Stepping at the edge

We're stepping at the edge, fighting with delusions in our heads
Doesn’t matter the look or age, this life song never ends
Step by step we go, frightened from the past
Can’t afford mistakes, games, lies, we need to be fast
Leave the past to the breeze, let the ashes fall,
Everything that's broke, leave behind that all
Now's the time to let it slide, new way we should find
Learning to fly, learning to run, no regrets the things we've done
Look up to the sky, not just the floor, find the answer - what all this for?
Holding something we need, it’s real life indeed
You have to decide, don’t ask me why
There's no abuse or force, but do it, before life passed by
Let it go or let it be.  With me or without me….

послушал Celtic Angels "Edge Of Night"

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