What is false atheism in God opinion?

The Trump paradox. Should the absurd paradoxes be part of Reality?

The Russell's type paradoxes
Russell's paradox - Wikipedia
can be solved (introduced into Reality) by inclusion of word "except".

As examples:
1) the paradox: "The painter that paints all (and only those) that don't paint themselves."
is solved following way:
"The painter that paints all, except himself, that don't paint themselves."
2) the math paradox: "the group of all groups" is solved following way: "the group of all groups, except itself."

That's way the closed loop of thoughts does not build in the brain, so there will be no brain damage. There are many other cases of "paradoxes".

3) Trump is the same time is elected and not elected (due to baseless doubts in the election). This way the Donald has unintentionally switched short the logic area of the brain. Also the historic record in the brain is switched short: the Trump is not elected prior to election, not after!
The watching the "Trumpgate" in CNN makes the brain cells die in the logic area. High voltage there!

However the most disturbing thing is the hidden paradox of the word "atheism". Let us see it here:

Who decides over Verity is the God. So, the atheist acts as God? Yes, because they are convinced, what there is no God. So, the atheism is the absurd. To protect our mind from the absurd, one must always add adjective "false" to the atheism. The alternative to "false atheism" is holy anti-idolatry. Because there is only two alternatives, the satan is the false atheist. The letter "a" in false atheism means also the "instead of Jesus Christ". Do you remember, what the murderers of Jesus Christ have said to the Roman ruler: "we have no other authority, but the Rome!" So, the spirit of false atheism has murdered the King of Kings. The letter "a" in Greeks means two things: 1) instead of, in the place of, 2) denial.

Our subconscious is the gate to our heart, that is why in Russia 1/2 of population are false atheists. The word "atheism" acts as horrible drill. To close this gate, I am calling the atheism as "false atheism".
"Hold the door":
"You shall not pass":

I am willing to call the atheism by the word "false". Why? Because the atheism must be false "in the eyes" of mine God. So, I am calling it false everywhere. Please tel us all, what positive and new has taught us the false atheism yet. Can you?

Imagine a man on the edge of the abyss. God says: do not make a step forward, or by death will die. An unhealthy Lucifer approaches and says "make the step, God envies you, fly like a bird!" And when the man stepped forward, the hope for Lucifer's repentance disappeared: God cursed him. A person can not turn into a bird, so that person is broken: "Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly"

Wikipedia's religion is "connection to a supernatural being". But any human has supernatural Freewill. Hereby do not listen to Nihilists, who do nihilate everything what relates to True God.
So, the Religion is connection to True God, faith in Verity.

The "church of satan" is the false religion, because the satan is less powerful figure in Bible, than Jesus Christ. So, he can not be the True God, and so the satanism is the false religion.
The next example are the false prayers in the Flying Spaghetti Monster church: this religion is false, because the worship of FSM is meant to be pretended, it means - false worship.

Because there are false religions, there is True Religion, in light of which the others are false. We do worship the True God, because our God is Truth. Verity.

Any Nihilist shall agree, what, according to Bible author, the satan is the most negative figure.

No words are too strong to save a soul. The false atheists are our brothers and sisters through the creation on humankind: Adam and Eve.
The false atheists are the source of doubt in the theists' mind. Every time a theist calls the opposer "atheist", he accepts, that the false atheism is the real position. The false atheism however is not real: it is false. The "False A-theism" is the idol of the Paganism. The Christian repeats the same word over and over again: "atheist". It is poisoning his mind. The solution: let us call the atheism the false one: the false atheist and the false atheism.

The satan is the false atheist. He denies the authority of God Father, so he denies the almightiness of the Almighty One. PROBLEM of DARWINIAN EVOLUTION and Secular Science in Universities:
Is lost the Reference to the higher authority: the Creator God. As is written, what every unrepentant sinner is a false god with own false "absolute truths" on a matters:
"ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:5 However all these false truths are in perfect harmony with the satan's way of thinking.

Do you not know the opinion of God, really? And what does the conscience suggest? Conscience is the voice of God in human. Thank you, friends. I understand, what the God is so scary, that you invent lies to turn Him off. However, I have added text and videos to the thread now, so please re-watch:

False atheists say: "There is no True God, there are only idols: the false gods are made by man."
A false atheist is moved by rejection and an allergy to the words "True God exists." This negative, this disLove is the driving force of a false atheist. The main driving force that determines his behavior and internal state. And this is the definition and action of the idol:
"The Dawkins Delusion: Atheism EXPOSED" https://youtu.be/gwJN-KeCNqs

