To the drowning island from never drowning one

Kyrgyzstan made a right decisions when four years ago canceled the visas for the visitors from developed nations of Europe , America and Asia and it step  had a good  consequences for our  international prestige and tourism.
But I would suggest to go a little further. Western Europe, as you know,  faced today with the unprecedental  immigration crisis: about one million immigrants from the Middle East  settled there and not have seen yet  the end of this processes.
In addition to, Global warming also  put own problems, some areas of Britain and other countries  have  seriously affected by the floods - about 10 thousand inhabitants of the north-east of England have lost their homes. Of course, this great country will easily cope with all the problems, including the effects of floods.
But I think it would be very good if Kyrgyzstan announced its readiness to host and provide land, for example, thousands of Britons who have lost their homes or live in an area where floods are inevitable.
We have a lot of vacant land in the region and an invitation to the British residence on a permanent basis, not only closed our nations  and countries, but I am sure, contribute to economic recovery of our country. After all, why we must hide the  overwhelming tendency  that  all Kyrgyz people have  wanted  for close communication with the West, and wanted go there,  but maybe it makes sense to simply invite the West to Kyrgyzstan?  Right now when  UK is experiencing temporary difficulties and many Englishmen think that their island is drowning in the sea, Kyrgyzstan  has  chance for  declaring itself with good side,  if offered them his help? What you thing about such idea and suggestion?
