Юбилей, перевод рассказа В. Вересаева

         A tipsy genteman was lounging in the halls of the club. He entered one of the halls: a long table, laden with dishes and wines, flowers, people, sitting at it, speeches, a ring of tumbles. A girl at the  door  left somewhere for a minute, and the gentleman entered freely. One seat with a unit for food (the plate and the rest) appeared vacant. He sat down. Speeches flew in a sweet stream.
– Tell me, please, what is the reason for this meeting?
The neighbor looked with amazement:
– It happens sometimes.
– In whose honor?
– In honor of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. The 40thjubilee.
– Jubi… iu… ju..? It was he, who has grown a new grade of tomatoes?
– What do you mean? He is a writer.
– Writer?.. What is his name?
– Ivan Ivanovich.
– Mr. Chairman, give me the floor, please…Dear Ivan Ivanovich! I am glad to welcome you with the 40th jubilee of your glorious service to the Russian word! All of us were brought up on your works. They taught us truth, kindness and beauty…
The storm of applause, shouts:
– Right!
– You have always held the banner, you have always been true to the behest of our great poet: Sow the wise, kind, eternal Sow! The Russian people will cordially thank you!
I think that express the common opinion of all those present here, if will say: let me on behalf of the Russian people bow low to you…
Applause prevented for a long time the orator to continue. There were the shouts:
 –Right! You have expressed our common opinion! Congratulations!
– Let me bow low, dear Ivan Ivanovich and say: thank you!  Go on  further to grow tomatoes with the same success, as you have done up till now, and let quickly-ripening grades of this useful fruit pass to our descendants with your glorious name… Hur-rah!
