Сильный развал пропаганды безбожия

English people, here is the short passage in Russian, and then the English continues. All atheist say No to God. So, their brain cells are organized that way. This organization is the spiritual, the mental. You can not make the sign of the Holy Cross, you can not go to confess the sins.;

Идёт борьба, идёт Спасенье.
Ребята, это не варенье!
Несогласие одно:
зло не любит всё добро.
Кто источник доброты?
Ты, Иисус, навечно Ты!
Кто же первый согрешил,
зла начало положил?
Да свихнулся Сатана,
вечна бездна вся греха!
Слишком смело написал?
Может быть зачислишь балл?
Просто пишем осторожно,
Богу же ведь всё возможно.
Не понравится наш труд - черти кости перетрут.

Кто мало знаком с моим английским, необходимую информацию найдёте на моей страничке (кликните на мой ник "Ходящий По Лжи").

You are poor fighter against Jesus Christ. You must know your "enemy". Call Him not "God", by definitely - "Jesus Christ". The righteousness is being true to the Jesus Christ. There is no other meaning of word "to be right". Therefore, when Jesus Christ kills, He is doing the right thing.;

The main thesis: "Any sin is act of craziness. The starter and supporter of stupidity is the Satan. The technically is possible to any God's task to say "No." To any call for atheists to repent, to say "No." But what is motive of the Satan, and of any atheist? The insanity has no motive. Therefore it is impossible to understand the acts of Satan. They are simply crazy. But our healing is what the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church offers."

The nihilism as the atheism is very very old craziness. One argues even against 2+2=4, in case it proves the Jesus Christ. The motives of insanity are absent. It is insanity. So, the Satan had no motives to sin, he just did it. It can not be explained, same is with atheism: all is perfectly proved. But they call us "crazy", being the sick themselves.;

Be my friend, just talk to me.
We are happy, we have Tree!
Tree is full of life and joy.
Open mouth and eat the fruit,
Stay in holiness with truth!
Jesus'es flesh and blood, my friend,
surely, He is One defeating death.

Is the "Apology" of Justin Martyr actual today? For my opinion the Justin Martyr was talking to a man, who was not our "convinced atheist", therefore he has talked to the "still small voice" of the people. Now this voice is destroyed by hearing the news of terrorism and the else horrors on TV. One need to talk to the brain. Perhaps my work below could be more closer to modern needs, than the Apology of Justin? Do you agree? P.S. Historians, why the Second Apology was less resulting than the First Apology?

We just so ultimately high love the atheists, we put them over all. Why? It is so easy to talk to them in the internet. They immediately react to every post we make, they pretend to be the ones, which want to be saved by us. The theists are much more silent (and seem like not much friendly) in the internet. Correct?

The "best" description of atheism is the word "nihilism". By definition of its founder F.N., the Nihilism is bloody fight against the Verity, against the Truth. The Lord Jesus Christ am the Verity, Way and the Life. So, the atheism is the old bad bloody nihilism talking in public.

Atheist: "no reason to believe a magical, supernatural being created the universe."
"God is magician? Not my God! You have made another mental idol. It is the straw-man fallacy."
"how sane theists can believe in non-existent god???"
you have just made the mental idol. My God is existent one. You have made the straw-man fallacy. In fact all wrong descriptions of God are the mental idols. Do you agree? Yes you do, brother, yes you do. So, the atheism is like paganism. The wrong, simplified description of an object (intended to kill the Jesus Christ in me) is the straw-man fallacy. To be crazy is to escape the pain of life. So, the atheistic paganism and the paganic atheism is popular, because it is satanic craziness. I am not crazy one. Why? Because I have decided to be not crazy (therefore I can not make any mistakes, before defeat in scientific debates). If I am not crazy, then I am right, what atheism is craziness. REPENT!!! Christian: "How??? Even the sane can make a mistake". It is simple, dear Christian, if atheist considers me "possibly wrong" even without scientific dis-proof of my thesis, then atheist tries to bring to me following mind cancer: "I am crazy". So, I have decided, what I am not crazy, therefore the "burden of proof" is on the side of atheists.;
"So atheism its truly craziness ??? what do you call believing in a white bearded man in the sky .... ? normal??"
"you have just made the mental idol. So you will start own false "church"? But it is sin, you know. Please, do not start own false religion! You made the straw-man fallacy, from these fallacies the false religions can start. So, delete the crazy comment and go, repent the sins in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church."
"why are you so damned dis-respectful to the USA'es "Church of Satan" and to the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"?"
nobody believes in false gods, but many serve and follow them. You will kill me, if I take from you the plate with spaghetti on it. It is simple: you do bound the knees before the spaghetti, so you are pagan by the deeds. The Jesus Christ will judge you by the evil deeds.