A false atheist possesses all false gods (they are long-term and falsely praying members of the false "church of satan" and a false church flying monster pasta). A false atheist is false, and this intrinsic falsehood deceives his conscience, almost without noticing it.
“The Debate is Over - Evolution is a Hoax!” https://youtu.be/W3kDdVQvrBA

The idol of God-fighting was created by Lucifer, who worshiped himself as an idol of God-fighting.
The war against own Father is self-destruction, so Lucifer fell out of Reality, becoming a problem called "satan." The unrepentant sinners are looking unreal:
“Michael Jackson - Thriller” https://youtu.be/sOnqjkJTMaA

If the false atheists pretend completely not to know, what their groundless revelations (as the single word "atheist") harm the Acts of God on Earth (and torture the "children" of God), then they are only weapons of God-fighting in the hands of the prince of this fallen world - satan:
"Disturbed - Indestructible" https://youtu.be/aWxBrI0g1kE

Denying God is Nihilism, for God is the Truth. The Absolute Truth is the opinion of God.
Nihilism is not Truth, because it denies the Truth. So, the True God is proven.
Do you not understand how can atheism be false? In short: if atheism is not right before God, then such atheism is false. But the holy Anti-idolatry pleases Holy God.

I suggest that by the word "atheism" must always be added the adjective "false", so that the absurd infection through the subconscious does not come through:
"The Lord of the Rings - You Shall Not Pass" https://youtu.be/mJZZNHekEQw
And the God-blessed desire of believers is then called Anti-idolatry, and not the misused and trolled down word "Atheism."

Who benefits from false atheism? No one, it's just stupidity and emptiness in the soul, because “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
The attack of emptiness: "The Neverending Story. Gmork"

"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."
(Revelation 11:18 KJV)

There are only two nations in the world: pagans and theists. To practice paganism (like the false atheists in the "church of satan") no faith is needed. What are the guiding motives in your Life? If they are not the God, then they are the false gods of PAGANISM. The Paganism is calling the black as "white", and white as "black". But the theism is the way of Truth. A pagan only trolls like: "General Relativity is wrong", theist says: "I have reasons to know, what GR is right." There are two ways in life: 1) to follow the Truth, and the God knows the Truth, 2) to not follow the Truth.

The Atheism is the fight against the idols of paganism (the "false gods"). The "false atheism" is fight against the True God. Think about the history of Christianity. The brave Christian humans often have destroyed the places and temples of paganism. I am calling it the Atheism (or anti-idolatry). Correct?

Opposer: “Atheists do not believe in deities of any sort. They are fighting against no deity; ......”

Let me use mine definitions, not the Wikipedia ones. You have no other choice but to let me. The false atheist destroys the God's deeds and messes His plans. Why then that is not the fight against God? I repeat: "one shall make sense of atheism. So, one shall see, what it is the denial of false gods (the non-existent ones). But True God is not the false one."

A child was born not as a false atheist. The false atheist has lost the quest for Truth. Because the God is Truth. Look at a mother. We are born with knowledge, what our mother exists. Right from the start, we had this knowledge. Before even we got to know the word "mom". Hereby the mom-knowledge is growing. The growing knowledge is there. For example, we see Sun. We feel warm. But we have no word for it. Then, we got to know the word "Sun". Then, in school we got to know the Sun reactions, Sun mass, Sun spectrum.... Same is with God. Same is with parents. Right from the start we feel, what something exists, that something is right and something is wrong, something is hot and something is cold. It is the first knowledge of the Highest Judge of what is true and what is false. I have no problem to know, what I saw mine God in the facts like "1+1=2" right from my beginning. It is like the Sun for new born baby: the baby does not know the name of the Sun, but already feels its actions.

Opposer: "We do not discriminate between "false" gods and "true" ones. If we did, we would not be atheists in the first place."

In your place a wise-man would say: "no false gods". But you keep saying: "no God". Would it be wiser to say "no false god", than to say "no God"? A wise-man has reasons to know, what a "god" is false. The false atheist has no reasons to "kill" a god. Making war against God is truly the making war against own Father, against own roots. Such activity is denial and factual destruction of own existence. Let us sing once: "Through the fields of destruction... Only fools make the war with the brothers in arms" (the "Dire Straits" song "Brothers in arms").

Opposer: "You can imagine or create or envision God to be whatever to wish/desire and do so without any validation what so ever."

You are describing the making of an idol. My God is not a man-made. Why? Because the Christianity is not the paganism. Why? The Absolutely Superior Being is the True God, not the idol: "Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than He?" 1 Corinthians 10:22. The clip: "That's my king" https://youtu.be/AD982X_6BnM
But the false atheism is the "strongest" form of Paganism. The endless list of the idols of the false atheism begins with:
1) Nihilo (the denial of God, and, thus the denial of all reality), 2) money.

