The Life in England, in Sutton-in-Ashfield

21st March 2017
Great Britain, UK, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire

The Life in England, in Sutton-in-Ashfield

I am 55 yo age woman, British Citizen from 2001, Russian Ethnic Group (which is the minority group in Great Britain by census).

I am living in UK from 12th February 1998, coming on British visa as a fianc;e of British Citizen UK, his birth was on 10.05.1952 in Stourbridge, near Birmingham, in England.

We married on 18th April 1998 in Retford town in England. I moved to live in UK, to be married woman here, a wife, as I was thinking, forever, some he thought. We falled in love, attracted to see each another and to talk to communicate too.

My British fianc;e had dang so nice Scottish songs for me, so, He attracted me by his voice, timbre, songs.  In Russia,  Russian people say 'A Woman loves by her ears'. so, this way worked on me too.

His type of a figure was some as for Vladimir Vyssocky, a really famous Russian singer and actor.

But our marriage was hard, he had already his domestic violance habits on women before I met him - his ex-women leaved him as he attacked her in 1995, and the some way as her later = me too, on 9th February 2001.

The domestic violence habits is not such things easy to see, to fell to live, having this in your life.  I tried to work to stop this, but as the emotional damage of the trust, i had divorced later, the finally on 16-04-2010 day.

It was hard to live in a small British village as a foriign woman for them, having an accent.  They had not take me in their community to stay together to joy.   Instead,  i had the blame me, always in somethings - that their kids had not houses in properties, or the University Degrees, women blamed me to be married on their British men, while they all here were just unmarried women with kids, as women all age group, they disliked me as a foreign woman, 'taking their local man to be married on a foreign woman'.    Some, as one woman and one man, shouted me their thoughts about me 'The Witch!".   Some local men immitated the pull out my eyes, shouting to to leave their British village to go back to Latvia,

I was the owner of my property in this village, as a 3-bed-roomed house with gardens', but i sold it, leaved this village for local be happy here.

I was not able to return back to Riga, Latvia, from where I came to UK, - i was a person without any citizenship at all from 1991 as a result of ruined economic and country USSR, which was my country, I was born in USSR in 1961 in Russia.  But as it was no borders inside USSR, people might live and work in any places, my parents moved to live in Riga, Latvia, so me too, as 12 yo age girl in June 1974.

As there were no borders inside USSR, nobody arranged me Russian passport, my 1st password was Soviet Citizenship and Soviet passport.

When USSR collapsed in 1991,  Latvia had not gave me their Latvian passport, blamed me, living in Latvia from 12 yo age from June 1974 as a stranger for them, not theirs, and they gave me their Latvian Alien passport.   So, I started to an Alien of the planet of The Earth, Russian Ethnic Group, bith on the planet The Earth in Russia, in Khabarovsk in 1961.

Russia had not gave me their Russian Citizenship too, instead ex-Soviet Citizenship.

Russia had declared rights on all properties USSR state, just, but not for taking Soviet Citizens as ex-USSR Citizens to be Russian Citizens from 1991.

I had applied a lot, twice  from Putin; Office on his name, and 7 answres as refuses.

By Soviet Constitution, by Soviet Laws,   there a point which plenty people, living abroad never knew:     as the ownership as a shared ownership on all state property USSR (gold, silver, cooper, diamnds, petrol, oil, all buildings, land, foreists, factories, transport, airoports, state savings as a budget - all was on the base of the shared ownership of owners - all Soviet Citizens USSR, making USSR as a closed private huge private club land.

So, I was. My Soviet Passport and Citizenship was on the base of shared ownership on all property of USSR, inside USSR and outside USSR.

We had free health care, education, dental help, free hospitals, cheapest as a free public transport and buses and trains, as all tickets had been donated from the budget.

For example, a bus ticket in a town was 5 kopeek - as ;0.05 a value, cheap, donated.   and some for all prices -for electricity, water, gas.

Women had a pension age from 55 yo age, men from 60 yo age in USSR, with plans to drop to low the pension age for women till 50 yo age, and for men till 55 yo age, as a public dream to have plenty free time for hobbies.

So, if USSR would not collapsed in 1991, I would be a Soviet Pensioner, as I am 55 yo on 2016.

The collapse of USSR economy ruined savings, pensions, plenty working places as each Soviet Citizen has rights for his working place as by Law.  We had plenty unfilled working places, so, the ability to change or to find.

