Ninork. 6


I was near main truck, may be mile or two away, when all of a sudden I had some sort of panic attack.  Anxiety, foreboding, that something bad happening, right at this moment. I could not explain why, but, somehow, I knew, that this feeling connected to Feather. And her husband.
Before I left, Feather looked very serious, but not worried, or scared. Collected. Man was still unloading his snowmobile, walking up the hill, when I passed him. Feather hugged me before I left. I told her, that I will be back soon, gave her my business card and ask to call me. Whenever she will have access to the phone. She promised, that she will. Nothing was in the air then, nothing worrisome. But now…

Without second guessing, I turned back. Yes, more likely, she will be unhappy to see me, may be angry. Fine. But I have to make sure, that she is OKAY. Safe. Not harmed.
I walked very fast, as fast as anyone can walk with snowshoes on. One more turn, another. Now, up on the hill.
 There! I saw a black smoke far away, approximately at the place, where cabin was located. Lots of smoke. Not the kind, that coming from the chimney. Real one, created by burning building. I choked – as if someone squeezed my throat  by invisible hand, with a lot of force. I ran. Stumbling, falling, and helping with hands. All kind of thoughts were rushing through my brain, one worth then another. Who could set house on fire? Who would do such a thing, and why? Husband? But he did not show any sign of aggression, not towards Feather , not even towards me. I could tell, he was not very happy about my presence, but nothing I could read on his imperturbable face. He was looking cool and concentrated on his task. What was the point of unloading his snowmobile, carrying all the bags on his back up the pretty steep hill, if he were planning to burn cabin down to ashes? Sims very unlikely.

Few more minutes, and I was in the Moose valley. I saw snowmobile still sitting at the same place, where Feathers husband left it. Yes, cabin was in the flames. I did not see any people around. My first thought was, that her jealous husband lock her inside and set cabin on fire, but even from my spot down here I could see, that door of the cabin was wide open. Goats!! What happened to those? I could barely stay on my feet, but I had to get closer! I already realized, that nothing I would be able to do to stop this fire. Nothing. I could hear the roar of it, angry, low, terrifying. Pieces of wood were flying out of the building with dry crackling sound, spreading sparks around, all kind of debris, pieces of clothing, some sort of papers getting airborne, and then falling on the ground, covering the snow all the  way far around  burning old cabin.

When I, finally, was near, as much as I could tolerate the heat, I yelled Feather by name. Many times, but there was no answer. I decided to search woods nearby, hoping, that I may can see trace of human or goats tracks. Instead, I saw a dead man. Even before I turn him face up, I knew who he was. Owner of snowmobile. Feathers husband. And he was dead. I saw small blood mark on his back. Whoever through knife at him, knew what he was doing. Terrifying thought  came to my head: Feather! Who else would do such a thing? He must be threatened her, I am sure, she did it, trying to defend herself. But I knew already, that it was not a self-defense. I was a hunter in the past. Man was killed from the back. Unexpectedly. And very precisely. As if it would be done by professional killer. Following one single track, I went back to a cabin. I did not wanted to believe, that Feather would be capable on such a thing. May be she had her own reasons to kill this man, but one thing I knew for sure, she would never abandon her animals. Never.

I was trying to concentrate on what I am doing, but emotions overwhelmed me. I lost her. So stupidly, so unexpectedly! I should of stay, insist on staying. I should of face her angry husband. But that women was so strong, tenacious, it was impossible to argue with her.

I was looking around for clues, trying to find anything that possibly could give me answers on my questions. I knew, I must call police as soon as possible, but was still dreading of doing it. I pick up half burned Nature magazine, I looked through it and saw one article that was highlighted with yellow marker. If it was Feathers magazine, it must be was important to her, if she highlighted it:”

…For decades we’ve been studying matter, such as metals and insulators, that’s defined as being “in equilibrium”- a state where all the atoms in material have the same amount of heat. Now it looks like time crystals are the first example of the hypothesized but unstudied “non-equilibrium “state of matter, and they could revolutionize how we store and transfer information via quantum systems…”

I picked up another paper, same subject:”…time crystal in which atoms move in a pattern, that repeats in time rather in space. This opens the door to a whole new world of no equilibrium phases…”

What this all had to do with Father? I folded burned pages and put them in inside pocket of my parka. And heard the sound of police siren. They arrived on their own. 
