Chironex fleckery or a See Wasp

Is the most dangerous jellyfish and is the largest of the cubozoans, commonly called box jellyfish.  Its bell grows to about the size of a basketball. They have faintly blue color and they are almost transparent so it's nearly impossible to see them in the water. There is the poison in their tentacles which is reacting for pressure and it's able to kill 60 people in three minutes. The person really suffers after the sting. The poison goes through and attacks nervous system, heart and skin at the same time. The person will die in about 4 min. I was trying to find out more information about it but you know, I can't break myself. As usual I was thinking about the feelings.

When I was a child a saw a small jellyfish in the sea and I found it really beautiful. So I imagined how is that to die from incredible beauty. Just conceive you are in the water and suddenly it stings you. In the beginning you probably have a shock and don't really understand what's happened. Than the pain is going through and you are staring to sink. All you can see is the jellyfish. It might be not even there already but you can still see it. Because it's too beautiful to forget it. You are trying to conscious your life but you too much in pain for it. So all u can feel is a beauty and pain. But people feel pain with their brain. And when you're dying your brain's dying too. So you already don't feel the pain.

You can die happy! Because u just don't have time for thinking about stuff like what haven't you done in your life.
