She doesn t eat

She doesn’t eat, she doesn’t drink
She concentrates on doing things
Don’t eat, don’t drink, don't,don't,don't,don't..
What’s going on? what’s going on?
And what the reason of the don’ts?
To get in shape that she would want?
But she already looks like bride
The only thing she need: decide
On man of her sweet dream,
Who does the same like she extreme:
Who doesn’t drink and doesn't eat
Who doesn’t know what is meat
Who’s not aware of tea and juice
Who aims his normal weight reduce
That would be greatest couple much
They would have started it from scratch
They would have shared both drinks and eat
They’d give each other care and treat
They would become good man and wife
And how brighter would be life!
If this is case, who would it help
For lovely girl to get in shape?
