Vasily s books
Firyuza Yanchilina
In Novosibirsk it became clear that it is practically impossible to publish an article on the theory of quantum gravity in the scientific journals. Vasily sent the texts not only to Russian, but also to American journals, for example "Physical Review Letters". He quickly received letters from reviewers who stated that the article was "unsuitable", because the principles set forth in it were contrary to the general theory of relativity. I used to think that only Russian scientists have a “narrow cone of vision”. It turned out that foreign scientists are like Russian ones. Did they really read and did not understand the essence of the revolutionary worldview? Although, of course, this is not surprised: it is known that workers in scientific journals do not differ in their openness to the new. They are rather the guardians of the old foundations.
Seeing the hopelessness of the situation with scientific journals, Vasily decided to publish at his own expense. He started with a tiny yellow brochure called "Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics", which was printed in the publishing house of the Novosibirsk State University. The director of this publishing house immediately warned us that there would not be a university logo on the cover. Thus, the Novosibirsk State University "disowned" the "contents" of the brochure. We were not much upset. Vasily's discovery was not made within the walls of the university. This educational institution had nothing to do with the revolutionary event in science.
Edition of the first publication was tiny, only one hundred copies. Some part of the books Vasily gave to friends, the rest decided to offer shops. We went to the office of the popular "Top Books" located in Akademgorodok. The manager of the company leafed through the brochures and began to doubt: "Will someone buy this?" Nevertheless, he took several copies.
Fears of the manager of "Top-books" were in vain, all the brochures sold out.
Several copies were sold at the University shop and the store “Akademkniga” in the center of Novosibirsk.
A couple of months after the publication of the brochure, we went with Vasily to Moscow to relatives. This was in 2000. The husband of the middle Vasily’s sister Natasha, leafing through the books, said: "It is immediately evident that the guy got into good hands." Before that, Vasily wrote his own formulas with a few explanations on paper. Each leaf was say like exclusive, rarity (but they disappeared over time somewhere). Our friend Sergei Artamoshin, who soon left to America, the jungle of New York, did say that Vasily moves with leaps and bounds. Oh, how long these steps have been!
In Moscow, we did not lose time for nothing. We went to the editor of the Russian popular science magazine "Nature", which was responsible for the scientific part. Vasily tried to explain the theory of quantum gravitation to him. The man tried to understand and even made one objection that the potential in the center of the Universe is equal to zero. But Vasily quickly explained that this was not so, and the editor, having thought, agreed. But the editor said about the publication that it is impossible, because in their magazine they publish only all known, recognized. Approximately the same thing I heard on the phone from the editor of the journal "Earth and the Universe": for example, an astrophysicist such as Igor Novikov they publish, but for an unknown author it is unrealistic. We also went to the editorial board of the journal “Chemistry and Life”, which Vasily liked to read as a child. The editor, an elderly, intelligent person, turned out to be attentive and with all his might tried to understand the essence of the new theory. But, alas, he could not. He even then called Vasily, tried to explain his misunderstanding.
But Moscow on that trip also showed a good side. In the shop "Technical Book" on Leninsky Prospekt, the seller, a young girl, looked at the brochures and said that they would be sold in quantities of fifteen to twenty copies per month. And she accepted them. We were happy! Now, after almost twenty years, this seems impossible. But in the late 1990s and early 2000s, bookstores had paradise conditions for new authors. You could publish books and put them on shelves in stores. At that time there was very little scientific literature, so Vasily’s books sold.
Almost a year after the trip to Moscow, we moved to Moscow region, an uncomfortable corrupt town Losino-Petrovsky. Rusty water flowed from the taps in the apartment, often a dark brown color, the house was terribly cold, despite the dense plastic windows. We had to make an effort to move out of this strange place into a much more pleasant Pushchino.
By the time we moved to Moscow region, Vasily had published several brochures in Novosibirsk. Thicker than the first (also yellow, but more saturated tone): "A New Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" with a circulation of two hundred copies. Then the third almost immediately followed. It was a more voluminous white book with green letters "Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics", five hundred copies. Also we published a brochure in English, two hundred copies. The text was translated by Sergei Kiyanov from the Institute of Thermophysics. Our classmate Oleg Tukhto from the same research institute introduced him to Vasily. Subsequently, Kiyanov translated some other books of Vasily for quite a moderate price.
We gave part of the English brochures to Oleg Antsutkin, who by that time had lived in Sweden for more than ten years, so that he would distribute the book to foreign scientists. Vasily also gave his brochures in Russian to various Moscow shops, as well as to bookstores at Moscow State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Where did we get money for publishing books? Vasily received them from the sale of his two-room apartment in the scientific town of Barnaul (this apartment was inherited from his parents). Another part of the money from that sale Vasily gave to me so that I could fully pay for my apartment in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok.
We made another, seemingly insane, reckless step in order Vasily could continue to write books. In Novosibirsk, we sold our two-room apartment for seventeen and a half thousand dollars, and then we bought in Losino-Petrovsky for thirteen and a half thousand. We made a simple repair for the remaining money, bought furniture, household appliances, carpets for all the rooms (so that in the future, a little Leonid could crawl and walk on them), also we left money for food. Vasily was writing books, I was engaged in the home and the sons.
