The Sea

Once upon a time there was a girl who wrote a man. Once upon a time there was a man who wrote a girl. He fell in love with her but the girl fell in love with The Way. So she followed her Way and he followed her until the end of the world. And they discovered light at the end of the world. A sea of light. An everlasting, everyoung, everold, every breath, everything. So they bathed in the sea of light and the light spoke to them. He asked them:
Are you pure enough?
Is there enough light in you to become light?
To become the sea of light?
And the man said No
And the girl said Yes
So she became the sea of light and he followed her Way further. He was upset and cursed the light, that took his girl. And he slowly, gradually turned his face away from the light. He turned his face to the darkness.
And her Way brought him to a sea of darkness. And cold it was, and black, and so distant. So the man threw himself into the sea and asked him to become darkness because darkness feels no pain, no regret and darkness has no memory.
Are you black enough? – asked the sea
Is there enough shadow in you to become darkness?
To become the sea of darkness?
And the man said I don’t know.
There used to be so much light, he cried over the howling wind. There used to be love, and her breath so warm and her body so delicate and her soul so shining in my hand. And now there is just this ugly sea of blinding lights, and rainbows and wonders and sudden explosions! What about me??? What about me???
His personal darkness, his loneliness and his despair sparkled in the dark, like bloody rubies, so passionate, so genuine. And the sea took him, sipped his pain, drank on his suffering. So he became the sea of darkness.
Only to discover
That the darkness is just an another side of light, that light and darkness is one. And that she, oh yes, the precious She of His dreams, is there, actually, that she is him and she always was him. He just forgot. But then he remembered. So the man let all the millions and billions of words, that he wrote, said and thought through his long life dissolve in the dark-light. He let his soul dissolve in hers. They were there. They were Home.
The boundaries of the mind, the power of the soul, the duality of the lunar world, so small, so strange, the dream, that we are all dreaming. Do you want to face the sea? Do you want to follow the waves or are you looking for the way, or for him, or for her? Look inside. Always look inside.