In the Bible is blessed the intelligence, reason, reasonableness. An atheist can not disprove the five proofs (known as "5 ways of F.A.") and other proofs of God. Therefore, he says: "There are collective hallucinations, and any wise man can make a mistake.". But this is not a debunking of all the proofs. But it is very direct and rude message.This message is simple: "Christians are crazy". It is an insult to the Holy Spirit. In fact, human choice is: either be mindless fool, or to be a saint. And when an atheist says to a Christian: "you're just a man, you may be wrong," he confuses these two choices. I chose not to be a fool, so I can not do mistakes (before I would be defeated in the scientific dispute).
A mistake can not be supposed one, a mistake is always the proven one! What we are talking about? Atheism is not proved. The theism is proved. If the proof is not disproved, then it is Verity. If it will be disproved later, then it will be wrong later, but now it is Verity. If I see: "meeting at 12 PM", it is supposed
event. If I see "x=67", it is the supposed Truth. But not a supposed mistake.;

Let us take the "Poe's law" (Wikipedia) for the examination. Why I am not free to put the smilies (like :-)) there I want to put them? I am free not to put them at all, but to express my emotion through the text. If I say "damned" it is meant so. I have no gap between my word and my intention, because I am sincere. So, the Poe's law is needless for me.

Atheist: "Why would I believe the claims of the Bible?"

Came the emotional reply:

"You must shut up your dirty hole in the face. Because the atheism is not and can not ever be proved! Hypocrisy is the crazy sin!"

Atheist: "We already know you're a troll, dumbshit!"

Atheists know nothing, because atheism is false: it never can be proved!

See: the atheism is organization. The conspiracy of their leader (the satan) can not allow the members to get any knowledge of the Organization. The knowledge is: 1) faith is faithfulness to the knowledge. Atheists have "no claims", so they have no knowledge. Therefore, they are unbelievers. Some can say, what they are somewhat crazy. 2) Atheism would like to have the claims. But all the claims were destroyed by the theists in the YouTube. So, now the atheists have no claims. Former atheists were with claims (the Universities with "scientific atheism" department). Nowadays atheists have no claims. But they remain not repented. They understand all correctly, but have the wrong attitude of the heart. They will not be surprised by the coming hell.

There is no single opportunity for atheism to be true. Not only atheism can not be proven, but even more: there is no single theoretical model of the Universe (in Multiverse), which is without Jesus Christ - your one and only Savior. Atheism can not be proven, even the slightest possibility of atheism is not allowed by the sane mind. Do you agree? Atheist: "No." So your claim is this: the "atheism is not true, if the theism is proved." So, the atheism is linked with the theism? May the theism exist without the atheism? Yes, in the Holy Middle Ages. Therefore, the atheism is like the syphilis of the humankind. Is it correct?

You have used the f-word two times in one comment. So, I guess, the victory is of Jesus Christ! Atheist: "the f-words suits you!" It is your personal opinion. The True opinion is this: who ever uses f-word is crazy. So, the Jesus Christ has won over you! Because crazy one can not win.
