Seems like I'm flying
When thinking of u
When remember ur smile
Ur warm hugs
Ur words in dark silence of deep night
Seems different
I'm sensitive again
But I'm afraid of the same things that happen with couples every now and then
Because I see an endless row of men
Which I used to know
With whom I used to be
But what I've learned from them?
What I've reached without?
Seems like there is no sense to be with someone
Just in order to feel warm?
To have sex?
To have somebody to go to the cinema with?
Just in order not to be lonely?
What is the damn sense?
Because I don't fucking see it
From one to another
Or am I silly thing?
Everyone wants to be happy
But the happiness is just for a while
Not even for a year
Such a difficult question....
What we are here for?
