Shrichinmoj s book сила внутри нас

iz mojej perepiski s protestantom, okazyvaetsa Krishnaitov oni schitajut sectoj, a shrichinmojevcev otnud. no esli Vy posmotrite nije na angl opredelenie religiji, (chitaj ne sekty) dannoe Shrichinmojem, to Krishnaity vpolne podojdut pod opredelenie religii, otnud ne sekty...

protestant Tim pishet mne:
You are aware that Hare Krishna isn't even a Christian religion?  It is a Hindu sect.  Sri Chinmoy's religion is indeed much more Christian than anything related to Krishna - they have a completely different set of gods.  Why would you be trying to merge them into one faith when they're complete opposite?

Chinmoy's religion speaks highly of love and compassion of Jesus - regarding him as the Saviour and a pattern for them to follow.  Yet Chinmoy himself was a hypocrite - the man is double tongued.  All of this speak about love, but then was found guilty of numerous sex crimes involving his followers even when he preached abstinence!  Chinmoy's cult was also known for their malice and cruelty toward children - ever heard of Jayanti Tamm?

I have the feeling you know nothing about what you are getting in to.  You need to do a lot more research on this one.

читал  книгу сила внутри нас-целостная
не имею никаких возражений-вдохновляет. Посешаю также кришнаитов, много общего с написанным в книге, из Православия Игнатия Брянчанинова ценю. Это целостные течения. Кто прав в конце концов, кастанеда, ОШО,Саибаба перечитаны...

Самая ключевая мысль:
читая просветленных авторов, подключаешься к их сознанию, поэтому не читайте муру непросветленных!
я почитал,и Шричинмой мне приснился сразу же:
бежал с какого-то этажа вниз. и тут столкнулся с человеком внешне похожим на Геннадия Малахова в желтой футболке, в каких Шричинмоевцы бегают ультрамарафоны( один раз даже я бежал 2015-76 км за 12 часов)б так вт я только хотел извиниться перед человеком во сне столкнувшись и собирался это сделть, и тут вижу улыбу этого человека ( я трактую -это был Шричинмой). от толчка во сне я проснулся, такой мощный был толчок.
Во сне Чинмой, толкнув меня, не дал мне спускаться вниз (думаю речь шла о спускании в духовном плане, он меня толчком пытался перенаправить, поменять мой вектор...
Вот такой мой личный опыт январь 2016 б сон был днем 2-го января вроде

 Чинмой ШриШри Чинмой (27 августа, 1931 – 11 октября, 2007)- индийский философ и учитель(гуру), плодовитый автор, композитор, художник и атлет.
Известен, как организатор ультрамарафонов, таких, как "Всемирный бег во имя гармонии", и самого длинного сертифицированого забега в мире "3100 миль самопревосхождения".
Комментарий с сайта
№1 | 8.04.2007-16:04
Шри Чинмой уникальный человек,он изменил мое мировозрение.Я очень благодарен ему!
Комментарий с сайта
№2 | 11.04.2007-19:43
Читай и осваивай и конечно применяй в жизни!
Это стоит того,жизнь будет легче,в добрый путь!
Комментарий с сайта
№3 | 28.07.2007-21:27
Шри Чинмой - Аристократ, лучший из нас.
Князь В. Ракоци-Цыцак
Комментарий с сайта
№4 | 17.01.2008-18:27
Шри Чинмой настоящий Гуру. Он действительно может привести вас к самоосознанию.
Комментарий с сайта
№5 | 26.03.2008-16:10
Великий человек. Раскрывает глаза. Жизнь есть великое чудо, и ты - воплощение счастья, гармонии, порядка и покоя. Читайте!!!
Комментарий с сайта
№6 | 6.06.2008-12:18
Медитация - простая, понятная книга для ежедневной практики. Центры Шри Чинмой помогут в духовной практике.
Комментарий с сайта
№7 | 16.06.2008-19:28
Комментарий с сайта
№8 | 8.07.2008-11:42
Учитель Высочайшего уровня - равных просто нет, Его масштабная Личность потрясает своей многоплановостью. И который тут написал "секта" - сам темнота невежественная :-))) Знающий чел такого о Шри Чинмое никогда не скажет!
Комментарий с сайта
№9 | 25.09.2008-19:34
в Германии власти и общественность обеспокоены ростом числа случаев психических отклонений и самоубийств среди поклонников Чинмоя. Например, журнал Штерн в 1995 году рассказал историю 17-летнего студента-медика из Ганновера Клеменса Рюкерта, проведшего в секте 10 лет. За два дня до трагической гибели он передал своей матери слова Шри Чинмоя: Мама, гуру сказал, что я умру в понедельник; В тот день Клеменс медитировал много часов подряд, но смерть не шла. На следующее утро Клеменс то бродил, то бегал по квартире, бормоча: О, Суприм, Суприм, Суприм.,. Затем он наголо выбрил голову, кухонным ножом отсек себе ухо и выбежал на улицу. В роще неподалеку от дома Клеменс, склонясь перед захваченным с собой, залитым его кровью портретом Чинмоя скрыл себе сонную артерию.
Вам это правда нравится? :))
Комментарий с сайта
№10 | 14.10.2008-22:57
Это непросто высокий уровень человека или диалог о неизвестном восточном гуру. Это высочайшая реальность, которая находилась и находится с нами. Насколько я помню это второй человек, который получил международную премию мира из рук папы Иоанна Павла II, а первый человек была матушка Тереза. Оберон я недумаю, что в Ватикане наместник престола Бога на земле, а теперь и сам причисленный к лику святых совершенно неправильно воспринял реальность происходящего. И 30 лет официальной работы в ООН Шри Чинмой ведь занимал пост Посла мира от ООН. И немного личного; я от стихов Шри Чинмоя просто в восторге и всегда стараюсь узнать об авторе, которого изучаю. Шпион 007 мне теперь наверно в страхе ждать звонка от этой секты. Я Вас правильно понимаю ?
Комментарий с сайта
№11 | 12.01.2009-09:38
у меня мамаша в этой секте уже лет 15. это было когда-то человеком, а сейчас - животное. только мычит и пялится на этого "учителя жизни", да еще в секту таскается. И всех жить учит. Её уже за местную сумашедшую принимают. Я разговаривала с психотерапевтом, ее с радостью примут в больницу. А это тоже вам нравится? :))
Комментарий с сайта
№12 | 18.04.2009-22:04
Насколько я знаю, силком туда никто не тянет. Это для тех кто действительно встал на духовный путь. Я занимаюсь 10 лет всяким разным, до Шри Чинмоя только только подхожу. Насколько я понял, в основе -дыхательные упражнения и то по несколько минут в день. Если злоупотреблять, то по опыту знаю сдвиги гарантированы. У нас же народ - как дорвется..., а потом читаешь что внизу написано. Слишком хорошо там, не укаждого крыша справляется.
Комментарий с сайта
№13 | 26.05.2009-02:27
шри чинмой - позер. он одержим. он все время недоговаривает. ауробиндо тоже не все рассказывал, даже чинмою. чинмой хочет от учеников только одного - медитации на его портрете. это ему нужно для того, чтобы их энергия стекалась к нему. все, чего он достиг - связи с существами, которые контролируют его сознание. а про кундалини-йогу он рассказывает для отвода глаз. поверьте, он ее никогда не практиковал :)