The state produced plenty working places, so, 1 work for 1 person abroad on the West, was shared as for 100-1000 people to do, and so, no needs to work really hard, people used their working hours to chat, to have plenty tea breaks, shared food celebration, meetings. After the end of such working day, nobody was really strong tired. so, people shared their evening time, some as other families, near TV, in theaters, in cinemas, dancing, singing songs, talking.

People on the West worked  really fast, hard. And when we moved to live in UK, we finded this huge gap of working process in a capitalism and in a socialism societies.  I had a greatest respect for each hard working British person, - they all worked really hard, some worked over 60 till 90 hours per week.

I started to work the some, hard, as others.
I worked 12 hours 15 minutes night shifts, 4 on/4 off, or 4 on/3 off, or 6 on/1-2 off, at night, additionally some daily topping as paid trainings.

To work such hard way, was to account a time, all, to survive.  I had not saw any TV, had not read book, just work and sleep.

Someone wish to move people as humans to be to work as robots or a bio-robots.

fast-fast-more fast-no any mistake
if you will not good enough - go away.

and a low payments for a hardest work.

Pension age in Great Britain for women my age 66, for more younger 68 yo, with plas to move to 85 yo as the right age for British women to go to their pension.

The state Great Britain takes money from the salaries as into the individual pension fond in the future, but for the case of the death, before the pension age, or with no used the individual pension age personnel fond till the end, - British state and Officials keep all money from unused pension fond in the budget, while they are personnel individual fonds.    

People have not right to pass to the next generations, or by their choices. Their state acting as a type of thief, taking the individual pension fonds in budget. So, they as the additional taxes, just not name by such way publicly juridically open.

I sure, some British people would saved money in a budget for others, to help, but nobody never asked them, taking their money by a force of laws.

But all take this as it is.  The community is the community.

In 2017, I decided to go to see my Dad, as my father lived as 79 yo age pensioner in Europe, in Riga, Latvia.   Plenty British pnsioners sold their properties, houses, moved to live abroad in Europe, buying houses in France, Spain. My father had his property in Riga, Latvia.

My mother's grave was in Riga, Latvia, in Latvian cemetry too. The last time I saw her on the funeral, died, in December 2011.

To fly to here, as I was unemployed, I had arranged a time off.

In 2017, I tried to fly to see my alive father, while he is alive.

I was unemployed low income JSA benefit, so, JCP ordered me to close my claim JSA low income on the day before this flight, some all my benefits as Housing Benefit, Concil tax benefit had been closed too already by Ashfield Council.

They said me, this British Laws, as I will fly abroad, as their rules.
So, my last income as on 22-2-2017 as the last bank trasfer of a low income JSA to m.

Now is 21-3-2017, no any income on the top of my income ;0.00  from British state any more - no JSA benefit, No Housing Benefit, No Council Tax benefit, the refuse me in a Loan Crises-they ingnored to discuss this, as they would had been deaf not hear it, no any printed paper of any future benefit too,

what had happened?

Before to do the desition to travel to see my Da, old age relative, I had consultation with 3 members of JCP staff - on 6.1.2017, later, the last on 22.2.2017, always asking teir rules, which i do not know as the ordinary person.

Three memebrs of JCP staff and Ashfield Council staff explained me things, as i will do the re-claim JSA back in a return, with 1 unpaid week which dated me to be abroad.

But when I returned back, the some place, people, and their own rules 'dramaticly changes just for 1 week of my absence'.

The opportunity to open JSA claim as re-claim JSA benefit had been cancelled.

Instead, they ordered be to apply for Universal Credit, - much better, 2 benefits in 1, as a housing benefits and living expedures benefits, all tothers. Just 1 st week as unpaid week for 2 benefits. just mostly payments. just 1st payment for a cliam from 6-3-2017 would be on 19-4-1017 (a missed date of rent so, a homeless), just the amount on 19-4-2017 will not such big, as no money to pay a missed payment for march and a rent in April as their housing benefit inside Universal Credit. Just they obligate all money as this credit to give them back during  6 months from the income as this UC Universal Credit or a working slary.

I saw - it was no a que for sch Universal Credit benefit financial help -just me, and nobody else.

