Position of the Republic of Korea ЦРТ-2016

Dear participants of this forum, it is a great honor to be present at this session and to be part of the global process of establishing a quality education. It is well known, that efficient educational development and providing wide opportunities on the equal basis contribute to economic productivity and social well-being, the future of the country and the whole world. The delegation of the Republic of Korea is glad to see that we, here and now in a joint effort, are working out the road-map to quality accessible modern education.

Our country has wide range of educational facilities such as: about 9000 kindergartens, nearly 13000 comprehensive schools consisting of elementary, secondary and high stages. In addition, we have 7 vocational schools and 167 schools for handicapped children. The number of universities is 419,  mainly they are private, however, still, there are many governmental-sponsored free educational programs. School attendance is very high (99%): Korean children spend 220 days a year in school versus 190 in Finland and 180 in the United States. The majority of private schools fulfill general state curriculum in case they don’t specialize in some area. Particularly all school-leavers enter higher education and they constitute almost 90% of the school-leavers. Not only do Korean young people become students but the number of foreign student is considerably big which was 100000 in 2013. The state awards 6 scholarships to foreign students who are eager to be educated in Korea and have all reasons for getting such grants. Also the country is involved in 25 exchange programs with foreign universities and 12 prestigious western school have opened korean branches in 2015. Thus a great emphasis is made on scientific research. 1000 foreign researchers were taken on in 2014 under the World Class University program. Our country has 10000 programs for korean and foreign lifelong-learners. We can also be proud of a special facility for korean residents abroad who are provided with ethnic-pride education around the world by Hangul Schools.

As a result of our educational approaches the adult literacy rate among 15 years old and older people is nearing 98%. All educational institutions include both schools and universities with 80% being private. The majority of young give preference to private college and university training. About 90% of university students attend private institutions as well as about 90% are in private colleges.

The korean government considers the issue of education most urgent. According to UNISEF the Republic of Korea ranks high in the world thanks to the qualitative educational system. However the Korean Department of Education admits that there are some drawbacks which need to be eliminated. Being the best for the korean citizens it is not adapted enough for foreign learners as korean diplomas are not accepted abroad. To do away with this problem the government provides new advanced educational facilities, for example includes vocational subjects to curricula to make studies more promising and challenging.

as far as business is concerned  the republic of korea has always been investing money into educational partnership programs. The korean professors are anxious to gain respect for their education abroad, they intend to continue foreign students exchanges. However, our state needs to establish new connections in this sphere with other countries and to find additional investment to move on. Our government is keen on enhancing educational system which will prevent the country from brain-drain and satisfy the demands of learners. It is important for us to make good education accessible to everyone in the country and in the world, this is why we are eager to contribute into the international educational programs. 