несколько лет назад я прошел весь путь, который прошел чинмой и дошел до этой "реализации", даже взгляд у меня изменился, был как у молодого чинмоя на ранней одной фотографии. Потом с большими трудностями я выбирался из этой "реализации", когда понял, что эти существа не уважают свободную волю человека, что есть однозначно признак и свойство "падших". Но некоторые проблемы у меня остались до сих пор. Хотел даже книжку написать о том, о чем умолчали ауробиндо и чинмой, но потом подумал, что никто не будет читать, а если и будет - не поверит... вообщем, люди, бегите от этой секты, как от самого страшного кошмара, какой вы даже не можете себе представить :)
Комментарий с сайта
№14 | 28.05.2009-23:30
Я вражена простот правди
Комментарий с сайта
№15 | 3.06.2009-16:39
подскажите есть ли группа Шри в Германии? Спасибо!
Комментарий с сайта
№16 | 4.06.2009-21:16
Личность высочайшего уровня .Самый целостный человек на сегодняшний момент ,аватар,душа ,само терпение... Знала лично ,никогда не предам! Благодарна за все. Крыша совершенно на месте.)))
Каждый судит с высоты своего сознания.)))
Комментарий с сайта
№17 | 9.06.2009-19:45
Конкретно книга "медитация", неплохая и в основе понимания Бог и стремление к нему. На мой взгляд, если кто-то сходит с ума, то это не от таких книг, а по причине низкого духовного развития. Такую информацию западным людям сложно почувствовать, они стараются понять умом и получаются трагедии.
Комментарий с сайта
№18 | 10.06.2009-23:46
to -->> Chpion007:

С "учениями" Чинмойа Шри не знаком, но в свое время также вляпался в деструктивную секту медитации - Бхагвана Шри Раджниша (Ошо). После отхода из этого деструктивного психокульта у меня также были определенные проблемы с мозгами (в их понимании и правильном управлении, также с эмоциями и т. д.), но со всем этим удалось справиться после ознакомления с литературой по нейробиологии (например "От нейрона к мозгу") и особенно помогло НЛП - помогло понять себя и войти в настоящую гармонию оставаясь в свободном и трезвом уме, не закованым у цепи разных "гуру" и им подобных отморозков.

Chpion007, чтобы помочь своей маме почитай первым делом Стивена Хассена "Освобождение от психологического насилия", также неплохо Тимоти Лири "Технологии изменения сознания в деструктивных культах". Искренее желаю удачного исхода...

p.s. А вот "Флейтовая музыка для медитации" от Чинмоя неплоха, вводит в глубокий транс и релакс.
Комментарий с сайта
№19 | 11.06.2009-20:09
читайте С.Н. Лазарева и тогда не будет, ни каких проблем ни с мозгами, ни с душой.
Комментарий с сайта
№20 | 21.06.2009-19:00
Прекрасный Учитель.
Мудрый и заботливый.
Даже покинув сей мир, он наполняет мое сердце теплом и радостью.
Комментарий с сайта
№21 | 14.07.2009-19:25
Шри Чинмой что - супер мегаличность, Второе пришествие? Секта, она и в Африке - СЕКТА. А простому советскому человеку скажу просто: не выёживайся, товарищ, по типа восточной мистике и всему прочему! В Совдепе говорили "Тлетворное влияние Запада!", сегодня я скажу "Тлетворное влияние оккультной псевдо-индуистской части планеты!" Вот так. РАБОТАТЬ надо, а не сидеть дома на пятой точке, медитируя и "просветляясь"! Даешь стране угля, вашу!
Комментарий с сайта
№22 | 15.07.2009-17:46
Серёжа, попробуй дочитать до конца и применить на практике то, что излагается в книгах. Работа бывает разная - и самая трудная, как правило, внутри себя...
Комментарий с сайта
№23 | 17.07.2009-20:20
В книгах излагается ересь, приподносимая посредством типичного для деструктивного культа религиозного маркетинга. Больше добавить мне нечего.
P.S. Люди, дружите с головой!
Комментарий с сайта
№24 | 11.09.2009-12:58
Умом (рассудком) в это невозможно пробраться. Опыт обнаруживается задним числом. Опыт, выходящий за пределы логического линейного понимания. Опыт переживания чего-то необусловленного, в высшей степени трепетного и счастливого, чего нет и быть не может в обусловленном мире разума-желания-обладания-конкуренции-успешности-превосходства. Доказать это кому-либо невозможно, как объяснить вкус апельсина словами.
Комментарий с сайта
№25 | 20.12.2009-17:27
Спасибо за прекрасную возможность насладиться Высшим знанием. Шри Чинмой - Высочайшая Душа, Ом Шанти!
Комментарий с сайта
№26 | 26.01.2010-21:09
Здравствуйте! Сердечком - с Любовью,оно всё ясненько, понятненько и радостно...!!! Любовь, Любовь,Любовь - творит гения!
Комментарий с сайта
№27 | 24.03.2010-21:13
....Ибо рай - в Сердце вашем,ад - в уме вашем.....
Комментарий с сайта
№28 | 4.04.2010-18:58
каждый видит то что он хочет увидеть, а вернее видит своё отражение :)
Комментарий с сайта
№29 | 7.04.2010-20:09
Так отойди от зеркала то, не тупи! Взгляни на мир рационально! ;-)
Комментарий с сайта
№30 | 26.04.2010-00:24
А кто из вас хоть раз задумывался о своей жизни? Каждый человек уже почти БОГ, только не все это понимают, а те кто понимает никогда себя не поставит в противовес тому чьим подобием является))
Уверен есть нечто похожее на любом языке и в любой религии, кто знает никогда кричать не будет что он знает)
Комментарий с сайта
№31 | 11.06.2010-19:50
Комментарий с сайта
№32 | 9.08.2010-18:38
JR, на свое счастье - на дворе не 13-й век, с подобными то высказываниями...
Комментарий с сайта
№33 | 21.10.2010-10:44
Великолепные книги настоящего учителя. Я в восторге от книги Шри Чинмоя "Божественный герой"!
Комментарий с сайта
№34 | 25.10.2010-17:57
Великолепный маразматичный бред выходца из американского гетто!
Комментарий с сайта
№35 | 22.11.2010-22:47
Это что ни есть самая настоящая секта, их организовывают с умыслом превратить наш народ в тупых ,безприкословных зомби, подчинённых своему "гуру".