To help me much better, their staf for Universal Credit had refused to scann all documents, which i tried to give to her, she picked by her choice. Later their others Officials said as she picked scanned a wrong paper, not what needed, so they will closed their UC benefit (for their staff fault to work as the quality of work on a budget money).

I send by e-mail.

But, really?  they collected the information to see to know as i had no income from 22.2.2017 as in my bank statement. and they put 1st payment on 19-4-2017 for British Citizen, 55 yo woman, no income, a single, as for what? to start to be a homeless?   to die?

Ay adult knows as humans need food, so money, as no way to survive here in UK -no permitt to fish fishes, to huntering, all licinced. no way to build a house, as not permitted without plenty paid permitt.

and just 1 way though this to survive here in UK as these low income benefots which are practically here already on the level ;0.00 for British Citizens UK.

so, this opush to leave UK, as a financial push to be not able to survive here.

this push to died, as not al so string.

British social fonding of the system of plenty benefits, which the some level or near, just named differently, just people whom knows, the system, the used, having income, whom had not -not. but British System on the way to obligate a person to ask the help, to listen controlled questioned, to be putted in fears, as they like to use this, to print something which stressed depressed you to read as they ready to do all to stop your financial supporting, for any fault, mistake, or just. as the play.

so, some people in this system have a full support, some not.

I had not Loan Crises while asked benefit, thi was avoided to start to discuss too.

Another way -they had not provided printed letters, making really hard or impossible to go to a Solicitor to ask the juridical help. no printed papers to show for British Court - they hided their own activities, words, decisions.

They always said as something as you need here someone whom would talked to help to you to talk with them to do things by another more soft way as to return their financial help support.

British Laws said as a low income in UK must be ;73.10/week for a living expences. This is not working, as British Officials had refused me to have such income ;73.10/week.

May be by Russian Ethnic is working such way? as British Citizen of a minority group here as so unwanted?

No, some was for others as I saw British Ethnic woman over 50 yo, cried, when JCP cancelled her JSA benefit without any warning.

Really, some people in age, delicate to ask benefits, as ESA or disability, though delicatacy manner, of age group too. trying not to take plenty monet from a budget from others to support them.

But British Officilas as all of hem they are taking much more money from a budget, to write rules to keep others on ;0.00/week income, so to die.

British Officials created a death, died hungry people, hungry death.

So, if you work hard in you for your own pocket -you work to keep still officials wit rules to kills your own neighbors or you if it would be a loss of luck.

People on Interent started to discuss this all, as our planet The Earh, probably, had been invited by evil aliens, taking a power in countries to put their staff to humilate others, to create wars, to enjoy tears of women, humans, as oanother not their race group. as they may use to look as humans while they may not humans.

Normal human will help to survive for women, kids, while their rules to keep the income ;0.00 -so, to kill humans.

People said as some new technology wil come, with the change of working places of humans on robots and bio-robots on prgramms, rules. doing orders.

No plenty people in UK knows as British Officials JCP started to recognise humans not by a face look, but by their electronic signs in electronic pads, as the programm had not worked to recognise humans by their electronic signs, but Brotish Officilas asked to sign over 25 times for 1 week, no one not able to sy to see as their own programms had not worked, blamed people for this, asking to do something to sign to be recognising.

No one British private bussiness structure has the electronic recognising signs pads to recognise humans Homo Sapience by their electronic signs only -- just JCP for unamployed people.

British banks used PIN numbers, some a plastic card with or without numbers. some fingerprints or eye scan.   Just JCP used the electronic signs to try to recognise people.

No one British juridical organisation tried to control things, to know, to control, to stop.

CAN as Citizen Advice Bureau office had been closed down in Sutton-in-Ashfield.
The nearest in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, but the cost of bus to travel to here really expensive - no free bus tickets for unemployed or a low income in Sutton in Ashfield area.

Nottingham provide free bus ticket or discounted for unemployed - but Sutton and Ashfield not.

Mansfield provided discounted hours as a swimming sessions for unemployed - Sutton in Ashfield Leasure-not, to pay as all paid, the full price.

so, not the support of the community here, really

while they planned to build plenty council houses, to move more people to live here-where no work, really, as now, no new working places so, and to survive for people in age=to have a financial support.

