anther unpleasant day

another unpleasant day here:)
how are you???
finally i called and told operator that i didnt consumed hot water, my counters results, i worried because couldnt find in time all telephone numbers, so i paid ffor hot water in advance  in order to find out my account number:), but for cold water , one organisation didnt informed another, so i ll need to call them on monday to find out why, such a all country with this burocracy.
Alisa said that we would not see each other anymore, i said  her thanks at least for informing me:), but i ll not be surprise if she would appear again,
strange dreams as usual, i saw last night my neiboroughs with torches and their cattle, they walked somewhere at night, might be it is just a halloween time:)
i am in a medical library, yesterday eve i spend with a friends in a cafe, where i ordered bitrut soup called Borsch.
Also in the morning yesterday in krishnas centre, i ve eaten cottage chease, i love it:)!-so jammy:), left some small amount of monay for a guy there who is responsible for food purchasing and preparingand left some for eve, which eaten at home,
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