

He had to stop for a brief moment, to fix his snow-shoe. Strap, that normally hold it tight to a foot, got loose, and snow already been forming a little slippery discomfort under his heavy boot. How could it happens, that he, such an experienced hiker, could get lost in the woods? He had to blame someone or something, and he was letting them have it: weather is so unpredictable, compass got broken, clouds are too low and it was getting dark too fast.

- Demit!  - He said loudly! Where is that f*king trail?

No answer, of course, only mountains firmly and ominously were looking down at him.

- Mister! You, there, did you get lost, or something?
He turned around in a matter of a split second – there someone to help him!
Women. Dressed in parka, snow boots and furry hat. She had a rifle in her hands and was looking at him seriously.  But he spotted tint of curiosity in her eyes, and that make him feel a bit better.
- I am. Lost. Snow came down so unexpectedly. It was not even on a forecast.
- Okay, let's go with me. – She said, turned around and walked away, following tracks, visible only to her intuition.
Cabin, nestled in the woods, on the slop of the mountain, appeared suddenly, hiding in the snow up to the roof.  He, probably, would  of pass it, without even noticing in the dark. No light anywhere, no smell of burning firewood in the air.

- I was out all day. – She said to him, opening door and letting him pass beside her. – Will need your help, to start fire. Can you make some kindling’s?
- Yes, I can.
He was cold, hungry, cranky, mad at himself for being lost, but grateful to a women for inviting him to her cabin.

- Thank you for everything. – He said to her after simple dinner, that she shared with him. Nothing fancy, just some boiled potatoes, bread with butter and strong tea. – I will be out of here early morning.
- She nodded:

- What is your name?

- Ninork.

- - Weird one. – She said. – I am – Light Feather.
- -  It's Indian, isn't it?
- Somewhat. – She shrugged her shoulders. – I have a drop of that blood in me.
There was no clocks anywhere on the walls of her cabin. His cell batteries were dead.
- No electricity here?

- I have no need for it.

- You prefer to live off grid?

- It just happened that way. – She said, adding more wood into small black stove.

In the glow of the fire he could see her face better now. Plain, nothing really special about it to remember. Skin is dark, kissed by the sun, eyes were dark too. Almost black. Without heavy closes, she looked slim and narrow, like blade of a hunters knife. She made that impression on me - serious. Too serious. Kind that you do not jock about.

“What is her past? – wondered Ninork. – Something happened to her that made her go live so deep in the woods? But, somehow, he did not dare to ask. 

- You will be sleeping out there. – She pointed at her bed in the corner of a cabin - I have some fresh linens, I will change them now.

- Oh, please, don’t bother, I have a great sleeping bag, goose down. It is really warm.

- You will be sleeping out there. – She repeated quietly, and walked away.
Soon, he could hear her breathing. She fall asleep in her own goose down bag, not far from his bed.

Ninork closed his eyes, but, somehow, he, who was so exhausted just hours ago, was not able to sleep. He knew, that she is near him, couple of feet away, in a bag, wearing only her own skin. He saw her undressing, like if he would not exist, how she walked by his bed, and how quickly he closed his eyes, pretending as he is already fallen into deep sleep. He almost felt insulted. He, who never been unnoticed by women, no matter if he walked in a conference room of his company building, movie theater, or, simply crossing a street.   Not here. Not by this women. He was feeling hard between his legs, he had an urge, he wanted this strange women. But – she did not care. She - fall asleep.

“Oh, and I have been there. Not in the woods, but in the same room as an attractive woman sleeping nearby, wanting her terribly, but she seemingly indifferent. Oh! What a primal ache! Should I approach her anyway? Or would an advance only ruin things for tomorrow, for the morning? One wants to be a gentleman. Who knows how badly she's been treated before, what drove her out of civilization? She may need simple kindness and respect more than anything else right at this moment.

But I can't expect her to read my mind either. She may not know how attractive she is to me, how badly I want her. Yes, her body. But not only that, not only the physical. I want to be wanted, I want to give pleasure, I want to hold her, and f*uk her hard, to hear her moan, and gasp, to see and feel and taste the salty glisten of sweat on her. I want to lose myself inside her, in her eyes and in her cunt.

Pretending to be sleep is no good. Women don't just climb into bed with men they've just met. But how can I let her know? Know that I want her? Without presumption, but with clarity, and passion. Passion. For one I've just met? Yes. Sure enough. I feel more than lust. It is passion. And I want her to know that. Need her to know.

Her answer is less important than communicating how I honestly feel.

I have an idea. I'm going to try. If I don't, I'll explode. She stirs. Good. She's not fully asleep yet. Now or never.”

