Why street racing is so popular

It is not a secret that roads become less secure every day - the number of accidents triples, abidance by highway code is set at nought and street racing only gets up speed. The unsanctioned and illegal form of motor racing on a public roads becomes more and more fashionable and there are several reasons for it.
The first reason for it is the common to all mankind psychological based wishes - people want to be loved, to be praised, to be admired. Cool cars or motorbikes, which are amazingly upgraded, myths around the famous streetracers, illegal adventures, which jangle the nerves - all this makes up an image of untouchable person trenching upon gangsta lifestyle addict. This image is usually eye-catching and alluring, especially for people suffering from low self-esteem and the youth, thus people are eager to be gangsta-like and make their first step to committing a crime.
The second reason derives from the first - it is the everlasting love to breakthrough car models, car culture on the whole and a special passion to high speed. Often man are influenced by the street racing and are glued to it - this illegal, anti-social activity suits them. Dangerous and breathtaking, it awakens their instincts and provides adrenalin, makes man more masculine and it is on a direct basis connected with the common among man thing of interest - cars.
The third reason is rather obvious too. If you are forbidden to do something, it will be too tempting not to try it. It is a fact that such mindset leads to committing crimes, not only street racing, but even worser - holdups, robberies and murders, rapes.  However, if we are talking about street racing it looks childlike in comparison with the majority of other criminal offenses this is why it is most likable to try.
However, not all reasons are listed here.
We should not forget that the popular movement of streetracers is illegal. The problem is not only because of the anti-social nature of street racing but due to high rate of accidents resulting death happening owing to street racing. The anti-social behavior becomes noticable and dangerous not only for a violater, but for the whole society.