Эти люди не могут быть гуру. Гуру для публики не бывает,
как не бывает гуру с такими мотивами и методами, как у этих людей:
хотя они называют себя гуру это псевдо-гуру
Свами Кайвальянанда, ортодоксальный индуистский гуру-шанкарит
Комментарий с сайта
№36 | 12.12.2010-10:43
Боле антисектантскую секту трудно себе представить. Хотя бы почитали прежде чем болтать. Меня всегда вдохновляли книги Шри Чинмоя, хотя я и принадлежу к другой конфессии.
Комментарий с сайта
№37 | 14.12.2010-19:01
Дмитрий, МОСК - это тоже секта
Комментарий с сайта
№38 | 26.03.2011-02:31
Шри Чинмой был просветленным человеком и чистой душой. Читать - не читать, медитировать - не медитировать... дело личное, но мало существует личностей.
Комментарий с сайта
№39 | 8.04.2011-22:55
если отвлечся от личностей - основная мысль йоги - проявление бога в отдельно взятом ограниченном сознании. этому и посвятил себя шри чинмой. он никого не принуждал к этому, ибо к Этому невозможно принудить. в книгах чинмоя действительно присутствуют все божественные качества, которыми душа обладает. отождествление с этими качествами - духовная практика для ума, который управляет нашими несовершенными чувствами. но еще большей очищающей силой обладает музыка и песни шри чинмоя.
Комментарий с сайта
№40 | 17.12.2011-18:43
Согласен с отзывом: " ... юди, бегите от этой секты, как от самого страшного кошмара, какой вы даже не можете себе представить". Бывший ученик с 10-ти летним стажем.
Комментарий с сайта
№41 | 21.03.2012-20:06
Шри Чинмой - обманщик, он не тот за кого себя выдавал. "Гуру" - шоумен, всё делающий для собственного прославления. Не попадайтесь на удучку псевдодуховности. Минимум 3 года будете адаптироваться после ухода. я сам был в этой секте 3 года. Теперь я -православный христианин.
Комментарий с сайта
№42 | 8.05.2012-14:36
Саше, бывшему с 10-ти летним стажем. 10 лет прославлял Шри Чинмоя, а потом вдруг бац, и все плохо. Скорее всего Сашу выгнали, а не сам ушел.

Андрею. Вы не православный христианин, вы православный священник. "3 года будете адаптироваться" - это специальная лексика тех, кто за зарплату отстаивает интересы своих начальников. "Гуру" - шоумен - это с сайтов ваших работодателей.

Для остальных. В поисковиках наберите Шри Чинмой книги и почитайте. Книги скажут сами за себя. Просто супер!
Комментарий с сайта
№43 | 20.08.2012-19:11
Спасибо за книги!:)
Знающий чел
Комментарий с сайта
№44 | 19.09.2012-19:48
Nic, это я - Саша. Не выгнали, еле ноги унес, чуть живой. Заморочка еще та, распознать трудно, хотя все элементарно для тех, у кого есть Совесть. У меня с Совестью были проблемы, спасибо Чинмою научил "родину любить".
Комментарий с сайта
№45 | 20.09.2012-08:45
Дима Ваш "апельсин ... трепетный и счастливый" всего лишь прелесть, т.е. замкнутая астральная область - тюрьма. Вы отделены от общего, хотя так не считаете.
Комментарий с сайта
№46 | 12.03.2013-11:05
Тут столько пестрящих контрастом комментариев... Единственное обидно, что ни от одного "негативного" коммента в плане "Шри Чинмой недалекий человек, наживающийся на несчастных сектантах" ни одним сектантом меньше не станет, потому что сектант - он и в Африке сектант, с какой-то стороны даже лучше, что такие люди "защищены" учением Шри Чинмоя и не бегут продавать своё имущество во благо других Гуру. Разумные люди уходят из секты, да и то, там на столько много мишуры, что некоторые могут опомниться лишь через год (а кто и через 10 лет), секс то как-никак - тоже потребность, не говоря уже о всех запретах, налагаемых лидерами секты для поддержания невроза горе-ученичков в боевом состоянии, чтобы люди БОЯЛИСЬ, что их выгонят, тем самым привязывали себя своим страхом к учению, еженедельному посещению занятий, и, может быть даже ежедневным практикам и воздержаниям. Но всё же самый большой негатив в секте несут ИДЕИ, от которых потом и "адаптируешься 3 года", как было метко подмечено выше. Вот, например: "Будьте в высоком одухотворённом сознании", что это значит - непонятно, но если ты опытный ученик, то должен знать: подавляй свои естественные проявления (не думай плохо, не допускай негативных эмоций (читай - "подавляй эмоции глубоко в подсознание"), не смотри на братьевсестер противоположного пола и т.д.) Эти идеи очень негативно сказываются на психике, т.к. не соответствуют реальности.
Комментарий с сайта
№47 | 12.03.2013-12:39
Тем более, сколько бы у Ш.Ч. ни было сказано про реализацию, последователи самого же Ш.Ч. получаются самыми, что ни на есть нереалезованными в мире людьми, хорошо хоть не алкоголики. Единственный плюс: такие люди удобны для общества: не ругаются, почти со всем соглашаются, не пьют, не курят, не желают, не водят к себе девок, их легко запугать и т.п. В итоге, по моему мнению, даже православие головного мозга (каких бы зомби оно не плодило) - это еще ангельские пения по сравнению с жесткой диктатурой шри чинмоевства с его жесткими ограничениями, правилами и отуплением: делай как говорят - не думай и всё будет ок, при коммунизме говорили также, но к чему это всё привело?
Знающий чел
Комментарий с сайта
№48 | 9.04.2013-15:28
Лена, "вечный друг" не врал, когда говорил, что даже уйдя с пути, бывший ученик остается с ним. Надо понимать, что с ложным Богом не очень-то комфортно жить и, не дай Бог кому, умирать. Оккультную инициацию Шри Чинмоя можно аннулировать только Благодатью Христовой через воцерковление. Православие - религия разума и свободы. Оккультное поражение может быть необратимым.
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№49 | 7.05.2013-18:36
Противно слушать бред ,,, недоучеников (к какой бы религии или учению они не принадлежат) Любой человек познавший Божественное знает что оно присутствует во всём. - Истинный учитель проповедуя ложное учение, сделает его истинным. Ложный учитель проповедуя истинное учение, сделает его ложным. Успокойтесь фарисеи и книжники..лучше занимайтесь спасением..А спасение возможно лишь востановив связь с Богом. А способ для этого прост - Пост и молитва. что значит отречение от ложного и притяжения к Истинному. И данные практики присутствуют ВО ВСЕХ учениях и религиях.. (это для православных) Но кажется они (религии)уже забыли в чём смысл человеческой жизни. А смысл это проявить образ Божий (опять же православным, словами их же словами) Учитель это тот кто вдохновляет и поддерживает, но добиться, достичь цели, человек может только сам!..

