Ninork. 7


Gandalf Ninork. – Policemen returned  driver’s license back to me. – You are under arrest.
- On what grounds?
- That’s we will have to figure out. You are alone, near burning building, with dead man nearby. I think we have plenty reasons to be suspicious. Let’s wait for forensics to finish, then we can have a chat.
He looked fresh, healthy, cheeks bursting with happy blood, rushing through his veins. He was on one of his first assignment and was  determent to do things right.

- Couple of the femur bones, but no humane, more likely animal. – said healthy looking forensic   women, same age and height, as policemen. – They all looked very healthy here. Must be the air. Clean, cold. Mountain air.
- Goats. – I said.- She had goats here. Mother and babies.
- She is – who? – Forensic women was clearly done with her expertise, and asking just because.
- Her name was Feather. Women, who lived here.
I was upset with them. I did not think, that they are doing their job thoroughly, like they had to.
- And how did you know her?
I told him my story, also about avalanche, how I had to dig her out from under the snow.
I’ve noticed, that they looked at each other strangely.
- Do you know anything about it?
- Some weird thing. – Said officer Ledgebaka. – I was told, that was a manmade avalanche. Some one purposely set it up and directed. At least, that was an opinion one of the experts.

I was thinking about what he just said. Honestly, It was hard to believe, that such an experienced mountaineer, as Feather was, could get so easily cot up in such a trivial mountain event. I am sure, that was not a first time she had to deal with it, must know the symptoms, when it about ready to happens.  It did look, like if she was taken by surprise. I had a million questions in my head, that I would have ask Feather, if I even could find her. Will I ever find her?
Officer Ledgebaka interrupted my deep thoughts:
- Time to go. You will be driving in my quad. 
Forensics group had to stay longer, they wanted to investigate the trucks before they get snowed over. They were going to take care of the dead body.
By the time we made to town was already pretty late. I been asked to empty my pockets, my knife and rifle was taken from me already, at the crime scene. Even brief expertise showed, that Feathers husband was killed with some sort of military knife, with narrow blade, while mine was typical hunter’s knife, and blade was much wider. Yet, many questions they still had unanswered, as I refuse of talking without my lawyer. Then we had to wait, until he was located.
 I had plenty of time to dwell on what just happened. Prime suspect in murder investigation, possibly double homicide, even though Feathers body wasn’t recovered. As adventurous I was by the nature, such an event takes a toll on you. I was tired, depressed and hurt. And very very concerned about Feather' disappearance.

Then, after my lawyer arrived, we went over my story again. I had nothing to hide. Quite opposite, I was anxious to find Feather, so, I was as helpful, as I could be.
- Do you have a photo of missing women? – He asked me. I had one. On my phone, I did took a selfie with her sleeping, but was not sure, if I should show it to him. She was naked on that photo. I really would not like this man stare at my women, without clothes on. But, following lawyers advice, I gave my cell phone to   Ledgebaka. Next moment he ran out of the room, still staring at photo of me and Feather, both naked, on her narrow single bed.
He was absent about ten minutes, and when he returned, his face was red and eyes wide open.
- Do you know anything about her? – I was nervous. He did not look normal. He looked, like fishermen, who was trying to catch a small fish, and then find out, that there is a whale on another end of his rope.
- - Yes, I recognized her. She is in federal search, wanted in every county and every city and state of our country. FBI guy is on his way.

Ольга, не всё читал. Пару частей осилил. Знаете, даже интересно. Но, почему на английском?

Сергей Маслобоев   12.03.2017 08:15     Заявить о нарушении
Сергей, я живу в Америке, учусь писать по-английски. Признаюсь, не так это легко, как может показаться! Это своего рода эксперимент - смогу ли! Зато - проза у меня выходит лаконичная, почти как у Хемингуэя!С теплом, Ольга Вярси

Ольга Вярси   12.03.2017 08:41   Заявить о нарушении
Я капитан дальнего плавания с более, чем 40 летним стажем. Поэтому прочитать мне не составило труда. К сожалению, всю жизнь писал и читал по-английски в основном документы. Видимо, так и не смог выучить язык настолько, чтобы оценивать литературные достоинства текста. А Вам искренне желаю удачи. Писать прозу не на родном языке - это достойно уважения. Я бы, наверное, не смог.

Сергей Маслобоев   12.03.2017 08:48   Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо большое Сергей! А в наших краях бываете? Я в штате Вашингтон, близко к Сиэтлу. Если будете, дайте знать! Пообщаться с земляком, да еще по-русски, было бы для меня неизмеримым удовольствием. Редко доводится. Ольга

Ольга Вярси   12.03.2017 08:54   Заявить о нарушении
В штатах за свою жизнь был только два раза. Зато в Канаде раз двадцать. Хотя я ещё действующий капитан, но сейчас в основном работаю на Балтике. Как говорится, поближе к дому. Кстати, у меня живёт кот, которого несколько лет назад ещё котёнком я в Галифаксе на топливном терминале подобрал. Так что связь с Американским континентом у меня прямая.

Сергей Маслобоев   12.03.2017 08:57   Заявить о нарушении
А я живу в пяти минутах от Канадской границы!Кот из Налифакса! Вы должны написать о нем историю! Ольга

Ольга Вярси   12.03.2017 09:10   Заявить о нарушении
Есть у меня здесь на ПРОЗЕ очень хороший друг. Женщина. Мы с ней даже как-то вместе рассказ написали. Так вот, я в письмах очень подробно рассказывал ей историю этого усатого негодяя. А уж попутешествовал он со мной... На моей страничке в разделе "Братья наши меньшие" есть его фото. Зовут его Чегивара. Именно через "И", а не как знаменитого революционера. Но письма те у меня лично на почте не сохранились. А восстановить тот эмоциональный напряг, с которым я их писал, невозможно. Так что, думаю, предложение Ваше невыполнимо.

Сергей Маслобоев   12.03.2017 09:22   Заявить о нарушении