart enough to think like one. 
We have one way, so you're my brother,
But you're a dust like everyone.

Мотивация Motivation

Stop follow everyday rule "Wake up, survive, and sleep".
Start something new, what makes you think uniquely.
Instead of serving start to rule and be the greatest king.
Don't let confuse your thoughts, express them just sincerely.


На английском писать стихи сложно, но еще сложнее передать всю суть того, что так хочется сказать. У Вас это получилось и, признаться, аплодирую Вашему таланту!:)

Окси Ген   07.08.2016 12:00     Заявить о нарушении
Краснею и благодарю!

Филиппа Джонс   07.08.2016 21:36   Заявить о нарушении