Кундалини. Мать-сила
Чинмой Шри.
В этой редкой книге просветленный духовный Учитель объясняет различные техники для пробуждения Кундалини и открытия третьего глаза, и других чакр.

Как человек, который испытал на себе все действие силы Кундалини, Шри Чинмой предостерегает об опасностях и ловушках, которые следует избегать и обсуждает некоторые оккультные силы, приходящие с открытием этих чакр. Он рассказывает о путях открытия чакр, о взаимоотношении Кундалини и Божественной Матери и, что наиболее важно, о мире вне опыта Кундалини.

Эта книга состоит из четырех значительных бесед и ответов Шри Чинмоя на множество специфических вопросов об этом предмете.

Ум-путаница и сердце-просветление. Часть 1
Чинмой Шри.
Мир ума и мир сердца: как привести их к гармонии? В этом сборнике вопросов и ответов рассказывается о различных планах сознания и высших сферах ума, а также о подсознательном уме и психологическом анализе.

Автор затрагивает такие важные темы, как очищение ума и развитие интуиции.
Безмолвное обучение
Название этой книги - «Безмолвное обучение» - на первый взгляд может показаться странным, даже парадоксальным. Но когда мы говорим о медитации, мы попадаем в мир, где по традиции истина передается непосредственно, в тишине, при помощи взгляда, жеста, прикосновения.

Один из наиболее известных примеров - «проповедь-цветок» Будды, когда он пришел выступать перед большим собранием людей, и его «лекция» состояла в том, чтобы показать цветок! Как говорит Шри Чинмой, «все истинные духовные Учителя обучают медитации в безмолвии».

Книга охватывает весь диапазон тем и содержит выборку из лучших произведений Шри Чинмоя по данному предмету.

We are all seekers, and our goal is the same: to achieve inner peace, light, and joy, to become inseparably one with our Source, and to lead lives full of true satisfaction.

To live in joy is to live the inner life. This is the life that leads to self-realisation. Self-realisation is God-realisation, for God is nothing other than the Divinity that is deep inside each one of us, waiting to be discovered and revealed. We may also refer to God as the Inner Pilot or the Supreme. But no matter which term we use, we mean the Highest within us, that which is the ultimate goal of our spiritual quest.

A spiritual person should be a normal person, a sound person. In order to reach God, a spiritual person has to be divinely practical in his day-to-day activities. In divine practicality, we share our inner wealth. We feel the divine motivation behind each action and share the result with others. Spirituality does not negate the outer life. The outer life should be the manifestation of the divine life within us.

~Sri Chinmoy, The Wings of Joy

Fear of the Inner Life

Strange is this world of ours. Stranger is our human understanding. Strangest is our fear of the inner life.

Most of us do not know what the inner life is. What is the inner life? It is the life that lives to grow and grows to live. It grows in the unhorizoned vision of the soul. It lives in the sublimest plenitude of the soul. This inner life always acts in accordance with the transforming and fulfilling light of the soul. If you do not know your soul, then in the world of divine wisdom you will be accused of dire ignorance. When you know your soul, in no time you become acquainted with God.

Please do not be forgetful of your great promise to God. Before you came into the world, before you donned the human cloak, you told God, your sweet Lord, with all the sincerity at your command, that you would participate in His divine lila (Drama). He said to you, "My child, fulfil Me and fulfil yourself at the same time on earth." You were divinely thrilled; your joy knew no bounds. You said, "Father, I shall. May my soulful promise be worthy of Your compassionate Command."

As ill luck would have it, you have now totally forgotten your promise. Here on earth you want to fulfil not God, but yourself. Your unlit mind prompts you to betray God. And you do it. You feel that God's fulfilment must come only through your fulfilment. If it does not work out that way, you are not prepared to sacrifice one iota of your life breath to fulfil God here on earth. Your divine promise sheds bitter tears of failure. Needless to say, to try to fulfil yourself before you have fulfilled God is to put the cart before the horse. It is the height of absurdity.

Perhaps by now you have come to learn what has made you fail in your most sincere promise to God. It is your fear. If I ask you how many enemies you have, you will jump up and say, "Quite a few." But I have to say you are mistaken. You have just one enemy and that is all, even though, to your wide surprise, it seems like a host in itself. That single enemy of yours is fear, your unconsciously cherished fear.

You are afraid of the inner life. You feel that the moment you launch into the inner life you are lost, completely lost, like a babe in the woods. You may also think that in accepting the inner life, you are building castles in the air. Finally, you may feel that to accept the inner life is to throw your most precious life into the roaring mouth of a lion who will completely devour you and your outer life.

You have countless sweet dreams. You want to transform them into reality. All your dreams want to enjoy the world. You want to offer your momentous mite to the world at large; but you feel that if you embark on the inner life, you will be deprived of all these invaluable achievements. So now it is time for fear to make its appearance, and naturally you start shying away from the inner life. Fear starts torturing you. It tries to limit and bind you.

Unfortunately, your life yields to this deplorable mistake. But if once, only once, with the help of your all energising meditation, you could carry your long-cherished fear into the inner world, you would see that fear loses its very existence there. In the twinkling of an eye, it becomes one with the dynamic strength of your inner life.

If you want to truly possess the outer world, you have to possess the inner world first. Not the other way around. If you want to truly enjoy the outer world, you must enjoy the inner world first. Not vice versa. If your heart pines to serve humanity, you have to serve the inner divinity first. Infallible is this truth.

Божественный герой
Как научиться побеждать на поле битвы жизни?

Победа бывает двух видов. Одна - преходящая, временная, подобная песчаной дюне. Другая победа - вечная, победа навсегда. Тот, кто хочет победить себя, не только самый мудрый человек, но и величайший божественный герой. Эта книга, несомненно, поможет всем, кто хочет решить свои проблемы с позиции настоящего божественного героя.

Смерть и реинкарнация
Эта глубоко волнующая книга принесла утешение и понимание огромному множеству людей, столкнувшихся лицом к лицу со смертью любимого человека или со страхом перед собственной смертью. Рассказывая о жизни после смерти, Шри Чинмой делится своими знаниями и дает ответы на многочисленные вопросы.


What is actually meant by Yoga?

"Yoga" means "union." This union is between man and God. Yoga tells us how far we have progressed in relation to God-realization. It also tells us about our destined role in God's Cosmic Drama. The final word of Yoga is that each human soul is a divine representative of God on earth.

Now let us focus our attention on the practical aspect of Yoga. There are various kinds of Yoga. Karma Yoga, the path of action; Bhakti Yoga, the path of love and devotion; and Jnana Yoga, the path of knowledge. These three serve as the three main gates to God's palace. If we want to see and feel God in the sweetest and the most intimate way, then we have to practice Bhakti Yoga. If we want to realize God in humanity through our selfless service, then we have to practice Karma Yoga. If we want to realize wisdom and the glories of God's transcendental Self, then we have to practice Jnana Yoga.

