What else should the Europeans know

Even more: you can be completely devoted to your people, wear beards, dress modestly and reject modern society without any religion that makes you strap explosive vests to children.

This picture has born the present article.

Yes, I know that I'm a strange person. Usually women dream about golden rings, fur-coats and shoes made by Christian Laboutin. Last night I had a dream where I explained to other people the essence of war. Like this: “Now, imagine the latest example: why the US wants war? War as a social and economic event has its own grounds and consequences. If a country like the USA doesn't produce anything but war, then they can't live without war. For them war is the economical basement, which had been created in the thirties last century as the way to get out of the great depression. Good slogan, by the way, fight or die.”

So, I try to recall my dream. Whatever I tried to bring to people could be described in few words: there are states producing gross income due to industry, agriculture, mining, trading, and etc. And there is a rather devastating threat to the whole world named the USA because this so called formation doesn't produce material values for its citizens, but does its best to export different kinds of weapons together with aggression, terrorism, and revolutions resulting in chaos, death, starvation, degradation, and pollution.

You may say anything about the former Soviet Union, like, it was the evil empire, or dictatorship, or prison of the nations... but in fact all these templates are applicable exactly to the USA, and the USA tried to hide their own problems by blaming the imaginative enemy, which they created on the basement of the peoples' ignorance and confusion. I am positively sure about the real plans of the American Jewish financial lobby that they are going (for many decades already) to confront nations of different formations, beliefs, principles, and continents in another great messy war chasing the stupid idea of domination against the whole world.

Of course, it's not my problem and not my concern since I live in Russia, the most clever and stable country of the modern world. But according to my nature I am not used to be silenced and hiding behind the wall. Oh, the wall will be a separate subject of discussion.

So, the WAR - how it works? During a period of economic stagnation the nation is subject to starvation and obsession with some ideas like "whom to blame?" and "what to do?". The capitalistic economy has no ways of answering this type of questions due to its customized method of distribution both of goods and trends. So, what they can engage for their own favour is rude propaganda against the ideology enemy represented by the state, let's say, of the other formation... where in fact there are the same problems but different attitude to their solving.

To be sensible of the fact that signing under the Non Attacking Pact is exactly the foundation of the modern British-American (and as the latest shift -Ukrainian) concept of the story about “mutual” fault of the Third Reich and the USSR, forced upon the whole world, then probably, it is worth to attract more attention to some historical details regarding the international relations through Europe just precisely in 1917 — 1940.

Whose time to admit guilt?

On December 10, 1917, by the decree of the People's Commissars Council, the Soviet Russia made a gift to Poland in the form of independence, and on August 29, 1918, Lenin gave up any claims against Poland based upon former but still valid imperial treaties by means of signing under the other decree of the People's Commissars Council. Logically, Poland should be thankful but it reflected with beggarly thanks, and started a military campaign in Lithuania and western Byelorussia. In January, 1919, Polish divisions invaded Vilno. In February, the Polish attack to Byelorussia, and later — to Ukraine began. After lengthy negotiations, which failed because of Warsaw standing, another Polish invasion to Byelorussia and Ukraine was initiated in 1920. But in summer, the Red Army undertook the effective counterattack, and this time it was Poland appearing in some catastrophic situation. Then London started to threaten Moscow. While the Polish men managed to decipher efficiently some intercepted negotiations among the Soviet troops, and also — because of certain discordance inside of the WPRA (abbr. Workers’ & Peasants' Red Army), — Poland still succeeded in turning the tide for its own benefit. Simultaneously, the Polacks arranged the massive terror against the civilian population.

Finally, in March, 1921, the Pax of Riga, which, to a large extent, could satisfy nobody, bore the signatures. On one hand, Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia remained as part of Poland, as well as certain territory of Lithuania. On the other hand, the Polacks aspired revenge and dreamed about reinstatement of “Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from one sea till the other”, but they found themselves for miles and miles from implementation of those plans.

So, the first hint: Lenin liberated Poland, which had ceased to exist as an independent country more than one hundred years before, and Polish politics started terror instead of arranging new peaceful life within the borders of blessed country. Between 80 and 100 thousand Soviet army prisoners were annihilated in Polish concentration camps, and as promised hereto, we’ll revert this story, of course.

Polish terror

After the war, Poland itself began gradually sliding into rigid authoritarian regime, nothing better than former oppressive imperial government of Russian tzars. In 1926, in consequence of coup d'Etat, Jozef Pilsudski got practically unrestricted power. Both judicial and extrajudicial persecution of any opposition broke out. The concentration camp in Bereza-Kartuzskaya was established, restrictions of meetings and press liberty were introduced. Both Polish left-wing militants, and representatives of Ukrainian and Belarusian minorities (notably, from any political arm) were thrown into the concentration camp. People were put to the torture therein: they were not allowed sitting, lying down, and talking, they were swilled with cold water, beaten, starved, and forced to work 16 hours per day. Anyone could get over there without legitimate criminal investigations and court decisions. Before the concentration camp liberation by the Red Army in 1939, part of the documents was annulled, so, nobody knows how many prisoners actually “visited” that camp. But the account makes for lots of thousands.

During 1930-s, purges against Ukrainian population took place. Moreover, the strategy of “collective responsibility”, which the Hitler's forces would apply later in even much more severe forms, had already worked.

In 1934 — 1935, a number of international pacts between Poland and the Third Reich was countersigned. In 1935, Pilsudski died, but Poland policy had not been changed in principle.

