Major initial Levels and Techniques of Kriya Yoga

In Babaji’s Kriya Yoga there are many levels and even more techniques.

Generally we can explain initial levels in the following sequence:

1.  Become a Spirit! It is the most important step – to get a 1st Samadhi – when your centre of consciousness moves into Manipura and you start to experience What Manu Is – yourself. Manu – is a Divine Ancestor of all humans who comes from Divinity. It naturally will bring a lot of changes into your life – starting from food preferences, life habits, friends, and lots and lots of other. But it will be NATURAL – you will not to have to abandon anything by force. You will simply stop liking meat, alcohol and other things, because Spiritual Body of Manipura – do not like it. And what is the most important – you won’t lose ability to work, to serve – you will become much more efficient and productive than ever. And of course your health will become much stronger.

One can stay on this level as long as it satisfies him in terms of self-development and social realization.

2. Level – Anahata Samadhi – you centre of consciousness moves to Anahata and you start again a New Life. Your body is the same, but sensitivity and understanding indescribably much deeper. Here it would be difficult to serve in the today’s society. But it takes approximately 10-15 years to reach it.

3. Level – Vishudha Samadhi – here you start to understand a True Meaning of Vedas.

Initially everyday Sadhana should not exceed 1.5 hours per day.
We start with 18 pearls of Badrivishal – special set of exercises, that helps to open energy in human body, removes blockages and helps to regain a good health. It must be performed 2-3 times a week and takes 1 hour.

Then Kriya Qui-Cung – it is the most effective and safe technique to develop life force (human body bioelectricity).  This will transform you and your sexual energies into Spiritual being and brings you into first Samadhi within 3-5 years. It must be performed EVERYDAY. We start with 10 minutes and then every second week we add 5 minutes until we reach 1 hour every day.  Then it is performed 1 hour in the morning every day. The one who is really hungry for Divine Realisation can perform it two times per day – 1 hour in the morning, and 1 hour in the evening.

And simultaneously we start to practice initial Kriya Yoga techniques like following: Mudra of Christ, So-Ham Pranayama, Cobra Breathing technique, Kriya of Christening.

When Mudra of Christ, So-Ham Pranayama and Cobra Breathing technique become easy and joyful, then one can receive initiation into 1st Kriya. Fist 10 years these techniques are not supposed to exceed 30 minutes per day. And it is also good to perform it every day. If you do this technique of Kriya Yoga as primary – and exceed Teacher’s limitation – you will pay with conflict between overdeveloped spiritual Chakras and low energy in Basic Chakras (Swadhistana and Muladhara), which results in bad health and inability to perform social service. That is why first 10 years Kriya Qui-Cung is more important, because it gives you stable health and encourage your social success while develops you as a Spiritual Being also.

Work with mantras starts on the second level of Kriya Yoga. And later develop into special skill of Spiritual Transformation through Chanting of Sacred Hymns.

In Kriya Qui-Cung there are 7 levels. In Kriya Yoga – 4 major Kriyas.

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