The thing that matters

Princess' Wedding Story (fairy-tale for grown-ups)

Well, dudes, once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. The kind was very practical man and the queen was gentle and wise. They had a daughter – a beautiful princess. As they say in fairy tales, she was so beautiful that fame of her beauty spread all over the world so even those who never saw her were deeply impressed. But there was another thing that her parents, courtiers and servants tried to keep in a secret: the Princess was a bit out of this world, always hovering somewhere in her dreams.

- We should find her a husband! It’s urgent! – a king decided.

- I agree! – said a mother-queen.

So they started the matter: every day many princes and other candidates came to the palace. Some of them were telling about their lands and wealth, other were boasting by their bravery, there were very handsome princes and some gifted princes who read to her their verses or tried to charm a Princes with their songs, they were telling her all the day long about their great love and praised her beauty... In the end of the day parents asked the Princess did she like any of the men and the Princess answered that they were all very nice… but… The king started to lose his patience but Queen’s: “Honey, let wait just a bit more” with gentle kiss always had magic on him.

One day, when the princess was flying somewhere in her dreams and candidates were trying to caught her attention, one new Prince appeared in the throne room. He was same like others – same weight, same height – but as soon as he entered the room fixing his eyes on the Princess, she somehow fell out of her dreams and looked at him, too. Their eyes met.  The Prince made some steps towards the Princess, looking at her. Suddenly the Princess stood up and moved to him, keeping her eyes on him. All talks in the room faded away, everyone was looking at the pair. In less than a minute there was silence in the room, even musicians stopped to play, only kapellmeister still waved his right hand and one very industrious violin was keeping playing a marvelous melody. The Prince and the Princess reached each other, their fingers crossed, their eyes were in deep connection…

- Where and when? – the Prince asked.

Well, it was same place and same evening – their wedding.

The thing that really matters you can’t buy or borrow…

…oh, ok, dudes, I almost forgot to add: they lived happily ever after and died in one day.


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