Ninork. 5

There an expression” rough awakening”.

 That’s exactly what it was. First was – sun.
“Sun? – I thought to myself. – Where it’s coming from? We are still deep under the snow! Yet, sun was shining through the cleared out window. How did it happened? And, I wondered, where is Feather?

 I was enjoying myself, stretching on her bed, flexing muscles that finally were filing normal, not overstretched anymore, after digging in the dip snow. I was feeling just fine. My body still remembered hers next to mine. I could smell her hair on the pillow, some sort of grass, may be lavender or something. 

Last night was dreamy. Not only sex part, that’s always great, but a simple things, like laying near each other, nibbling on her ear, or touching her small firm breasts. That was something he really missed a lot in life. His brain was always occupied with ideas, always looking for some sort of necessary solutions, he was always on the go. Last night he realized, how stressed he was before, he understood, that those silent moments of intimacy,  without talking, just feeling presence of each other, or simply watching candle flame melting away, those moments are priceless. Just be. There. Touching. Breathing. Dreaming.

 Who knows, what will happens in the near future. Do we have a future? We all have past, filled with memories of people and events. Someone said, that life is just a flash, between past and future. Lucky those, who has talent or time, to stop and enjoy it, while it lasts. Yet, that’s a human nature, overthink things. He was not an exception.

He have heard some noise, coming from outside. Must be Feather, doing something. Wonder, how she is filing. Last night was a test, but her body worked perfectly, like complex machine, pleasuring him and herself.

 He closed eyes for a moment, imagining her naked body in front of him. He loved watching expression on her face, when he was entering her. Memorable moment, when she is silent in awe, but about to scream and pull him closer, deeper, and she was a powerful beast at that moment. Wild, passionate,yet childlike. There was some presence of innocence in her, that he admire, but could not explain, how she could be that way. He could feel, that her past was not easy. That she is a complex women,and to be able to save this natural ability be herself, be simple as a grass, like a sky. That is rare,in the world, where he came from.
 He dressed slowly. He was about to walk outside, when Feather entered a cabin. She did not look too happy:

- You must go. – She said firmly.

- Go where? I took a week off, to spend it with you.

- I did not invite you.

- But you would have be dead, if I would not come here! – He started, but she stopped his speech:

- I did not asked you to do this either.

I did not know what to say, I was feeling angry and walked outside.

Yes, she was working,obviously, clearing cabin from the snow, while I was sleeping. What a strong headed women! She could have wake me up!

From the porch of the cabin I saw a man. He was walking up on the hill with a heavy bag on his back. His snowmobile was parked down the hill and I could see more bags in there.  Man looked up at me. I could tell, that he had Indian blood in him. Tall, strong. Black shiny hair. I could not read expression in his eyes, but shrugged shoulders with discomfort. I knew, it was not welcoming.
Feather came outside and stood near me, watching man coming closer, but did not go down to help him.
- Do you know this man?
She nodded:
- He heard on the radio about avalanche.

- Who is he?

- My husband. – She said simply.

That was – my rough awakening.

- You must go back now. – She said. – I need time for myself. To think.