My neighbors, age over 60 yo, on the waiting list for the operation on hips near 2 years, they kept him in a strong pain. New rules NHS ordered to wait not to do operations on hips while a person is not in the strongest pain during  a night -what put things to blame a person to lie or not to accept patients needs.

People, whom created all this, on the good salaries from budget all.

They try to reduce just others, never themselves as their salaries, numbers. power.

May me our planet had been invited? but if so, all officials in all countries would be just their servants?

if so, no differences between countries, states as just another cave or a cell of open ZOO-Farm.

But whom live om the collections energy of tears, deaths, died, upset, humilated - not good type of energy, something as you may think to find for a Hell?  Probably, we all died here already? and so, in the hell?

I remember another land, people, and my native planet The Earth, from where I am from as an Alien of Russian Ethnic, British Citizen UK, Latvian Alien as by by Latvian Official password from Latvian Lettish Officials.

I tried to move to live in Russia. Here is not a place, people, which in my memory, and this is not Russia, just as some cave or a cells with plenty bionic robots, pretending to play roles they Russians, while plenty English-talking, so, spies, probably.

In caves, you can not move out, as just into another cave or cells.

I looked as some rules of attribute in Great Britain, in Russia, the some. no way to leave this out.

Officials in each country are the some. People cried, in tears, hungry, plenty died, sad.   And this what they wanted from all us here, to have for them to collect.

Some as not have the age, as others, with the loss all.  They may look as young or not, as a point of technology but their activities what a sign.

I repeated what plenty other people said. 

This may be the truth or a not.

to realize the truth, it needs to closed a power of all Officials to control to manipulate, so, if the main owner of poweer from outside of our vision, it would be right to close all links. But as some people saw and recorded signs of presencem they try to prefer to keep the play to keep all, having a strong fear of this will ruined all.

People in UK killed each another already - British Officials had wrote their rules to keep me on ;;0.00 income from 22.2.2017 till 19.4.2017 - no money-no food. no money-no mil, no money-no water to buy in shops. no money-no payments of rent=a homelsss-n home.

British Officials from BREXIT change money to kill others inside openly by their own rules. See, the some as in Ukraine from 2014+, the some as in Gremany 1939-1945, as the criminal organizing activity of local Officials to kill locals and woman in their cell.

Really, they always hungry to kill others as hate probably, just a strong Law as a border till this STOP! NOT DO THIS! stopped to stop them.

Plenty lives, no knowing.

See, you! if you British Citizen, living in UK or not! British Officials changed laws, rules, to keep British Citizens in UK land on ;0.00 and so -to kill.

British Officials sent British soldiers abroad to kill for organs to collect as no one would gave them in own mind while someone wanted, waited.

It is hard to say whom will be the next as unwanted, killed, humilated.

British men killed British women as local women, living on the island England during 300 years in Middle Age time -and things returned back in uK! these new British rules JCP are rules of murders to keep women without income for such long time, so - to kill.

Murdees in power in UK/   Please, if you a honest British soldiers, do not try to save murders, whom took a power in your country - they are Murders, enjoying to humiliate others, to kill others, to support whom ordered to kill other by bombing.

To be a soldier -to be a brave to recognize things as they are.

Normal people would not write rules to keep for weeks women in age with ;0.00/week - no JSA, no Housing Benefit, No Council Tax benefit and no working places here to go to work, especially for people in age. 

Murders never stop to kills others, as they are serial killers criminal habits.

To do changes -it nees to indetificate individuals in political power, as creators as a criminal rules to kill others, to name them openly.

If you work hard, paying bills, taxes , in all - to keep happy well-paid British Officials as your kindness to others to survive -they will not any chance to you to survive.  So, you keep on salaries people, whom will not help, acting as robots on rules on rules of any political power - Hitler, any.

I have the electricy light here, using a light from a small old laptop to pring all, but really hard to correct misspringing, and I am tired too, weak.

I have not any food in a fridge, so, switched off to save electricity -no points to keep empty fridge to work.

They ruined not just me -pthers as all local British Business - Landlord, Agency, companies to pay bills, shops -they had money from me, i paid taxes in any bill, servie, shop.

They ruined not just my financial situation as their hate all and me too, -but local bussiness too as less income.

people leaved UK to go abroad. and for British Citizen to survive better to leave this country, probably too?

But to somewhere? to where?

I would leaved-but to where?

which country would accept me, British Citizen Russian Ethnic?

