
Песня записана 24 сентября 2016 на студии IgLa в Виннипеге, Канада.

High steps
You’re tired of your high steps
Life’s short,
You run until you feel “stop!”
All noise
And you forgot your own voice
And money makes you feel crushed.

Smoke, smoke...

Some friends
One day become your not-friends
Some loves
May need your money, not trust.
High goals
You’re tired of your high goals.
All’s sucks
Just f... it, sit and relax...

Smoke, smoke...

Every day and every night
 You have battles you have fights
 Run for goals, run for dreams
 No one hears your crazy screams.
 Stop your rolling like a rock
 Stop your running like a dog
 Stop your hunting like a hawk
 Simply sit and simply smoke...

Smoke, smoke...