Can anybody practice Yoga?

Yes, anybody can practice Yoga and it can be practiced irrespective of age. But we must understand what Yoga really involves. Unfortunately, there are many people who think that Yoga means physical postures and breathing exercises. This is a deplorable mistake. These postures and exercises are preliminary and preparatory states, leading towards concentration and meditation, which alone can take us to a deeper, higher and fuller life.

Yoga is not something unnatural, abnormal or unearthly. It is something practical, natural and spontaneous. Right now, we do not know where God is and what God looks like. But by practicing Yoga, we see Him first hand. As in the material world we achieve success in our chosen activity by constant practice, so also in the spiritual world, by practicing Yoga, we achieve the Goal of goals - God-realization.

Can Yoga help us in our everyday life?

Certainly. Yoga helps us in our everyday life. As a matter of fact, it is Yoga that can serve as the supreme help in our daily lives. Our human life is full of doubt, fear and frustration. Yoga helps us to replace fear with indomitable courage, doubt with absolute certainty and frustration with golden achievements.


What is the best way to prevent wrong thoughts from attacking us?

The thoughts that we have to control are the thoughts that are not productive, the thoughts that are damaging, the thoughts that are destructive, the thoughts that are silly, the thoughts that are negative. These thoughts can come from outside and enter into us; or they may already be inside us and merely come forward. The thoughts that come from outside are easier to control than the thoughts that are already inside. If an undivine thought comes from outside, we have to feel that we have a shield all around us or right in front of us as a protection, especially in front of the forehead. If we feel that our forehead is something vulnerable, delicate, exposed, then we will always be a victim to wrong thoughts. But the moment we consciously make ourselves feel that this forehead is a shield, a solid wall, then wrong thoughts cannot come in.

The thoughts that are already inside us creating problems are more difficult to throw out, but we can do it. We can do it through extension of our consciousness. We have a body, and inside this body are wrong forces that have taken the form of thoughts. What we have to do is extend our physical consciousness through conscious effort and aspiration, as we extend an elastic band, until we feel that our whole body is extended to infinity and has become just a white sheet of infinitely extended consciousness. If we can do this, we will see that our consciousness is all purity.

Each pure thought, each pure drop of consciousness, is like poison to impurity or to wrong thoughts in us. We are afraid of impure thoughts, but impure thoughts are more afraid of our purity.
nmoy Answers ; Suffering

Why do we have to pass through sad experiences such as suffering and sorrow?

Why do we experience suffering? In this world, we are always consciously or unconsciously making mistakes. When we consciously make mistakes, we are quite aware of it. But unfortunately, we do not realize how many things we are doing wrong unconsciously. These unconscious mistakes manifest themselves in the physical world, and the results come to us as suffering. In the case of ordinary, unaspiring human beings, after tremendous suffering, sincerity dawns and the soul leads them to knowledge and wisdom. If people who repeatedly make mistakes have sincere aspiration and want to know why they are suffering, then the soul's Light comes to the fore and tells them. If we are spiritual people, consciously we will try not to do anything wrong, but unconsciously we do many things wrong. We can prevent unconscious mistakes only through our aspiration, prayer and meditation. If we aspire, then God's grace and compassion protect us.

It is not necessary to go through suffering before we enter into the kingdom of delight. Many people have realized God through love. The Father has love for the child and the child has love for the Father. This love takes us to our goal. Our philosophy emphasizes the positive way of approaching Truth. We have limited light. Let us increase it. Let us progress from more Light to abundant Light to infinite Light.

The highest discovery is this: We came from delight, we grow in delight and at the end of our journey's close, we retire into delight. Delight is now in the inner world, while the outer world is all suffering. We see people quarreling and fighting. Fear, doubt, anger, jealousy and other undivine elements torture us. But when we go deep within, on the strength of our highest meditation, we discover that delight was our origin, our Source. We see that in delight we play the Cosmic Game and at the end of the Cosmic Game, we again retire into delight.


Speak to us about spiritual surrender.

The present-day world wants individuality. It demands freedom. But true individuality and freedom can breathe only in the Divine. Surrender is the untiring breath of the soul in the Heart of God.

Human individuality shouts in the dark. Earthly freedom cries out in the deserts of life. But absolute surrender universally sings of divine individuality and freedom in the lap of the Supreme.

In surrender we discover the spiritual power through which we can become not only the seers but also the possessors of Truth. This Truth is the omnipotent power. If we can surrender in absolute silence, we shall ourselves become the reality of the real, the life of the living, the center of true love, peace and bliss.

A lovely child attracts our attention. We love him because he conquers our heart. But do we ask anything from him in return? No! We love him because he is the object of love; he is lovable. In the same way we can and should love God, for He is the most lovable Being. Spontaneous love for the Divine is surrender, and this surrender is the greatest gift in life. For when we surrender, the Divine in no time gives us infinitely more than we would have asked for.

Surrender is a spiritual miracle. It teaches us how to see God with our eyes closed, how to talk to Him with our mouth shut. Fear enters into our being only when we withdraw our surrender from the Absolute.

Every action of ours should be to please God and not to gain applause. Our actions are too secret and sacred to display before others. They are meant for our own progress, achievement and realization.

Surrender to God's Will entirely depends on our necessity. If we feel that our life is meaningless, that we will not be satisfied or fulfilled without surrendering our earthly existence to God's Will, then surrender will be possible for us.

God can never compel us to surrender; it is we who have to feel the necessity of loving God and devoting ourselves to God at every second. We start with love. Even in the ordinary life, when we love someone, we gladly devote our life and our entire being to that person. In the spiritual life also, if we really love God, who is all Light and infinite wisdom, then we have to devote ourselves to Him. So love, devotion and surrender must always go together.


What is spirituality and what is it not?

Sri Chinmoy: Spirituality is not an escape from the world of reality. Spirituality tells us what the true reality is and how we can discover it here on earth. Spirituality is not the denial of life, but the purest acceptance of life. Life is to be accepted unreservedly. Life is to be realized soulfully. Life is to be transformed totally. Life is to be lived eternally.

What happens if a person wants to enter the spiritual life but has to adjust himself to the material life?

Yoga and life must go together. We have to go deep within to discover the spiritual life, but without negating the material life. From inside we have to come outside; we cannot go inside while holding on to the values of the outer life. We need the inner life and in the inner life is to be found infinite joy, peace and bliss. From the inner life, we bring to the fore our inner, divine qualities. The material life can then be easily adjusted. The material life, in fact, has its true significance only when it is supported by the inner life. At present, what is actually happening is that we are trying to separate the material life from the spiritual life. Actually, there is no such division, but unfortunately people think that either one has to accept the material life and wallow in its pleasures or else one has to be a complete ascetic, that there can be no compromise. This is not true. The material life has to be accepted, but not in a sense of total indulgence. The material life is to be accepted for the manifestation of our divine, inner qualities.

