18 Pearls of Badrivishal Himalayan Gymnastics

Gymnastics 18 PEARLS OF BADRIVISHAL was developed by Yogananda Neelkanth, apprentice of Mahavatar Babaji (immortal Himalayan Saint) under his Divine Guru's Guidance. He wanted to help to get natural health and long life to everybody. Therefore he studied deeply Chinese tradition of Cigun and Himalayan tradition of Hatha-Yoga and developed a special set of exercises that brings the benefits of both traditions which can be performed by anybody.

Some exercises were even employed by trainer professional full-contact boxing/kick-boxing team for his fighters. Besides health and long life it also develops very strong and flexible body and gives a true union of muscles, will and mind.

18 PEARLS OF BADRIVISHAL also develops/cleans energy meridians – the channels through which internal energy flows. That from one hand can help to heal chronicle sicknesses (that are always result from block of energy) from another hand prepare body and mind for more serious energy practices of self realization and spiritual transformation (known in Raga/Kriya/Daos-Yoga).

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