The Kinggoding Sorry for that, I really tried...

The purpose of this work was to analyze the subject of kinggoding (K.) heresy as a religious and social phenomenon. I also tried to explain, why it's a heresy and why we can call it dangerous.
The aim of this project follows:
1. To analyze the literature on said topic.
2. To describe the abovementioned phenomenon.
3. To analyze the history behind this phenomenon, examine it on the subject of heresy and describe the main differencies between K. and orthodoxy.
4. To describe the activities of the main sects based on K.
Kinggoding is the belief in the sacred role of the kings, in particular the cult of the executed tsar Nicholas II. Heretics, adepts of this sect, are mostly ultra-conservative Russian nationalists and monarchists. They have their own non-canonical icons (icons of Stalin, Ivan the Terrible; they also want  to canonize Ivan the Terrible, Rasputin and singer Igor Talkov; they worship Virgin Mary more than Holy Trinity; they don't accept the insurance policies, passports and TIN (the signs of the close coming of the Antichrist); they believe in the existence of a conspiracy of Jews. The doctrine has an eschatological side, in particular, it concerns the special role of Russia, the Russian people and the Russian Tsar-Redeemer in the future of the world.
The idea of K. was directly condemned by Patriarch Alexy. We must remark that K. is heresy, but there are a lot of sects based on it. Of course, K. is not a sect itself, it is only a doctrine. Here are examples of these sects - non-canonical "Imperial Orthodox Church" (CPC) that was found in 2008 on the basis of the "Brotherhood of the King the Redeemer"; the sect of simonits (for some unknown reason, it is not forbidden in Russia - the adepts distributed pornography and cut children in monks) and many others.
During the existence of this heresy people understood it different. We prefer to use the word "Kinggoding", because it means the equivalence of the king and God. We'll give some arguments:
1. The appeal to the Old Testament. According to Roman Zelensky, "<...> brothers and sisters, I must say that the Kings were called gods in the Holy Psalter <...> the Lord Himself urged Moses to be a god for Aaron". The Synodal translation of the Bible, however, says otherwise: "And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do." (Ex. 4:15-16). (Here are the Holy Scriptures where we can find arguments about the exclusive role of Christ, in particular, Heb. 7:24-25, Heb. 9:11-12, Heb. 12:24-28, 1 Timothy. 2:5-6.)
2. The appeal to the authority of the saints (it's very important to say that the adepts prefer to speculate on the authority of Lawrenty of Chernigov, Dmitry of Rostov, Filaret of Moscow). Of course, they did not even say, that all kings are gods (or sons of gods). But who cares?
3. The conviction that the king is the image of God. The death of Nicholas II is equal to the Christ's Atoning Sacrifice. Only those who were loyal to the kings, have right to enter the eschatological Kingdom of the "White Tsar".
It is known that "...heresy has no need in continuity of traditions at all – it can be periodically renewed as a stable typological involution of mind" [3, p. 25]. In the mind of modern people the image of God is blurred; conscious of many people revives the pagan worldview.
We think it's nessessary to explain the concept of "the king-winner" (the Coming King, the White King, the Last King). This is the last king of the future, the main object of worship after Nicolas II.
1. He belongs to the Romanov family.
2. The coming King is already born, but is hidden to a certain time.
3. The King will come through risen Seraphim of Sarov. We think that the adepts of K. don't know themselves, what does it mean.
We can also say, that Kinggoding includes two main ideas – the concept of "Orthodoxal Kingdom" and the Russian mystical sectarianism.
In conclusion I will add that I hope for the public condemnation of this heresy by the Russian Church authorities.
1. Vasily Sekachev. Heresy is not a criminal offence.
2. Saint Basil The Great. Creations, M., 1845, Part 1. Page 360.
3. Saint Cyril Of Jerusalem. Creations, M., 1855. Page 219.
4. Saint John Of Damascus. Exact exposition of the Orthodox faith. SPb., 1894. Page 371.
5. The scientific journal "Cultural studies. The history of art. Museology" No. 11 (1991)
6. A. Kulygin. The Rulers Of Russia. M.,2006.
