There is no God?

Eman Hmdy:
 my frinds beg that you ask yourself is, who created the heaven and the earth and the sun, moon and stars and ropes, rivers and human, animal and plant --k allah, who created the first and only of everything. There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of AllahIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.


about coutation''There is no God''. Indian phylosofer OSHO said
... that if you will die in a midle of this frase,
 you will die as atheist,
 saying exactly the same as part of your speach:
There is no God,   
 So be careful in what you saying. might be it a not such a good idea to start a sentense with so negletive words:)!

corrected 9 04 17
