Dancing Universe

Dancing Universe
Have you ever observed a fire  game through a crystal stone? You have definitely  seen the dancing couple!
Today I saw them for the first time…
She leans on Him  - He holds her…
They become
They become Light.
 It’s so simple and powerful…
Two shadows of illusory fire. Their dance will be over with the last breath of the candle…
 And no little ash flake will be left….
 They don’t need to learn… They don’t need to be brave. It’s simply… the BEING.
 It leads them.
Fulfills itself through their dance…

Who the heck am I to deny the BEING?
Each failure…
Each  carelessly thrown word : “You’re not perfect enough for…” 
Each selfish movement…
Each disappointment….
I’m reminding my soul about the greatest lesson ever.  The lesson of Love.

And I choose to Dance.
Through the fear.
Through distrust.
Through sorrow and despair.

Waking up in the morning in Pain…
Through the tears I’m willing to thank the Universe..
For the morning gift

Laying down on the floor… just wishing it to be over…. “This too shall pass…” – the Universe whispers me in the ear.
I choose to dance….
And when the Pain is over, but anger and sorrow still dwell within your soul...
Let Them Be. You’re just a human after all…Live it Now. With the every cell of your Being… Buttoms up…

I choose to dance.
The dance will go on… with you or without…
The dance will go on…
The pain will be there…until you become it.
“This too shall pass”… but  not the Love.
Love is the divine reflection of your spirit…

The dance will go on… whether you have the patience to read these lines….or not…

The dance will go on.
In Pain. In joy. In Love. In trust or in contempt.
You are the one to choose.

And  I choose to dance.
With or without… in or out….
Together or…
We’re never alone. At the darkest moments of existence the Universe is reminding me …
Be compassionate  to those despising you. And Loving.
You’re my reflection…

And when the moment will come I’ll look into the fire to see there …. The Universe dancing to the light of our souls…

13/04/16 Mitzpe Ramon