In March, 1938, Berlin materialized the Anschluss of Austria, and sought for international recognition. At that time, a murdered Polish soldier was suddenly found on the border to Lithuania, so the campaign as from demand to launch a war against Lithuania in order to invade Kaunas was initiated in Poland. The Poland’s idea of aggression against Lithuania was uptake considered by Hitler. He expressed own readiness to recognize the seizure of Lithuania in exchange for the Anschluss recognition by Warsaw. As the minimal target, Poland intended to force Lithuania for official declaring off Vilnius occupation. But Moscow bitterly leaned on Poland by promising to Warsaw own quitting Non Attacking Pact and self “free action”. Thus, the USSR saved Lithuania from Polish invasion. On contrary, the Polacks extensively encouraged the seizure of Memel district by Hitler and Munich moment.

The plot against Czechoslovakia

In 1938, the Third Reich got claims emerged to Czechoslovakia because of Sudetenland, which inhabitants consisted mostly of still medieval German colonization descendants. During spring, Wehrmacht came to the border of Czechoslovakia, and Czechoslovakia arranged limited mobilization. The USSR and France, bound to Czechoslovakia by mutual assistance treaties, declared its support. Then Hitler embraced diplomatic efforts. Great Britain, Poland and the USA in practice appeared on Hitler’s side and backed the Third Reich.

On May 21, Mr. Lukaciewicz, Polish ambassador in Paris, assured Mr. Bullit, the US ambassador in France, that Poland would immediately declare war against the USSR if it tries to send troops through Polish territory for rendering assistance to Czechoslovakia. And on May 27, diplomats from Poland and France had been already discussing the parcelling of Czechoslovakia among Germany, Poland and Hungary…

In September, England and France verbally spoke out in favor of Czechoslovakia, but at the same time promised that Hitler would get everything he wants even without war… May be you can find another word for their unlimited cynicism?

On September 15, Mr. Chamberlain had a rendezvous to Hitler, during which the matter of Czechoslovakia slicing into loafs was crucially handled. On September 19, Czechoslovakia requested the line of Moscow and received the reply that the aid would be given according to the treaty.

On the 20th-21st, England and France actually imposed ultimatum on Czechoslovakia, meaning that if the latter doesn’t agree on parcelling and occupation but accepts facilitation of Moscow, then the interallied forces of the West (including brown shirts) would announce the “crusade against Bolshevism”, the USSR, and Czechoslovakia.

On September 23, Czechoslovakia called to the colors, and the USSR notified Poland that any attempt of invasion toward Czechoslovakia would automatically cancel a treaty on non-aggression…

On September 29 — 30, the dishonest occupational Munich moment was executed. Czechoslovakia and the USSR were not even admitted for that discussion. Great Britain, Germany and France, correspondingly, signed under the Non-aggression Pacts. The further steps following the separation of Sudetenland were not stipulated officially but they were evident. Poland brought its troops to Czechoslovakia simultaneously with Germany and occupied Cieszyn district.

At the end of 1938 — beginning of 1939, Slovakia was separated too, and Germany and Hungary distributed between themselves the remains of Czechia by force. Due to the standpoint of the West and Poland, Germany had captured almost without striking a blow one of biggest throughout the world Czech arsenal, which later was turned against the USSR.

The effort to postpone the war

The USSR remained face to face in front of the completely hostile Europe, which in fact created a coalition against the Soviet state. England, France, Poland — were treaty-disable. Moscow had just started the re-weaponing of its army, and was not prepared for the armed hostilities like war, nor was ready materially and technically. So, there was no choice to postpone the war, — except for negotiating to Hitler on non-aggression. And besides, the USSR considered, as the minimum mission, the issue of saving congenerical residents of the occupied Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia, which, as we mentioned above, were treated rather badly by the Polacks, and Hitler also had no good intentions in their respect. If only the Soviet people could know, what kind of animals would awake in few of them (the Ukrainians) and their descendants…

Well now, the hint number two: condemnation regarding the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact on the part of Ukrainian or Polish nationalists sounds ridiculously. Probably, they would prefer to exist under the offensive regime of apartheid, if not particularly such rough as it was in Africa, but still segregation? I guess, the voluntary Ukrainians and the lofty Polacks believe that the life in concentration camps and ghetto was as good as a school vacation? Some of them still sing as a refrain “we’d better be occupied by Hitler” — of course, Hitler would occupy Poland, which, on contrary, the Soviet Union never did…

This Russophobe hysteria, which never stopped throughout the modern history, should be ceased since the described events set all the facts in their real places. The West put Russia (the USSR) in the position of the survival matter, which could be considered only through suspending the war by means of negotiation to Hitler. And exactly the West (as a company of the mentioned countries) 100% encouraged Hitler to start the World War II and created conditions for murder of 60 million people during that massacre period. And the last but not the least, we still have a real threat to the whole world. Guess who? No, it’s not Russia. It’s America — it occupied alien territories, exterminated more than 100 million of natives, financed the most terrifying events of the last century, and continually spreads death and horror along the continents in the name of... No, not God any more, but Dollar!

The Wall in Berlin was not a pure construction made of stones and mortar. It was a protection barrier built by, let’s say, Russians to resist the destructive pressure from the West, as it already had happened to Russia before, after the Peace Treaty contraction between ancient Russia and China, when the first part of the Great Wall appeared more than 7500 years ago. Even if the European people don’t want to be aware of historic matters, it won’t limit the history itself with 20, 200, or yet 2000 years, because it’s much-much longer indeed. But if the Europe wants to witness its last years of existence — it’s quite on time. I can’t keep my mouth shut, that is why I write this article particularly addressed to the Europeans: please, open your eyes, ears and voice, otherwise it will be too late.

With love from Russia.