Latvia refused, making me their Alien.
Russia refused 7 times on my ask, including 2 refused from Vladimir Putin's Office were.
To where?

just to die? so unwanted here? that just to die?

This what the real feelings of plenty British Citizens UK, not just me.

British Pensioner, in bus, said me:
- If our British Government will give you something by one hand -they will try to take all back straight soon )as so jealousy) not leaving money for  food sometimes.

She worked all her life in UK land only as British pensioner, such unwanted to be happy here and unhappy.

British man said me:
- If someone would bothered you sometimes, asking, replied not to worry as our British Government have their plastic bags plenty them for each.

This helped.  But I tried not to repeat this British joke.

this is a true, what you feel here as a readiness to kill each here always, not safe place or a comfortable too, really.

People from another countries had not understand British social way to keep all, surving on benefits. Some started to blame me on the ways as they see me as a foreigner (British Citizen from 2002 but always as a stranger alien foreigner)

This way of thinking making people a blind to see as British state had started to kill British Citizens UK, living in UK, if they so unlucky, -a single, old age over 50, no work,  - they put to add - ;0.00/week - no any benefit -as so hate here.

the hateness of murders - to kill and to hate

British Laws said each British Citizen UK MUST have a living expeses income ;73.10, which the state MUST provide, but the state realize the princpe MUST -if not - killed.

the old tradition to help to each another in the deep past. People do not ask the help from each another as each knows as the state obligated to provide this help.

but the state providers organized the help by such longest ways of humiliation and tears for some of British Citizens, which plenty died, probably, hungry, stressed here, not receiving this help -which just for local knowns or relatives, probably, nit for all.

so, one will say as had Loan Crises help - another as they refused to discuss to provide this Loan Crises help.

I use the light from the screen of old laptope, moving down, trying to see keyboard, but tired and not able to do a proper work of correction mistakes here

I cancelled some services, as no money to pay bills, so, phone-Interent too, soon.

i decided not to over-load myself to correct mistakes and misprintings, as here on English, the language of officials. they on a good payment, me not.


having a pain in eyes

my neighbor over 60 yo do not use electricity
me started too, no money to buy a food

i used electricity light from a street

not bright, just

i had not use any heating as so was short to buy a food

My rent #347/month
Ashfield Council Housing Benefit here #290
347-290 =

So, having JSA #73.10/week
1 week money was for a saving to be able to pay the rent

but Agency obligated still to buy Tenant Liability Insurance onthe top of rent
making as I paid #13.99
so, Ashfield Council had not accounted the level of the real rent, their numbers over-back-dated while the rents had up and prices too.

Now is a not such cold as a snow winter time or a frost, so, i have no fears to be a homeless soon or died soon, no fears. I am 55 yo, tired, we saw a collapses of countries. a huge emotional stress.

Plenty people had a fear to be died while here as all died already, living in a type of Hell when Officials as Devil Servants created activities to hmilate, upset, kill, depressed, controlled

they sure and some sure as plenty people had dreams to live forever as someone tried.

while not as when we died, we had our rest in some place

while i doubt for the some for servants of Devils, humiliated others here.
so, plenty killed souls will fly away in the Paradise, probably
while some not, always inside cells, caves, in a farming yards.

we all, normal people, will ....

Devils and servants of them forever to live in Hell, in Zoo cells. They enjoyed. their way of food supply feeding process.

People are much better as they are free.   

Plenty British Officials have somethings as a fear of alive people, plenty British stamps of speach as someone blamed 'you should do this'. while they all avoided to do what they should do, as people paid to keep them for people, while they sure people keep them to keep them to humilate others here to enjoy.

Nobody was and is able to stop Donbass as a process of killings.

Do you know that our British Politicians in poweer fully suported Ukrinian officials ordering to kill to bomb properties of civilians in thir countr Ukraine?

Plenty women all Ethnc groups had been killed as the activities of men, using their political battle to start to kill women in Ukraine -with the full support of this from British Politicians and American and Eropean-men, of countries where men killed local women during 300 years with no stop.

See, as British men, whom supported a mass kiiling as a genocide women in Ukraine - they in power -they strated to kill women in in UK too.

murders enjoyed to kill, to control, to humilate

Naive British people were so sure as their Politicians whom supported to kill civilians in other countries as the political opposition or another Ethnic group would not start to do this here in UK?

see -they do this.

they do this already.

