Chronicles of insanity

Chronicles of insanity. The Ukrainian RADA deputy has threatened to shoot down one more Dutch plane

Dutch people have just breathed freely and realized the whole rectitude of their own position pertaining to association between the EU and Ukraine, and immediately the Kievan Neanderthalers confirmed all the fears of euroskeptics and proved the correctness of made decisions.

The referendum results, in fact, have shut down the cage door in front of dangerous wild animals and secured the European friends of unwashed “patriots” from real threat coming from the east. The utter howling has emerged in Kiev, and a lot of Netherlanders experienced tutto “gratitude” of failed neighbors with their own skins. So amazing, but the common Ukrainians slightly noticed European squabbles. Predominantly, representatives of political elite and radicals of every stripe and color have become uproarious.

The allegation of people's deputy Evgeny Rybchinsky made even his battle-scared collaborates’ brains reel. Some radical nationalists gave him a temple finger twiddle and recommend to take the psychiatrist’s consultancy. Other radicals nervously marched out to have a smoke.

Rybchinsky plainly abused all of the Europeans and especially Dutchmen with selected dirty swearing, and then he supported his sick effusion mess with more racism. Among other things this character of Ukrainian tragicomedy said that Dutch people even cannot be put in the same rank with mighty Ukrainian nation. According to him, Hollanders are totally despicable folk of drug addicts and freaks moonlighting in the red light street. The deputy’s opinion is that all of the Dutch don't hold a candle to a single Ukrainian specimen and their place is in European circus.

Without confining himself to a void affront, this political mutant dared to play the supreme politics game and sentenced the whole Ukraine to a judgement by default. According to him, one shot down Boing was not enough for the Netherlands, and the Ukraine should endeavor its best efforts to repeat the unforgettable fatal crash.

After such a menace, Kiev hardly can show up at the international scene ever again. One more time the Ukrainian politicum proved to the entire world that its place is in a zoo.

Ostap Samoed


