
The smile of a killer
The smile of a person, while he is killing his victim. And it doesn't matter physically or mentally.
A heartfelt murder comes from true love and true pain, which are filling out whole lightness for this person. We are killing those people whom we love and then we are sinking in the suppressing pain because that person is not with us anymore, at the same time we know that there couldn't be any other way.
It looks like sadomasochistic relationships. When people are pressing down on each other and trying to trample the other into the ground, but smiling as if were telling: ''Don't worry, it's okay, I know it hurts''. Laughing kindly and showing their awareness of your pain, but enjoying it and aren't going to stop.
That's what he is doing. Because he knows she will be fighting to the end. She will be letting to kill her. Slowly. Taking pleasure of passing away just because HE is doing it.
Before her death she wrote something.
'' When I see him, talk to him, touch him and can smell his perfume mixed with the smell of his body, I'm driving crazy, just flying away because of the squall of emotions and feelings. When he is near I want to shout of happiness, which is growing up from my stomach to throat and almost tearing it. It feels like I'm taking wing and my legs are giving way. And then it hurts. In my chest. Because I have no chance to have him. I have no chance to be a part of him. I want him too much.''
And he is teasing her, once again smiling and saying ''You can handle it!''. He keeps going, openly, because he knows she is not going to give up.
He is giving rise to her pangs of pain and while she is falling she can see just one thing. His smile. The smile of a killer.
He was smiling while she was bleeding and watching at him with her eyes full of love and devotion.
His smile came from pain.
How does it start?
They were the only couple in the world who had a chance to future.

They have been dreaming the same dreams. . .
In the dreams they were those people who they will never be. . .

When she was looking at him, even for a moment, her heart were getting out of time and he felt it. When he touched her she was sinking in happiness. He was kissing her and she wished it never stops. They have been hurting each other, jeering at each other. He never passed in her marble or consoled her but trusted. She was so angry at him. Especially, when he looked at her like were saying: ''I know you feel pain, I know all about your feelings, but you can handle it, because you don't have a choice.''She was losing her temper, and it was one of the rest million things she could never show him.

He knew. They knew. . .

All about the life they live. From the beginning. They foresaw everything, the feelings, the pain, the actions.. like they were writing their life line by line. I guess that's why they have been playing with it. They have been putting each other and their fate for a test. All the time. They have been arguing, yelling, loving, missing. They knew it's going to hurt but grinning like nothing is going on. They were killing each other and than revived in the last sighs. She was listening only to him but she has never accepted it. That made her be mad. He laughed.

When he was mad she was the only person who could calm him by accepting his madness. He could yell and she was smiling. They have been never dreading each other even when there was nothing else to do or feel. They have been the only human beings who could do that. Together they would conquer the world, but the paradox is – it is not possible until they are they. And it's not about the world.

They need just them. . .

Beautiful beginning is the most terrible thing in every relationships..
After that, they haven't ever felt something simply good to each other..
They have been trying to do everything to not feel the boredom which were shrouding them in the slimy gossamer.
After he killed her he got bored...
At one deadly night he was begging his God to allow him to deface her grave.
But there was nothing except his memories.

That night he sculpt her from himself.

He took quite small piece of his fear and by very careful movements of his hands pasted up the lowest part of her stomach. After that, he gently with a kind smile, but sadly, put there a bigger piece. It was his pain.
He has undoubtedly loved her. That's why, when he was doing that parcel of work he was sad. He was sad because he knew, there was no any other way.
It wasn't sunny or rainy day; there was no storm. And it's not actually about the weather or what is going on outside. There was no outside. There was just nothing. It is all about mind. Can you let someone to sculpt you? Give yourself up to a person. Let him do whatever he wants with your soul.
She didn't have a choice, because he has already started and done a half of the work. Without asking. Few more small but important points and it's completely done.
He put the parts of himself into her. But he did not just share. He tears it off. With pain and fear he was tearing off the parts which don't want to be separated. Just like pain and fear. Making bold, a half of which was already inside her, he clasped his fear in his hands and started to pull it. There and then he felt sick in his throat and from the place he pull was heart a weird sound. Just like when you are weighing upon a frog by your foot, very slowly. Along the fear he was tearing off, was tagging slim of goose bumps and stupor.
It was much worse with pain. In this case you weren't the one who weighs upon the frog, but you were the frog someone is cruelly lying heavy on and you are dying; you can do nothing. Every single vein is nearly splitting because of the pressure.
When he has done with the most difficult stages he worked with regrets. But finally he changed his mind and hasn't put them into her. He was trying to paste there all he has inside himself, but not to take all the place she has; he wanted to fill it up when she will be alive.
A drop of pity with egoism flavor covered by sadism with dash of masochism. These were the simplest things to share. They are just add-ins. He wanted to add there cynicism, but has noticed, it is already inside because of pain and egoism reaction. Well, he had not studied chemistry, now he knows.
You might think he is tired, but he is not. It's too soon to be tired. May be he will be, when she will open the door inside her which he is going to close before she wakes up. But he is going to close it forever. To barricade it. But to leave a keyhole, so she can watch furtively, not sleep at nights, wait for safety light from it.
Now, he will insert into her his anger. Like a result of the pain and fear. But there is stupor, too. And she doesn't need it.
It was hard but not too much to do this. He flung her into walls and felt the pain she feels. He flung her, trampled down, yelled and hit her; and feel again and again her pain. At that time, she was laughing at him.
And now, it's time for the door.. which he will never open inside her. He will put there just two things. Love and happiness. But she will never know about it. And while she doesn't know what is behind the door, she will hurt her eyes every time she will look into the keyhole.