#0.00 - no benefits -no money from 22.2.2017 - no Loan Crises or other benefits-each knew-no one helped.

no one.

Murders enjoyed to kiil
you working in UK paying taces are keeping murders to be hapy to enjoy to creat methods to humilate to kill others

this as Devis Servants, making a Hell here.

they take money from budget from taxper to work to create what here in the UK? the death machine& a death in a silince?

plenty knew and knows me with no income from 22.2.2017 -no benefits -no financial help on bank account. i asked the financial help face-in-face meeting and by phone -they started to be as a deaf.





I was on a flue, strongest caugh. the 5 days of antibiotiks ahd not helped, but my GP said me on my ask to add more days for antibiotiks as her refuse me - as she decided to keep me on a natural way of healing.

in February cold time
woman, not having heating in a flat
with a strong cough-to keep on a natural healing way-n so, no any health care

i managed survive

i am 55 yo, having some such before on 2 weeks of antibiotiks always

it is no needs in any medical education to pronounce these words 'to keep on a natural way of healing;-no prescriptions for this patient.

The natural way as the natural, so, i do not go to a GO any more as the natural way no prescriptions.

Really, all these prescriptions as chemicals came from the natural plants, etc, on the chimical simulation of them.  But here is not such natural meadows and naturals forests any more and so all these plants to pick to collect from plenty illness.

Auntibiotiks ahd been extracted from this green thing on a old bread, some inside of some type of cheese.  so, probably, if so expensive or impossible to buy, much easy to do own things, just to find the information.

Russian people in villages had did and do their own spirit as the pure alhogol drink. this helped sometimes, on a cold, as spirit as a desinfection, burning some bacterias and warm b=the body.

I used a pure spirits to my own small age kids in a high temperature to treat them -not to drini but to wet the skin, so, spirite dried, making a skin more cooler.

My great garndfather lved in the old Russian village was famouse to do his own mixed spirit with plants to treat people, here was no any medical help, in old age.

He knew and treated ill horses from one illness, while others killed and burned hourses. he knew methods of treatment which are fantastic for our time too.  But he had not passed his secrets to others, including his kids. too.

He was able to see a person as a newborn child to know all his future life and the destiny.

They had some special oldest Bible, reading, alll old age Russian men, all together, sat, read a Bible near the table. They used some matches t put on the table and to read Bibles to go outside and to say to all which events were as news in the world. they used hidden information in texts of oldest Bible.

this oldest knowledge had been losted, Russian Revolution time, and all.

They said about the future too. As people will be have fears of people, plenty fightings, wars, and the last battle of las survivors of as humans on area in Siberia between rivers Biya and not remember Kura or Belays not remember the location.

or they had been time travellers some here, so a knowledge much high their time, or the knowledge of civilizations living before ours.

My own great grandmother died on her 115 years of life, while she used a skying, and feld down as unlucky cace.  My auntie as her ancestor is 94 yo age, still tried to do her shooping, homelooking, hoseholding, shooping, dancing. now now already, but this was.

no any drugs, just genetic.

but mine in my mother's side. probably.
i am 55 yo, and so tire sometimes as much over 300 as 500 or 600 years or more sometimes while young British Ladies shouting upset me, or this British Laws asking to work, while I am from USSR and women in my age group were being on pensions as Soviet pensioners.

I am not Her Majesty The Queen, having a good fodd supply, etc, the financial supporting me, and so, a cold unheating house, no food sometimes and no milk, a weakness, so tired.

I admire by Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II, as so really hardworking person, doing her duties.

I am not such, weak, needed a rest, slpeep, having atiredness. needs to be lazy for a comfort as i am not a machne and alive woman.

but when someone really strong, all people asked others to be really strong too. while not have such strengthes.

all animals have their rest, sleeping time when they feel the needs.

why do a society of humans as the state tried not to account neeeds of humans to be humans? to be lazy? to sleep tp? in a food-drink syplies?

they put me on #0.00 income here in UK.

may be I am a bio=robots or robots?   I was sure I am a Homo Sapience. my genetic etsts for me to know to see all .

But may be I a robot? so #0.00 income will move me to some hidden genes and functions to be open to live on another level of energia? no food? drinks? just the collaction energy from the spaces?  and so our British Officials tried to do here from me?

but are you sure this way would work?

