
"TimeLettersReader" is the new name of horoscope, combined with the rotating disks by Alfred Witte and Ludwig Rudolph {1-3}.

At the same time it is The New Positioning possibilities of the mentioned tool, about which A. Witte and L. Rudolph did't write.

Key function of "TimeLettersReader" is to give help to understand following:
1. Time has the its own images and language/
2. Time images are geometric.
3. Time language is nonlinear dynamical symbolic language. (The order of reading the time symbolic texts is nonlinear).
4. Dynamic symbolic time language is universal.
5. We can translate the text from the Time universal language in any human language.
6. The literary style of the time writing – postmodernism.
7. The key to reading nonlinear texts by time is the principle of symmetry. 

1. Л. Рудольф. Рождение микроградуированных дисков.пер. с нем. А. Яковлевой.

С. Будяшкина. Вращающиеся диски Витте-Рудольфа.
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Witte

