what I will do on abandoned island

I am explaining what I will do on abandoned island
with a spoon and fork
ewearing a new peresent for summer: t-shirt

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 fork play_circle_outline {noun}

fork (also: bifurcation, ramification, furcation, fork in the road)play_circle_outlinerozwidlenie {n}
fork (also: pitchfork)play_circle_outlinewid;y {f pl}
forkplay_circle_outlinewidelec {m}
more_verticalForget nuclear holocaust; it's the fork that we have to worry about.expand_moreicalZapomnijcie o nuklearnym holocau;cie; to o widelec powinni;my si; martwi;.
fork (also: bifurcation, branch, branching off, furcation)play_circle_outlinerozga;;zienie {n}
EN to fork play_circle_outline [forked|forked] {transitive verb}

to forkplay_circle_outlinepodnosi; wid;ami {vb}
to forkplay_circle_outlineprzerzuci; wid;ami {vb}
to forkplay_circle_outlinepodnie;; wid;ami {vb}
to forkplay_circle_outlineprzerzuca; wid;ami {vb}
trending_flat"in chess"
to forkplay_circle_outlinewzi;; w wide;ki {vb}
to forkplay_circle_outlinebra; w wide;ki {vb}
EN to fork play_circle_outline [forked|forked] {intransitive verb}

trending_flat"road, river"
to fork (also: to diverge)play_circle_outlinerozwidla; si; {r. v.}
trending_flat"to the right/left"
to fork (also: to fork off)play_circle_outlineodbija; [odbijam|odbija;bym] {ipf. v.} (w prawo/lewo)
to fork (also: to fork off)play_circle_outlineodchodzi; [odchodz;|odchodzi;bym] {vb} (w prawo/lewo)
to fork (also: to fork off)play_circle_outlineskr;ca; [skr;cam|skr;ca;bym] {ipf. v.} (w prawo/lewo)
to fork (also: to fork off)play_circle_outlineskr;ci; {vb} (w prawo/lewo)
Synonyms (English) for "fork":

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Context sentences for "fork" in Polish

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Englishto fork sth aroundexpand_moreicalrozrzuca; co; wid;ami
Englishfork lift truck driverexpand_moreicaloperator w;zk;w jezdniowych
Englishfork lift truck driverexpand_moreicaloperator w;zk;w wid;owych
EnglishSo do not have just one prong on your fork: it is time to have two prongs.expand_moreicalTak wi;c nadszed; czas, by;cie zaj;li si; r;wnie; nimi, a nie tylko pa;stwami cz;onkowskimi.
EnglishEvery step of the industry's chain of production is regulated, 'from farm to fork' so to speak.expand_moreicalKa;dy element ;a;cucha produkcji jest regulowany, "od pola do sto;u”.
EnglishAnd Gene was showing Natasha how to use a knife and fork, and then Natasha was returning the utensil lessons.expand_moreicalGene pokazywa; Natashy, jak u;ywa; no;a i widelca, Natasha z kolei pokaza;a mu, jak u;ywa; pa;eczek.
EnglishWe have a 'farm to fork' approach, covering every stage from the farm to the consumer's table.expand_moreicalStosujemy podej;cie "od pola do sto;u”, kt;re obejmuje ka;dy etap produkcji od przedsi;biorstwa rolnego a; po talerz konsumenta.
EnglishThe phrase 'from farm to fork' means just that.expand_moreicalWyra;enie "od pola do sto;u” oznacza w;a;nie to.
EnglishHence, it is vital to ensure that agricultural products can be traced from farm to fork at European level.expand_moreicalDlatego wa;ne jest zagwarantowanie, by produkty rolne mo;na by;o zidentyfikowa; od gospodarstwa rolnego do szczebla europejskiego.
EnglishMom, you fed him eggs with your fork.expand_moreicalMamo, karmi;a; go jajkiem swoim widelcem.
EnglishThe trees, by the way, are often preferred if they fork near the ground, that is to say, if they're trees you could scramble up if you were in a tight fix.expand_moreicalDrzewa powinny by; pochylone, z ga;;ziami blisko ziemi, tak ;eby mo;na si; wspi;; w razie potrzeby.
EnglishAmerican taxpayers are going to have to fork out more than USD 1 000 billion to pay off the bad credits of the financial world.expand_moreicalPodatnicy ameryka;scy b;d; musieli wysup;a; ponad 1000 miliard;w dolar;w ameryka;skich, ;eby sp;aci; z;e kredyty ;wiata finansowego.
EnglishMadam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, our debate today marks a fork in the road between two crucial principles.expand_moreicalPani przewodnicz;ca, panie komisarzu, panie i panowie! Nasza dzisiejsza debata stawia nas przed konieczno;ci; wyboru mi;dzy dwoma wa;nymi zasadami.
EnglishHowever, the kind of fork we eat with, or what our bicycle or the roof of our house looks like, has nothing to do with the economy, but is an expression of culture.expand_moreicalNatomiast jakim widelcem je, jak wygl;da jego rower czy dach domu, to ju; nie gospodarka, ale w;a;nie wyraz kultury.
EnglishIn my opinion, the road from the laboratory to the knife and fork of the European consumer is still long, because there are still too many question marks.expand_moreicalMoim zdaniem droga od laboratorium do sto;u czy widelca europejskiego konsumenta jest jeszcze daleka, bo wci;; istnieje zbyt wiele znak;w zapytania.
EnglishWe have come to a fork in the road where we must decide whether or not territorial cohesion and true sustainable development are the symbols of European policy.expand_moreicalDotarli;my na rozdro;e i musimy zdecydowa;, czy symbolami europejskiej polityki maj; by; - czy te; nie - sp;jno;; terytorialna i prawdziwy zr;wnowa;ony rozw;j.
EnglishThe Union has been advocating the capacity for monitoring types of food 'from field to fork', but it is essential to recognise that there is still a lot to do.expand_moreicalUnia pragnie uzyska; mo;liwo;; monitorowania ;ywno;ci od miejsca produkcji a; po miejsce jej spo;ycia, ale trzeba pami;ta;, ;e do zrobienia pozosta;o jeszcze bardzo wiele.
Englishit is absolutely vital for there to be a coordinated European plan and integrated interventions in the food sector, from the farm to the fork.expand_moreicalBezwzgl;dnie konieczne jest istnienie skoordynowanego planu europejskiego i zintegrowanej interwencji w sektorze spo;ywczym, pocz;wszy od etapu produkcji w gospodarstwie rolnym po etap konsumpcji.
EnglishFirst, it is finally time for the EU to fork out, if it wishes to call itself the 'European Union'; it must assign legally binding funding to actions to combat desertification.expand_moreicalPo pierwsze, nadszed; czas, aby UE zdecydowa;a, czy chce siebie nazywa; "Uni; Europejsk;”; musi przeznaczy; prawnie obowi;zuj;ce ;rodki na dzia;ania zwalczaj;ce pustynnienie.
EnglishCommissioner, the EU has done a great job in its farm-to-fork system, and consumers should have confidence in it but, as an ancillary point, what about protecting EU producers?expand_moreicalPani komisarz! UE wykona;a wspania;; prac; odno;nie do systemu "od pola do sto;u” i konsumenci powinni mie; do niego zaufanie, ale jako punkt dodatkowy, co z ochron; producent;w UE?
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