Ninork. 2


Reality was harsh. Economy was failing. So do a stock market. He had to make immediate decisions about shares – keep or sale them. He had to think about laying out some company personnel, about re-structure, about bringing new sources and new minds, to get ahead of his main competitors. But all he could think at the moment, was Light Feather. That night.
Well trained secretary, who knew him better, then his own parents, understood his moods instinctively. She cancelled the rest of the meetings for the day, brought him strong green tea in favorite mug, with “Whidbey coffee “sign on it. Made sure, that he has enough of Bourbon and wine, and left him alone.

He looked through a mirrored wall outside. Half of Manhattan was almost invisible in the sorrow-like heavy clouds. But his vision took his back to the mountains, where he spend two nights with that women that he knew nothing about.

 They were exhausted after long struggle for the mother- goat life. Now, she was getting stronger by the minute. Both of her kids were peacefully and rhythmically sacking on her nipples, and she, after making sure, that they are spotlessly clean, finally lay her head on the pillow, that Feather had prepared for her. Ninork smiled in his beard, watching such a motherly gentle care, women showed towards that goat. Never thought someone can love goat so much!

When they returned back to cabin from the barn, he, without any reminding, started a fire, and both of them warmed up after a bit. Washed hands, covered in blood and dirt, faces. She made dinner. Dinner! Wow, time sure flayed! Winter days were short, like a life of firefly. Shadows already were crowding in the corners of tiny cabin.
 He had some can food that he carried in his back pack. Nothing much, just pineapple that he loved for their sourness some “Spam ”meat, he added some Beef jerky, and Dark chocolate Sea Salt caramel squares, by Ghirardelli.
She watched him, silently and smiled. She was not spoiled. They had a feast! She added a bottle of wine. “Murray” cuvee. – He red on a label, with a head of yellow lab, holding single rose in his mouth.
- I am surprised, you do not have a dog. – He said.
- I had one. Wolfs took him. There was a pack of them. I heard of fight, but got there too late. I will have another pups this summer.  I always wanted a Malamute. They are a good size dogs with thick coat. They need a thick coat here, winters are brutal. My other was just a mutt, from the shelter.
So far that was the longest speech that he heard from her. Obviously, he pushed a painful button.
She returned most of the Jerky back to him, and, after slight hesitation, the rest of chocolate squares.
- Put them back to your back pack. You, may will need them. Tomorrow, early morning, I will walk you back to the main road. If you are lucky, you will catch a ride back to town. There should be some traffic. Tomorrow is Monday.
She refused to switch places, and I felt discomfort, knowing, that she is sleeping on the floor. But, I knew, that she is not sleeping.
 We added more wood, before went to sleep. I been silently watching high lights from the fire on the wall and thinking of her. About her strong slim body, narrow face with high cheek bones, her small breasts that I could not help to notice. I closed my eyes, dreaming of closeness with her, which may never will happens. And then, I felt a slight touch of her fingers on my mouth.
She was naked. I knew that, but to see her that close to me, still awoke my desire in a matter of a split second. As if it never left me sense last night.
   She, carefully, climbed on her bed, standing above me, her legs are spread on both sides of my body. I saw a dark hair between them,   I lifted my hand and touched her there gently. She was wet. I knew she was, even before I touched. My mouth went dry.
She was standing  like this  few more moments, letting me observe her, silently telling me” I am ready”, then , softly, turned around, facing my male organ, hardened with anticipation. She bend over. I saw, everything I wanted to see, so close, that I barely could hold my moan. Next moment she took my flesh in her mouth. I felt, how her thong went around of the ridge of it, making blood pulsate faster, and then I, with a slight push, went so deep, that I could, almost feel base of her throat. Her movements were faster and faster, and I tried to hold myself, not wanting to come yet, but… She signaled with a hand, that it’s okay to come. That she will enjoy it, and I let myself go, filling her mouth with a salty  liquid, thick and rich, almost, like caramel chocolate, that she , obviously loved a lot.

After a while, she turned around and laid by me, all hot and a bit sweaty, and smelling, like blueberries. And some other dry grass, that I did not know the name of. We both understood, that we need just a short break. We both felt, how desire inside of our bodies already lifting its head, and about to bloom, like dark red unknown flower, and our hearts started to bit in unison again. And I took her from the back. She screamed. That was a joyful scream:
- I never felt anything, like that! – I could hear her whisper.
I moved my body faster, and she was moving hers towards mine, like if we would of dancing sacred dance, while listening our own music, composed right at that minute, and only us, me, and Feather, could hear it. That was our music, and that was ours dance. And that was beautiful!
 And then, we reached a pick. She, gracefully, let me reach it first, and then, catching my last tremble, she reached that pick too, and froze, trying to extend the moment of truth. That, everlasting, immortal truth, that known only to chosen. And we were among them. We were chosen. 

After she fall asleep, relaxed, filled with joy, I was still laying there, trying to unroll everything, what just happened. I was thinking, about, that not much words were said between us, but, sometimes, touch can be more eloquent and powerful, then words. It’s a human habit, to label everything with words, marking everything. But, that’s is not always important. What important is – ability to resonate to that person next to you. To feel their needs, wants, feelings, without naming them. Words can lie, that is why there are so many of them. Feelings, touches, - are not. They are pure, honest.
Man in a nice suit looked in the window again. Day was ending, and covering world with a dark heavy blanket. Then he went to his desk, gently stretching a wrinkled piece of paper. A map. Black marker indicated some coordinates. Of approximate location of her cabin.  Approximate.
 That was not bothering him.
He knew, that he will find her.               