God has to be placed first in one's life, without negating the material life or the outer world. If we place God first, then God enters, on our behalf, into the outer world, into the material world. But if we place the material world first, then we cannot reach God because the process is wrong. It is from God that we have to enter into the material life. God looms large in the inner life and from the inner life we can and must bring Him into the outer life. This is how we can adjust ourselves to the material life and make it one with the spiritual life.
hinmoy Answers ; Soul

Has each soul a special mission?

Your soul has a special mission. Your soul is supremely conscious of it.

Maya, illusion or forgetfulness, makes you feel that you are finite, weak and helpless. This is not true. You are not the body. You are not the senses. You are not the mind. These are all limited. You are the soul, which is unlimited. Your soul is infinitely powerful. Your soul defies all time and space.
Has your soul a special mission? Yes. Your mission is in the inmost recesses of your heart, and you have to find and fulfill it there. There can be no external way for you to fulfill your mission. The deer grows musk in his own body. He smells it and becomes enchanted, and tries to locate its source. He runs and runs, but he cannot find the source. In his endless search, he loses all his energy and finally he dies. But the source he was so desperately searching for was within himself. How could he find it elsewhere?

Such is the case with you. Your special mission-which is the fulfillment of your divinity - is not outside you, but within you. Search within. Meditate within. You will discover your mission.

When we see through the Light of the soul, is it always with the feeling of joy?

Yes. It is always with a feeling of inner joy and this joy may often be expressed by the shedding of tears. This shedding of tears is the outer expression of the soul's delight and has nothing to do with human sorrow, grief or frustration. It is like a mother shedding tears when she sees her son returning home from abroad. Her tears are the expression of her inner joy.

What does sin mean to you?

To me, sin is a kind of imperfection or ignorance. It is not necessarily something very bad, ugly or untouchable. In the process of evolution we are aiming at perfection, but right now most people are still wallowing in the pleasures of ignorance and self-indulgence. As long as you remain in ignorance, you will do things wrong, you will commit sins. But you must not feel that you are completely lost or covered in darkness. You are just, progressing from less Light to more Light, and ultimately to liberation from ignorance-imperfection-sin.

How does one get liberated from sin? Does liberation happen suddenly?

One can liberate oneself from sin only by invoking God's constant grace. God's grace always descends abundantly and powerfully, but most human beings do not try to receive it. If the individual wants to free himself or herself from ignorance, and cries to receive God's compassion-rain, then definitely he will be liberated from the snares of imperfection-sin. But this liberation comes gradually as the seeker becomes more illumined. You must not expect sudden and miraculous overnight transformations, although these do occasionally occur.


What are "questions and answers in the silence world"?

Once a seeker named Bijoykrishna went to visit the spiritual Master Ramdas Kathiya Baba while he was holding a meeting. The disciples of Ramdas Kathiya Baba were asking their Master questions, but Bijoykrishna remained silent. When he was about to go away, the disciples of Ramdas Kathiya Baba said to him, "You came all the way from a distant village to meet with our Master. Do you not have anything to ask?"
Bijoykrishna said, "I have already asked him many, many questions. He has answered all my questions inwardly."
Ramdas smiled and said, "It is absolutely true."

When silence asks a question and silence answers, both the question and the answer are most powerful, for the question and answer start their journey in the silence-heart and end their journey in the silence-heart. When the question and answer are not from the silence world, the mind wants to add something to the question and to the answer. What the mind adds is nothing but a doubtful, hesitant and discouraging existence-reality. When the mind is involved, the reality-experience is not and cannot be spontaneous; therefore, it is infinitely inferior to the reality-experience which lives in the heart, with the heart and for the heart. In the heart, spontaneity always reigns supreme.
moy Answers ; Samadhi

Could you please describe the different levels of samadhi?

There are various minor samadhis, and among the minor samadhis, savikalpa samadhi happens to be the highest. Right after savikalpa comes nirvikalpa samadhi, but there is a great yawning gulf between savikalpa and nirvikalpa.

In savikalpa samadhi there are thoughts and ideas coming from various angles, but they do not affect you. While you are meditating, you remain unperturbed, and your inner being functions in a dynamic and confident manner. But when you are a little higher, when you have become one with the soul in nirvikalpa samadhi, there will be no ideas or thoughts at all. There nature's dance stops. There is no nature, only infinite peace and bliss. The Knower and the known have become one. Everything is tranquil. There you enjoy a supremely divine, all-pervading, self-amorous ecstasy. You become the object of enjoyment, you become the enjoyer and you become the enjoyment itself.

Sahaja samadhi is by far the highest type of samadhi. In this samadhi one is in the highest consciousness, but at the same time he is working in the gross physical world. One maintains the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi while simultaneously entering into earthly activities.

When we enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, the first thing we feel is that our heart is larger than the universe itself. Now we see the world around us, and the universe seems infinitely larger than we are. But this is because the world and the universe are now perceived by the limited mind. When we are in nirvikalpa samadhi, we see the universe like a tiny dot inside our vast heart.

In nirvikalpa samadhi there is infinite bliss. There is nothing in comparison to the quantity, not to speak of the quality, of that bliss.

The last thing we feel in nirvikalpa samadhi is power. All the power that all the occultists have put together is nothing compared with the power we have in nirvikalpa samadhi. But the power that we can take from samadhi to utilize on earth is infinitesimal compared with the entirety. All this I am expressing through the mind; it is not exact. But I cannot express with words more of the Truth that I have realized.

What is the difference between samadhi and God-realization?

There is no comparison between samadhi and realization. Samadhi is a state of consciousness in which one can stay for a few hours or a few days. But once one has achieved realization, it lasts forever.

Savikalpa samadhi is an exalted and glowing state of consciousness, whereas realization is a conscious, natural and manifesting state of consciousness. When realization dawns, the seeker enjoys freedom from the human personality and human individuality. He is like a tiny drop of water which enters into the ocean. Once it enters, it becomes the ocean.

moy Answers ; Saints

If any human being can so transform his consciousness as to identify with the Universal Consciousness, certainly this human being deserves to be revered. At the same time, you have madmen who go around posing as elevated beings. What then are the distinguishing marks between a saint and a madman?

Saints are intoxicated with the divine ecstasy. Great spiritual saints, when they attain their spiritual perfection, are drinking ambrosial nectar. They are living in that delightful consciousness in which they feel that the world itself is holding the spiritual ocean of bliss. Some of them try to bring down that highest delight, Ananda, from a very high plane where they have received it, and sometimes they find it difficult. When they find it difficult to touch the material plane carrying this bliss, they may lose their inner balance and for a short time become forgetful of the physical consciousness. At that time they may not be able to function normally on the physical plane. A seeker may forget his name, for example, and others may say he is acting like a madman.