See - plenty died hungry kids, women men in German Faschist Concetration Campst during 1939-1945? --- they had been kept without any food -some as me here in Great Britain too -- and nobody had chaned-their died, no food and died.

to do experiences of humans without asking their permissions? just?

but really as no plenty chances here as staisticly, people without a food-drinks supplies died.

we all died. all will dy.

but when the death the creation of organizing rules of British Citzen UK as British Officials UK to kill British Citizen UK in UK.

and people keep them all happy? on wages from the society? British Officials JCP as creators rules to keep people on #0.00/week? others? not themselves-others?

but why do not themselves? really? if they sure a person has no needs in food- they free to show this to live and to show and if they sure this possible-why do they take money from the soety if they do not need money as British Officials sure a people as humans Homo Sapience may live for a long without food-drinks-houses too.

so, let;s started from yourself aol at 1st

lets go to Universal Credit to all British Officials to know a real live of their work here. to have what they created for others here in UK to have.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

PS     Poems and song by me,  on Russian :

21 марта 2017
Великобритания, Ноттингемшире

Что было и что будет.

Что было и что будет,
Не знает тут никто.
Лишь только ветер дует
Порою нам в лицо.

Лишь только так бывает, -
Однажды повезёт.
И сердце сердце встретит
И милого найдёт.

Пока живём - мы любим,
Живы пока, в любви,
Нас кто-то сильно любит,
И любим мир и мы.

Нам говорят, что будет,
Пророки и друзья,
Нам говорят что было
Все эти учителя.

Потом откроем книгу,
Закроем и пойдём
И вдруг увидим Чудо,
Какое к нам прийдёт.

Мы в книгах не читали,
Никто не говорил,
И потому не знают,
О мире тут любви.

О мире том и странном,
Не учат и молчат,
И ты решай, что делать,
Рад этому - не рад.

Но нет назад дороги,
Но нет назад пути.
Когда уходят ноги,
То не вернёшься ты.

Ты пой, когда поётся,
Один иль не один.
Душа тебя поддержит,
С тобою рядом ты.

Не знаю я, что будет,
Что было, что прошло.
Что ожидает Землю.
И каждого порой.

Пока живём - мы любим.
Коль любим - мы живы.
Не упади в дороге,
А поднимись, пойди.

И дело вдруг найдётся.
Вот это, что твоё.
И сердце улыбнётся.
И что-то пропоёт.

Уйдёшь - твоя улыбка
Тут будет навсегда.
Невидимое солнце,
Что светит тут всегда.

Что было и что будет,
Не знает тут никто.
Лишь только ветер дует
Порою нам в лицо.

Мы паруса надежды
Пошире распахнём,
Несётся наша лодка,
Куда то принесёт.

А мир - не дует ветер.
Или дует, заведён,
В одном лишь направленье
И только лишь в лицо.

Холодный, холодящий,
Толкающий уйти.
Живой же ветер это
Играющий в пути.

Что было и что будет,
Не знает тут никто.
Лишь только ветер дует
Порою нам в лицо.

В пути бывает трудно,
Дорогу занесёт.
Ямщик в степях, прощаясь,
Наказы отдаёт.

Не плакала что б мама,
Жена нашла б любовь,
И полушубок другу,-
Иди, и Бог с Тобой!

Коль мир другой, однажды
Нас вместе соберёт,
Так не прощаюсь, братцы,
А просто в путь пошёл.

И он ушёл, и въюга
Все замела следы,
Понять такое трудно.


На заре окна вширь распахнутся
А в саду всё роса на траве.
И пионы дыханьем закружат, закружат,
Лепестками роняя капель.

После сна ещё, в белой и длинной рубашке,
Кудри чёрные гроздьями волн по спине,
И котёнок заскочит на подоконник,
Чтоб погладила ты по спине.

Ты босая, по деревянному полу,
Согреваясь, вернёшься в кровать засыпать.
И художник напишет тебя на картины,
Сохранить молодой навсегда.

Будут люди стоять и смотреть:
Так бывает. И сирени белая гроздь на столе
В вазе каплей прозрачной вода так сверкает,
Родниковой и чистой навек.

Инна Тигги

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

"Что было и что будет",  стихи, песня

"На Заре", стихи

"The Life in England, in Sutton-in-Ashfield"
