

“…just a little note to say thank you for all the times you spent with me. Over the course of several years when you and I were seeing each other, you brought me happiness like I had never seen before, or since. You are the only women I’ve ever been with. We have so much in common, especially in music, except for this “Pink Margarita”, or what’s-his-face that you like that I’m not familiar with. I think of you every day, every day, and I always treasure the moments we spent together. You are someone that enormously special to me, and you always will be. I love you now as much as I always have, I just wish that you could know how great that love is. I wish that I could bicycle along the beach with you… under a full moon… I wish that I could hold you again… Oh! How I love you!”


Many, may be 20 years ago, young women went to a grocery isle of big supermarket, pretending, that she was shopping.  She was looking for a man, who looked like Elvis Presley. Just few hours ago she was told, that he works there as a night stoker:
- You will recognize him right away, he looks like young Elvis. He want to meet you, but too shy to do so. All he is talking  at home – is about you.
Flat chested women with grayish hair was looking me straight in the eyes:
- He is in love with you. I know that. I know my son.
Out of curiosity I wanted to see that man, that Elvis, or whatever he is. I waited an hour after I was done with my work at Lingerie department,where I worked, and then went to find him.
And there he was. Busy, opening boxes with a sharp knife. All I could see was his profile. And that was a profile of Elvis!
 Nature’s jock! He looked exactly, like Elvis! And when he turn his head and noticed me, I closed my mouth, holding with my hand “O my God!” scream. He looked, like Elvis’s twin.

Few minutes we stared at each other with delight, he – up at me, and I am- down at him. Then he stood up:
- You look beautiful.. – And his eyes told me, what he did not said out loud.
- And you! You look, like Elvis!

- I will take a break now, would you stay with me?

- Yes.

This guy did not act shy anymore! We were talking about everything, like old friends. I told him, that I just finish reading book” Elvis and me” by Priscilla Presley. My very first book that I’ve ever read in English. I told him, how much I love songs by Elvis, all of them. He told me about his vinyl collection, and offer to stop by at his place, so he can show it to me. May be to listen some songs together.
- That’s would be great! – I said with enthusiasm.
 I liked him. He was different.

And so we vent! He ask supervisor, if he can take time off till the rest of the night, promising to catch up with his work in the morning.
He showed me the way, he lived just few blocks from the Supermarket.
- I like your outfit. – He said simply.
I had a light-blue fitted jeans on, same color denim jacket and short cowboy boots.
- You look very pretty in it. Very sexy.
I smiled. I was flattered.

That was a very plain apartment. Not much of furniture, only bare minimum. Except grand piano.
- Wow, can you play?
- Yes, I can. I inherited it from my grandma. She raised me. I would love to play for you one day, if you wish.

- Sure, that would be wonderful.

We been sitting on the floor near huge record player, the old fashion one, in big wooden box. He did not lie, his collection of vinyl disks was enormous! I saw “Rolling stones”, there, lots of “Beatles”, “Led zeppelin”, “Monkeys”, “Pink Floyd”.
 There was no lights, only small candle, but it was great,sitting like this, watching shadows on the walls, listening music. I do not remember, when we start kissing. I remember, that I was on the floor, and he was on the top of me. I could feel his slim strong body along mine, every muscle, and every curve. Every cell. That was the longest kiss that I have ever had. And, even after music ended, we could not get separated from each other. He was so passionate! I lost track of time. We both did.

- I am hungry. – I said after a while, as my stomach become louder, then a music. – Do you have anything to eat?
- What do you like?
- I love Polish sausage and pickles.
- And drink? Do you like wine?
- I love Sweet vermouth with ice. Red.
- Anything else? – He smiled at me
- I like taking bath with a candle light.
- I will remodel my bathroom. I will start tomorrow.

And he did.
 I spend many hours at that bath tub, playing with the water, relaxing, listening music. He would seat by me, talking, laughing at my jocks, holding my hand. He bought me a cute lingerie peace, white lace. And he always had Polish sausage and jar of” Vlasic” pickles, my favorite.

And he told me, how much he love me, and I felt, that he is very very dear to me. I loved him back.

Then I had to move, because of my job. I had to work hard, to provide living, had to do, what people call “career”.
I haven’t seen him for a while, he was not much a phone talker anyway, and I hardly had a time for that as well.

 Once he showed up at my new work. All the employees were staring at Elvis like- looking guy, dressed in denim, and completely socked wet.
- I walked 5 hours. I was in so much pain from not seeing you, I had to walk all the way here.
- - You should have taken a bus. It's raining cats and dogs! – Why I was so angry at him? – Look, your mascara, its running.  - I already knew, that he was wearing makeup, same as Elvis was at his times.
He whipped his cheeks with a hand:
- I needed, must see you. – He said.
I was listening him, while looking around at my new colleges, who already were whispering to each other’s ears something nasty.

- You must go now. – I said abruptly. I am at work, for God sake!

- I will wait outside. I want to walk you home.

- Forget about it. – I said harshly. – I do not want to see you anymore.
I had my own reasons. I met Elvis, when my family felled apart. Because of kids, me and my husband decided to try again. Start over.
 I had to be mean with Elvis. He was tearing my heart to a peaces..

He left.

I felt horrible.
I was imagining him in his dark room, playing “Moon light” sonata. All alone. He always been a loner. I knew, that if I were ever come back, I always will find Pickles and Polish sausage in his fridge. And Sweet Vermouth, the kind I liked.

I never went back. Instead, I moved to another state.
 I was amazed to receive e-mail from him years later! Who gave him my e-mail address? More likely, he got it from the web site that I had, about my dogs. But I was touched and I wrote him back.

 E-mail above was his last.
 Then – silence.

Then, there was a letter from his mother:
“Just to inform you, that he is dead. I, personally, would not reach out to you, but you are the only one,that he ever cared about. Doctors are saying, that he died from a heart attack, after drinking himself to death. But, I know, that he died from a broken heart. He was my son after all. Mothers always knows.”

” We are responsible for those we tame”.

        The Little Prince by Antoine Saint-Exupery

 Wish, I knew this earlier.