But an ordinary madman is mentally, vitally or physically dislocated. He never knows what he should do, what he should say or how he should act. He has permanently lost the connection between the physical world and his own existence on earth. So whenever he says or does something, there is no harmony with the Universal Consciousness. That is to say, he cannot project himself into the Universal Consciousness in which we are all abiding. All of us are living in the Universal Consciousness, although we may not be conscious of it. At the same time, we are not violating the rules of the Universal Consciousness. A madman is also unaware of the Universal Consciousness, but at the same time, he is violating the laws of the Universal Consciousness, owing to his ignorance

Please speak to us about renunciation.

From the strict spiritual point of view, the so-called earthly renunciation is not necessary for an aspirant. If renunciation means leaving aside one's family, if renunciation means not caring for society or humanity, then I wish to say that no matter what we renounce today, there will be something else tomorrow to stand in our way. Today our family is the obstacle; tomorrow it will be our friends; the day after tomorrow it will be our country, and the day after, the world. There is no end to this kind of renunciation.

Certainly we have to renounce in the spiritual life. What are we going to renounce? We are going to renounce fear, doubt, imperfection, ignorance and death. We are not going to renounce individuals; we are going to renounce qualities which stand in the way of our union with the Divine. When we enter into the spiritual life, we get the opportunity to renounce, or rather, to transform these qualities.

If somebody says he is going to renounce the world in order to realize God, then I wish to say that he is mistaken. Today he will renounce the world and tomorrow he will find that the God he is seeking is nowhere else; He is in the world itself. What is preventing him from seeing God in the world? It is his attitude. In order to see God in humanity, he has to remove the veil of ignorance that lies between him and the rest of the world. When the veil is removed, there is nothing to be renounced. One sees God, one feels God, one is in God, here and beyond.

What is religion?

Religion is an act of vision that guides and leads us to the Beyond. Religion is intuitive. Religion is so near and dear to each of us, so familiar to our soul and so intimate to our heart, that it requires no definition.

Religion is not fanaticism. Religion, in the purest form, is a feeling of the universal oneness of Truth. A fanatic never sees the Truth in its totality, even in his wildest imagination. A fanatic has nothing to offer the world precisely because he has not kept his heart's door open wide, and because he lacks the capacity to commune with his soul.

What are the signs of a true religion?

Forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, brotherhood and the feeling of oneness are the signs of a true religion. If you live in your oneness-heart, you will feel the essence of all religions, which is the love of God.

In the Hindu tradition one speaks of atman equals Brahman, the individual soul equals the universal Soul. Jesus Christ once said, "I and my Father are one." Are these two statements, coming from two different spiritual backgrounds one and the same?

It is the same statement. We say in Sanskrit atman and Paramatman, the individual soul and the Supreme Self. God comes down into the manifestation and takes the form of the individual soul. Then the individual soul, in the process of its evolution, reaches and becomes the Supreme Self, Paramatman. But to fulfill Himself integrally and wholly in the material world, God needs the individual soul, the atman.
The statements are the same. When Christ said, "I and my Father are one," it was like saying that atman and Paramatman are one. That is why in India we say, "Atmanam viddhi"- "know thyself."

‹ Reincarnation


You said that we are all evolving and progressing. But where did this whole process start? Was there a beginning?

We came into existence from God's delight. When we entered the creation, we evolved through the lower stages: mineral life, plant life, animal life. Although we have now entered into the human life, we are still half animal. There are some who want to kill or hurt others, and exhibit all kinds of animal and destructive tendencies.

But in the case of a spiritual aspirant, it is different. He tries to transcend his lower nature and aspires to be aware of and live in his divine nature, where he experiences peace, joy and love.

Why do you believe in rebirth? I know pretty well that I shall go to God when I die. And that's all.

My friend, as you will go to God when you leave the body, so will I. Let us be wise. Our business is to go to God; it is God's business if He wants to keep you in Heaven and send me back to earth. Or vice versa. The best thing for us is to surrender to God and let Him fulfill us in His own way. Having thrown aside all our preconceived ideas regarding the existence or non-existence of rebirth, let us do the only thing of importance: be one with His Will and Consciousness.

When the soul is going to reincarnate, is it forced to do so or does the soul have the privilege of making this decision?

When the soul leaves the body, it gradually goes back to its own region, after leaving the physical, vital, mental and psychic sheaths. Nobody can compel the soul to reincarnate, save the Supreme. The Supreme has the power to compel the soul, but He does not do it. The Supreme does not compel anybody to do anything. The soul has an inner urge to fulfill the Divine here on earth. Some souls want to take rest for a few years, say ten, twenty, forty or sixty years, while others who are not developed and are full of earthly desires, who want to fulfill their countless unfulfilled desires, come back to the physical world sooner. To be sure, they are not going to fulfill anything spiritual here on earth. They just come back to the world of manifestation to fulfill their countless human desires.

How long do we have to continue to reincarnate?

If one aspires, one expedites one's realization. Otherwise, an ordinary human being takes hundreds and hundreds of incarnations before actual realization takes place. Aspirants who consciously enter into the path of spirituality and try to discipline themselves on the strength of their inner cry will naturally gain their realization sooner than those who are still sleeping and are not yet conscious of the inner life.


What is the highest kind of purity I can aspire to?

Purity in the physical. You should always try to invoke Light in the unaspiring body. The lower physical and the emotional vital below the navel have to be purified totally. Human beings have purity to some extent in the heart. In the mind the quantity is very small. In the vital purity is totally mixed with impurity. There dynamism and aggression play together, but aggression is impurity and dynamism is purity. Below the vital is the physical. There, because of inertia and sloth, darkness reigns supreme. And where there is darkness, you can rest assured that impurity is the lord.

Please speak to us about the power of purity.

Purity is the Light of our soul expressing its divinity through the body, the vital and the mind. When we are pure, we gain everything. If we can retain our purity, we will never lose anything worth keeping. Today we may have great thoughts or great inner power, but tomorrow we are bound to lose them if we are not pure. Purity is the breath of the Supreme. When purity leaves us, the breath of the Supreme also leaves, and we are left with only our human breath.

Purity is like a divine magnet. It pulls all divine qualities into us. If you have purity, then you have everything. There are two ways to have purity. One is by seeing God inside everyone, consciously and constantly. The other is by imagining God and consciously repeating His name as many times as possible. If you have purity, you do not have to go to God. God Himself will make you see His infinite Divinity. What God is will be reflected in you.

Purity expedites God's hour. Purity embodies God's power. If you have purity, then there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. Purity is the harbinger of selfless oneness, eternity's perfect, selfless oneness with God.

Would you speak to us about the reason for adversity and problems in our life?

Adversity makes you dynamic. Adversity forces your eyes wide apart. Adversity teaches you the meaning of patience. Adversity endows you with faith in yourself. Adversity leads us inward to correct and perfect our march to life. Prosperity leads us onward to illlumine and imortalize our human birth.