Opposer: “In what ways do you think your "false atheists" are promoting a religion?”

Of course, the "false atheists" feel to be higher than a paganism, but their deeds are looking paganic: they are members of: the church of Flying Spaghetti Monster, the church of satan in USA. That's because the "false atheism" is not the Real Atheism, because is false. Therefore, the false atheists are "practicing pagans".

The idol in this God damned ("cursed is the ground for thy sake" Genesis 3:17 KJV) Earth is money. The false atheists are most adjusted to the fallen Earth, they are most advanced in sin: they can use a sinful porno every time they feel to, they can say a lie every time it suits them. So, the false atheist is counting dollars. But the God is counting stars, counting His saints. The people in the "above" room are counting dollars and are sinfully enjoying themselves "OneRepublic - Counting Stars" https://youtu.be/hT_nvWreIhg

Opposer: “I can assure you ....”

I'd better trust the God, than a mortal one. Nobody can live without the God, so the “false atheists” have own “gods” as substitute “toys” for Real One.

Philosophy: the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics; the original meaning of the word philosophy comes from the Greek roots philo- meaning "love" and -sophos, or "wisdom." When someone studies philosophy they want to understand how and why people do certain things and how to live a good life. -- Vocabulary.com

The famous astrophysicist and the amateur philosopher the "false atheist" Stephen Hawking has written in his famous book "Grand Design":

“Philosophy is Dead”

Might it was caused by his "false atheism"? The false atheism is the denial of the Religion, but the False Atheism is not a religion itself. I tend to think, that rejection of the Beginning ("In the beginning - God", to my memory: Bible) has devalued the value of Wisdom and Knowledge in the mind of the astrophysicist. But some people do not agree with this path: http://www.proza.ru/2017/05/27/1300
Are they "nuts" or are they correct?
Why nuts?! Not a nuts: A proof is the knowledge of the God's mind. Therefore to prove God to God is easy.

Opposer: "I am not convinced. Please demonstrate the God."

I have demonstrated Him mentally, by the line of reason. Imagine following experiment: a boy gets older and proofs the God by his mind. If there is no God, then the boy is just a deterministic robot without a flaw, because no flaw can be found in his activity.

"We are just robots", - says the false atheist Steven Hawking in "Grand Design".

Thus, this is the experimental test of the presents of the God. So, there is the God. But because there is God (and His Bible and His Holy Church), the boy is not a robot. If you agree with latter, then you are theist. Look, if there is the God (and He is), then His favorite book is Bible. The Bible is very special book, it deals with problems of evil, betray, stupidity, atheism, etc. So, God knows, what the boy is not a robot!

Opposer: "Okay, at this stage, I have to assume you're a poe. Are you? Please demonstrate, what the Bible is from God."

It is you the POE, because are accusing the Christianity of the falsehood. I am the true follower of the Presumption of Innocence: nobody is wrong, until he is proven wrong. This keeps the Verity safe. But the "false atheism" and nihilism sins against that. The false atheism can not be Verity, because destroys the Verity.

Let us make a questionary:
1) Who is more like a walking death (zombie)? A Christian or a "false atheist"? False Atheist, I think.
2) Who is more like a zombie? A "false theist" or a "false atheist"? False Atheist, I think. Because the false atheist has lost the shame that much, what feels no need to pretend to be a saint.
They all are here: "Warm Bodies" https://youtu.be/07s-cNFffDM

The false atheism can be seen as "strongest" form of (mental) Paganism.
The religions and denominations are different: they say different things. So, because we have law of non-contradiction, most of religions are false. It means, they have some amount of a falsehood. But the True Religion is perfect.

What? The book of holy King Solomon says, what there might be no afterlife? One must understand, what the people in the Bible have own personal, imperfect opinions. And the idea of the "absence of afterlife" was the opinion of many Jews in the Bible. To make difference between God's message and people opinions one need to read the True Church Holy Fathers writings. The Holy Fathers, they understand the Bible better than any of us. Because they are so talented, blessed and gifted, what they take into consideration all text of the Bible, not just a particular verse. Despite the desperate words of holy King Solomon, the Bible does not promote atheism. There is afterlife!

When a man accepts the concept of future transition from Existence into Non-existence, his soul makes no difference between the times. If man accepts the transition into Nothingness, he becomes Nothingness already. Look: the Existence comes from God, the God has Holy Church, the Church says, what there is afterlife. So, by fighting God Father, one looses all. The holy angel Lucifer has lost even his Existence and became the problem called "satan". There is problem of evil, but there is no evil in reality.

    In the forum: "Hi I will be baptised on 2 July, ...."

Yet, your profile says "Christian". Prior to Holy Baptism no one is Christian. Anyone is a gentile prior to Holy Baptism.
