The greatest fantastic!

The best thoughts of great people!
Succeed only those who are always striving to help others. Those who seek only their own benefit are doomed to failure.
Serious person a few ideas. People with lots of ideas is never serious.

Tell the truth and you will be original.
The man who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life.
Waiting happy days is sometimes much better these days themselves.
 The day will come when you realize that the entire Universe can you find within yourself, and then you become a magician. Becoming a magician, you're not going to live in the world - the world will live in you.

All somewhere in a hurry, somewhere to run. Everything is spinning, spinning...
Stop. Just for a moment. Listen. And you will hear how the leaves are falling, it dissolves the kidney, as the wind rustles the grass and quietly falling snow. And you realize that silence is not solitude. It's the music. Music of your Soul!!!

One life! Live honestly, try, seek, help... and you'll see that all of this will help you to be happy. Do not sit idly by, go for it, if you got something don't put off until tomorrow... Because tomorrow may never be. Think about it and decide whether you want to be happy or are you happy as you live?

Long wanted to write a book or story\some sort of unmatched\and here's a wonderful life or a thought or something fantastic

Today, I finally began to write from the heart or the soul or, finally, about what you think
Actually, I started writing two or three years ago I only read and read I think it is sufficient\ for days and read when the electricity was not read by candlelight \not yet done\for example Shahnameh the Persian is such an interesting book and I liked it then\I was 8 or 9 years, Robinson Crusoe\
and a very interesting book called Comey ul Hicom \Kalila and Dimna and when he grew up he began to read the serious books(novels / novels etc)
Wonderful life ask where is the idea or the title so it's about my thoughts about the beautiful life which may in future life or my thoughts about this life
The story begins what is the most common in the morning or evening, or in a dream \well as in the tales of the sinews were or there was in short about me
I woke up this morning in the city of St. Petersburg is in the Russian Federation I myself Tajik \came here to earn in order to feed the family\provide\as all the usual visitors who come to earn money and was very surprised seen around
First, I do not understand what's happening, sort of fell asleep last, as usual \ came home from work
tired (I work 12 hours a day in one of the famous cafes)and fell asleep like
 The apartment is like the apartment but almost everything was somehow incomprehensible at first I felt the soft bed \smell nice and the alarm is not heard \near Postel stood nightstand such\beautiful like gold with diamond jewelry and my family portrait\whether a photo or a 3D photo or 5D like my daughter, son and wife looked at me and smiled at me\ it was a Cup so cool honey and hot coffee strong which I like
I stood up looked around,\the atmosphere was great and the room itself a striking tale\Wallpaper like normal but they were like the most beautiful forest scenery from the movie the trees, the birds, the river and even the wind was blowing nice at first, I was very surprised thought yesterday was cool we got drunk with the guys (or stoned)but a little thought, nothing recalled fell asleep like usual
was the room easy and I dared to think that I still sleep even tried to Wake up
 As I got up and realized that to Wake up I have not started to look \around was all very cool got coffee from the nightstand and bedside table suddenly went much to my surprise it had no wheels and I noticed that it went through the air!(imagine)then I am very surprised out of the room \took a SIP of coffee
began to see there was no one there and all the walls resembled a beautiful nature, very nice forest
As always went to the bathroom \but a little crazy is not gone \there is generally some walls too, as the forest not only on the floor tiles and the grass grew green, natural(or very clearly made copy) I like this fabulous grass and suddenly noticed that I had FALLEN /would you like to wash Mr. aligon/? I looked at these letters which was made of glass wanted to touch but it turns out they beat the air like in sci-Fi movies
Suddenly I heard footsteps it was the walk of my brother he was healthy and his steps, I would distinguish with ease
Brother are you awake? you've got today is weekend like you said to me yesterday\ or change your mind? he asked
A good Bud that generally happen where we are and what it all means? the question I answered
What do you mean ?he asked
Well, that's all these pictures of the forest around\this is the grass under my feet\nightstand which to walk on air\ZD или5д picture in it and where all bathroom and sink and what is that falling letters ?
Well, firstly this is not a picture but an illustration almost alive last trick of the ego can be replaced by any we have 2400 different species in the second sink we usually name like that finger snap and suddenly from this illustration came out, such a tube either with hexagonal or octagonal end, and he presented his hands to him and there went the water on the floor, these are beautiful as real grass, I watched with astonishment and asked where the water goes and how to increase or decrease the pressure and temperature of the water?to which he replied that's all you do it eat think and she will become what you think with your brain will come to the team and everything will be as you want and suddenly these pictures of the forest slowly turned into some beautiful picture of the future what is a spherical granulated houses stood at distances from each other\ flying mini plates\ extra cars transparent with precise fast movements and different sizes \beautiful trees planted at exact distances from each other\so you see I changed the pattern that eats cleaned it and now you see the city
He patted me on the back and laughed noticing my surprise
After seeing all this extraordinary beauty, I felt myself in some beautiful superfantastico the film but also to my surprise it was all true
Suddenly I recalled a recent life \worked as a chef from 10 am to 22 nights earned 1650 rubles per day\wife and children were at home \worked 6 days a week and was glad that I have a job that I liked I cooked wonderfully \
soul \, and everyone liked my cooked meals \dreams will build a house in the acquired land\homeland \and missed his family, \although every day talking by phone with them \ wrote poems on various topics mainly Tajik \were proud of their ancestors poets \even once tried to write in Russian\\\\
Life,delicious food of all time
And time is the main ingredient in it
Who wasted will hold the piece herewith
Tasteless dish to cook is\ he!

showed these poems to your friends and kind of liked them and I was happy\only wanted to removed the prohibition of the wife to enter and it would be all chocolate(probably)
The brother's voice brought me to myself from the memories \he was talking to his wife which, as if from nowhere, appeared in front of him stood and wanted him to visit her in the shop where they produced what the dairy products at some of the Central Asian technology and many liked it \they discussed everything and both appeared and disappeared the wife of the brother
 Brother seeing my surprise, told me about the technical progress and how it works\ it turns out you only need to think about who you want to chat and if he wants to appear to you in the way in which you want to see him and eats this worldwide network that unites the entire earth planet is very convenient\for example to come to your mind, something brilliant and if you want to let people know about this they will recognize \and there are those people thieves of thoughts that can penetrate into the brains of others and then steal use this idea in your goals if that's anything valuable \if you want to fly(is to fly and not to go for a long time people were already flying and believe me much better than any flying creature on the earth) somewhere only we should think of these plates will get you wherever you want and for what time want\they fly around like locusts and to my surprise there were no clashes occurred (they were established some kind of sonar or something similar as I was told )\want to fly with me a little time to spend on me for one will see our new production \try kurut is a great dairy product recipe which I purchased from producers in Central Asia
I agreed and we went out to the corridor and posadochka which hung in the air coated with the glassy material where stood two chairs are incredibly comfortable and cover some beautiful color which I have never seen before\brother sat on one of the chairs and asked me too sit down \and we flew \inside it was so quiet and fabulously I (almost\\\\\ from such a pleasant flight)such devices were full all around where the fly\suddenly he asked me if I wanted to eat or drink \, I was surprised to look around and quizzically asked Yes but \he suddenly said \do what's on his mind and suddenly from under his feet rose from the table and opened before us \there on a beautiful platter was a dish similar to shish kebab and beautiful bottle with some liquid\I first looked at it (as in the fairy tale magic Skatert me it was like)and began to eat and drink \it was just amazing although I was a very confident cook but what I ate was incredible pleasant taste just surprised me and the drink reminded me of what the divine works of art made of BlackBerry(I almost about this meal and thought at the time when I asked brother if I want to eat !)