In prosperity, our inner strength remains static. In adversity, our inner strength becomes dynamic. None can deny the fact that every step of progress which the world has made has come from both the smiles of prosperity and the tears of adversity.

One merit of adversity none can deny: it helps us to be stronger within. The stronger we are within, the brighter we are without.

When I have problems, I can not seem to really solve them. Even my friends and parents do not know what way is best.

There is somebody who knows what is best for you, and that is the Supreme. The Supreme is not a mental hallucination. You will be able to see Him, you will be able to hear Him, you will be able to dine with Him. He is not only your Father, but also your eternal Comrade. You have to give Him responsibility for yourself.

His Eyes have better vision than ours. His Ears hear more quickly than our human ears. We talk to human beings who have no time to hear us; they have so many things to do in the outer world. But we very often forget that there is somebody else who is eager to listen. The Supreme is always eager to hear from us, but we do not speak to Him.

If we know how to look at a problem, half the strength of the problem goes away. But usually we try to avoid the problem; we try to run away from it. To have a problem is not a crime, so why should we be afraid to face it? Our difficulty is that when something unfortunate happens in our life, we immediately feel that we are at fault, that we have done something wrong. We must know that there are also wrong forces, undivine forces, hostile forces around us.

By blaming ourselves and then trying to hide, we do not solve the problem. We have to face the problem and see whether we really are to blame. In order to solve the problem of myself, I have to practice the spiritual life and develop inner strength, aspiration and inner detachment. Slowly, gradually, I will become inwardly strong, and then I will be able to solve the problems caused by my own inner weaknesses.

As soon as you have conquered a difficulty, you will find that it repeats itself on a higher and subtler level. It is the same essential weakness in yourself which you are made to face in a more refined form.

Could you speak to us about human pride and divine pride?

My human pride feels that I can do everything. My divine pride, the pride that has surrendered itself to the Will of God, knows that I can do everything only when I am inspired, guided and helped by the Supreme.

My human pride wants the world to understand me, my love, my help and my sacrifice. My divine pride, which is the feeling of oneness with all in God, does not wish the world to understand my selfless activities. It feels that if God understands me and knows my motives, then there can be no greater reward.

My human pride drinks the hot water of life - sufferings, struggles and doubts - without a spoon. The result is that my tongue gets badly burnt. My divine pride drinks the same hot water, nay, infinitely more in quantity, but it uses a spoon to drink with, so I suffer not. This spoon is the spoon of liberation, freed from the shackles of ignorance.

My human pride is afraid of saying and ashamed of doing many things. My divine pride is not afraid of saying and not ashamed of doing anything, for it knows that God is at once the Doer and the action. Whom am I to be afraid of? What am I to be ashamed of?

My human pride crushes humanity with man-acquired power. My divine pride liberates humanity with God-given power.
When I say that God is mine and I can use Him at my sweet will, I harbor my human pride. But when I say that I am God's, and my very existence is at His Behest and at His Feet, I cherish divine pride.

To my human pride, the material world says, "We shall either succeed or we shall fail and perish." To my divine pride, the spiritual world says, "Together shall we endeavor, together shall we succeed."

moy Answers ; Precognition

Do you think that precognition can restrict man's free will?

Precognition does not necessarily restrict man's free will. It depends entirely on the wisdom-Light of the one who has the knowledge of the future and on his capacity to deal with the prediction. It may be helpful to have the capacity to know the future, but one should not pray to God to give him this capacity. One should pray to God only for the fulfillment of His Will.

Is it good to have a knowledge of the future?

To know the future is good only if you have patience, faith and the wisdom to use this knowledge in the proper way. Suppose you see that something discouraging, disheartening and destructive is going to take place in your life in the near future. Because you know in advance, you have the opportunity to pray to God to avert the calamity.

On the other hand, if you see something good, divine, inspiring, illumining and fulfilling is going to take place in the near future, then you can start offering your sincere gratitude to God, and also you can pray to God to expedite this fulfilling manifestation. God may listen to your prayers and accelerate the process if He sees that you truly value His blessings.
So if God blesses you with inner vision or with the capacity to know the future, then you have to utilize it properly. There are people who have the vision, but who are not wise enough to use it carefully. When they predict disastrous future events, they create useless and destructive fear in people, instead of inspiring them to pray for protection or illumination.

moy Answers ; Prayer

What do you say while you are praying? To whom are you speaking? Have you ever prayed for others, for the world, for peace? How have you done this?

How to pray? With tears in our hearts. Where to pray? In a lonely place. When to pray? The moment our inner being wants us to pray. Why to pray? This is the question of questions. We have to pray if we want our aspirations to be fulfilled by God.

When I am praying, I am communing with the Highest Absolute. I speak to Him either like a beggar to an emperor or like a child to his grandfather. I started praying and meditating - you can say unconsciously - at the age of four or five. But since the very beginning of my conscious spiritual journey, I have been praying to the Supreme not only for my own perfection in life but also for a oneness-world founded upon inner peace. At this point in my spiritual journey, all my prayers are for others, for the world, for peace.

Then again, in the highest sense, there is no separation between myself and "others." After I attained my own conscious union with God, I came to realize that there is only one "person," and that is my universal oneness-life.
During prayer and meditation, it is advisable to speak to God in your own mother tongue because the language that you learned from birth has become inseparably one with your life-breath, which is all simplicity, sincerity, purity and divinity. So it is advisable, especially for seekers, to pray to God in the language in which you were brought up.

To pray to God or to work as God wants us to work - which is the better of the two?

I am happy to answer this question. It is a question of questions. But the answer is quite simple. To pray to God or to work as God wants us to work - both are of supreme importance. Both are inevitable means to an end. And that end is God-realization.

Which is the most beautiful prayer: the prayer of praise and beseeching, where man sees God as omnipotent, or the prayer of acceptance - "Thy Will be done"?

The prayer "Let Thy Will be done" is infinitely more beautiful, infinitely more illumining and infinitely more fulfilling than a prayer of praise and beseeching. When we say, "Let Thy Will be done," it means we have become fully aware of our measureless limitations, incapacities and ignorance, and aware of God's measureless compassion, concern and love for us. Because of our fathomless ignorance, we admit that we do not know what is good for us. We realize we may ask for the wrong thing, which instead of helping or satisfying us will only make us miserable. So we ask our divine Father, who loves us infinitely more than we love ourselves, to take control of our lives and make the decisions for us.



How can we love and serve our brothers and sisters?

First things first. To love others, to serve others, try to love and serve God first. Then automatically you will be in a position to love and serve all human beings, your brothers and sisters.

I am serving my disciples and trying to manifest the Supreme on earth. Right now you, my disciples, have a little faith in me; that is why you are trying to manifest the Supreme. But practically nobody is serving Him consciously. If you had really been serving the Supreme, by this time you could have offered abundant Light to the world at large. You are serving in a way, but not spontaneously, wholeheartedly and lovingly