Silently, he lifted blanket and put his feet on the smooth wooden floor. He was about to stand up, when he heard her low voice:
- Don’t even. Think about it.
 He saw her, lifting her hand strait up in the air. In the last dying flames from the stove he saw a sharp silhouette of the hunter’s knife.
 Fair enough. Desire of his, somehow, shivered up, and went somewhere in the depth of his body, and, finally failed to a deep coma. Ten minutes later she could hear his loud snoring.

“What a fiasco - He thought to himself, waking up in the morning in the women’s bed.  - I could of make it happens, must be was too tired and exhausted from the long hike.”
Women was nowhere to be seen. He dressed up, and pushed the cabin door open. Light was so loud outside, it hit his eyes pupils hard, blinding him for a moment. When he, finally, was able to see again, women was standing just few feet away from him, petting a moose. Moose? When was a last time, he killed a moose? Must be two or three years ago.
Beautiful animal with proudly-heavy head was looking straight at him. His body, covered with a moss-like dry hair, was stemming. Women turned her head:
- That’s Bora. Short from Tambora.
- The volcano?
- Yes, the one in Indonesia that created havoc in eighteen century. I rescued him, from helicopter hunters.  Once in a while, he is stopping by to say “Hello”, while passing through.
Man could not help, but stop for a minute or two, admiring her, small women, looking even more frail near that forest beast. Yet, somehow, he could feel her strength and power, even from there, from the doorsteps of the cabin.

- Well, I just wanted to thank you again for your hospitality. – He said. – I better be on my way back soon, while it’s plenty of day light left.
- Actually…
Women looked at him, thinking of something. – Actually, I may need your help. If you don’t mind.
- Anything. Just ask. Please.

- My goat. She is about to have a kid. Yes, kid,- repeated she, noticing a smile on my face. - That's how baby coat usually called. I, normally able to handle things myself, but I have a slight suspicion, that she, might, expecting twins. I will need extra hands then.

- I will stay. – He said, without of hesitation.

 Sure enough, there were two of them, brown, with a black strip of hair along their backs. Tiny, they were wet, but braving to stand up on the weirdly frail legs, while mother was leaking them vigorously with her tongue. Such a peaceful picture.
But, something bothered my new friend. I could see Light Feather getting more serious, while watching mother goat working on her babies. I too have noticed, that something is not quite right about the picture. Movement of the mother were getting weaker and weaker. Soon she barely could hold her head up.
- Dammit! – Screamed Light Feather. – Dammit, she is having a milk fever!
She can die any moment now, how we can save her?  I must to do something very fast. Very very fast, or she will be gone.

- What do you need to do?

- - I need calcium shot, but I do not have any.
- I do. – He said.

- What?  Are you a veterinarian, or something?

- No. But I have a calcium deficiency, and my doc recommended me to carry one with me. Just in case.

- - You are a God- sent. – She said, but I cannot take it from you. I do not want you to get ill.

- - Take it. I have some thumps that I can chew, in case if I need some calcium. I have plenty in my bag pack.

We had no time to argue, goat mother was failing. She couldn’t hold her head up anymore, her eyes did not looked right either. We were not sure about dosage, but decided to give her a full syringe, everything that was in it. She showed no sign of improvement.
Feather did not cry. Strong women. But I did. I was trying to hold my tears, but, they were sliding on my cheek, and then, were getting lost in my bird. I was feeling helpless. I never saw animal die. Not that close to me, laying by my feet. Poor goat mother. What will happens to your kids? Will they survive without you?

I felt, how she took my hand into hers, how strong her fingers were. How tightly she was squeezing it! She needed friend at this hard moment. And I, total stranger, I become her friend.

I was so consumed by my sorrow that haven’t noticed a slight twitching in mother goat legs. But Feather did:
- Look! – She screamed! – Again! She is waking up!
I could not believe my eyes! Halleluiah to a science! That shot did work after all!!

Yes, it did. Freya, that was her name, was getting back to her senses. She was not only lifting her head already, but, as soon she become alert, she started to call her babies. Still weak, but getting stronger by the minute.

Feather hugged me tightly:

- Because of you. – She said. – You saved her. You saved them all.

Later that same day we were laying at same single bed, squizzed tightly to one other. I knew, that I will have to go back next day. Very early in the morning, while day is still young. She was not telling me anything. Not asking to stay longer. Not asking, if I will ever return. I could feel her shoulder next to mine. It was a good shoulder. Strong one. She could carry a wounded bear on it, I am sure.. I suppose. She was a strong women after all. Women that I did not know nothing about.
But one thing I knew for sure. That I will be back here. And, that we will have everything.
 Everything best, that this world could offer.
 To both of us.