All Vasily’s monographs passed through me. I was both the first reader and editor. In the publishing houses they printed books without any editing and correcting.
Almost a year after moving to Moscow region Vasily expanded his text so that it turned from a brochure into a full-fledged book. We decided to call it "The Quantum Theory of Gravitation". The name, probably, is not entirely successful, because modern scientists mean anything under such a theory.
By that time (it was in the spring of 2002) we had run out of money. But Vasily’s nephew Gregory helped him. He gave his beloved uncle one and half thousand dollars. Typographical expenses cost one thousand four hundred, Vasily honestly returned the rest to the sponsor, the one hundred dollars.
The book looked very good. We all liked it: a dark blue cover with gold letters and white, dense sheets of paper. To find an inexpensive publishing house in expensive Moscow, Vasily did the following. He looked through various scientific books in stores. It turned out that the majority is printed in URSS (which means "Soviet Union"). The owner of this publishing house is Spaniard Domingo. He said to Vasily that he graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in the specialty "physics", but devoted his life to the book business and achieved great successes in Russia.
Domingo thought about Vasily’s theory that it is nothing. Like many, he recognized only "authorities" in science. Nevertheless, his ability to business was strong. He published books without problems for relatively little money. Later Vasily published in Domingo’s company his "Uncertainty, Gravitation, Cosmos" and my science-popular book about Vasily’s theory "Beyond the stars. What is outside the Universe edge? ".
In 2002 I translated into English Vasily’s monograph "The Quantum Theory of Gravitation". Of course, my possession of an international language was far from perfect, so my translation was checked and corrected by our classmate Andrei Sherstyuk, who by that time had lived in America.
By that time we had money. In Novosibirsk, I had a small pharmacy company, which I shared with my partner. When we moved to Moscow region, the partner transferred me seventeen and a half thousand dollars in a ruble equivalent, five hundred of which went to banking. For this money, I gave my half of the business.
Of course, for this amount, we could buy a room in Moscow or, with the sale of our apartment in Losino-Petrovsky, could buy a little one-room apartment somewhere on the ecologically unfavorable outskirts of Moscow. But we did not. We decided that Vasily's theory is more important than material well-being. Thousands of dollars allowed Vasily to continue developing the theory of quantum gravitation, making new discoveries, and also publishing books.
But money has the property of ending. So ours quickly evaporated. We received very little with the sale of the books. It was a pity that all the funds went to food and printing costs. We did not allow luxury. We did not fly even in cheap resort countries. We lived only "bright thoughts" about the revolution in physics and astrophysics.
By 2004, Vasily had written two more books: "The Logic of the Quantum World and the Origin of Life on Earth" and "The Mysteries of Gravitation." I suggested both names, Vasily liked them.
But our money ended. Moreover, we had almost nothing to eat. We saved everything, bought the cheapest food. I had to go to work. But first we had to finish and publish books. As it turned out later, our actions were right. As soon as Vasily began to work, there was no time, energy and inspiration for new books.
I suggested Vasily to turn again to his nephew Gregory, only he from his relatives had the opportunity to help us. Vasily really did not want to do this. He flatly refused to call him. Apparently, it was a "hint" of intuition. But I insisted on helping. I thought that the world needed Vasily’s theory, and for this he can ask for support. Finally, I persuaded Vasily to go to Gregory and talk about three thousand dollars for the publication of two books. The nephew said that he could help him after two months.
Vasily considered this a hint: it is not necessary to appeal to those who have money. I should have listened to his intuition. But I again showed persistence, justifying myself that for the noble purpose it is possible to "beg for a little". Vasily again succumbed to my persuasion and called Gregory two months later. He asked him to call back two months later. This was already a clear hint, almost a refusal. But I was seized with passion, I purely from curiosity suggested Vasily to call again. And, wow, Gregory "broke down." True, he agreed to give not three thousand, but one thousand and five hundred dollars.
For these six months of waiting for money, Vasily re-read the books, supplemented them, corrected them, that is, led them into a "more perfect form."
There are coincidences! By the time the one and a half thousand from his nephew appeared, Vasily found another publishing house called "The New Center". The publisher Oleg Raev turned out to be a very decent and intelligent man, he immediately evaluated Vasily's books and undertook to release them at his own expense and even pay royalties after a while. He fulfilled all his promises. Moreover, he sold Vasily’s books well, exhibited them at the VVC book fairs in Moscow.
In an amicable way, it was necessary to return money to Gregory. But we were practically impoverished by that time. And this money was... eaten.
Vasily explained the situation to Raev. He understood everything and suggested writing a gratitude to the sponsor on the cover of the book. Then he published monographs and a few months later gave Vasily royalties, seven thousand rubles for the "Misteries of Gravity" and five thousand for "The Logic of the Quantum World."
A little later, Vasily published two more books, I will tell about them. I will also return to the books mentioned in this chapter, since each of them has its own unique history.
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Советую уточнить, что "Nature" -- РОССИЙСКИЙ науч-поп. журнал (я сначала не сообразил -- подумал, что английский).
У меня есть книга Василия "Логика квантового мира", купил в магазине.
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