Continuation of the story W. S

One day Walter Streeter woke up with strange feelings. Something must happen today! He dressed up, had a breakfast and decided have a little walking in the nearest park. The weather was fine and sunny. He was walking calmly and slowly, lost in his thoughts. He saw twin boys on the playground. “How sweet to be children”, - Walter thought, “There is too much innocence”. But the next moment his peaceful mind was overshadowed by thoughts on the mysterious postcards. “I do not understand!” – He is becoming angry, - “Is this person just having games with me? Does he or she want to blackmail me perhaps?” There was not any answer. During five months Walter is still getting letters and postcards from his stranger. “Everybody says it is a woman. If so, I really want to meet this smart one. But I do not know the reverse address to reply.” On that note he went home. It should not be surprising that he has found a new postcard for himself. Finally! There was the back address!! Walter suddenly felt inspired. What if it's really clever and charming woman! Walter was not an incurable ro-mantic, but now he extremely wanted it was a woman for him. He went to his study to write a letter back and appoint a meeting.

“Dear Friend,
It is very gently of you to write your back address, so now I am able to reply. I`d like to say, that it would be cute to see each other and probably have a nice talk. I am very impressed by your mails and hope you will be glad to take a petit rendezvous.

He asked to deliver the letter as soon as possible and became waiting emotionally.
The mysterious friend`s reply was not long being to wait. Walter Streeter read the following:

“My Darling,
I was happy to get your letter and it would be a pleasure to meet you! The Lilies Park Statue, 4 p.m., tomorrow, if it is convenient to you
All the best,

Walter said “yes” immediately.

“Nicolette? Do I know such a woman?”- Walter could hardy recollect, - “And why does she write me? Oh, it is just a fan of my books! Sure.”
This night Walter slept terribly. He even had nightmares.
The next day was chilly and pleasant, Walter was exited: “Is it a kind of date?”

He was waiting for Nicolette for two hours, but nobody appeared. “What`s happened? Is it a someone`s stupid joke?!”, - Walter was very annoyed. We do not know it and this day there was not any Nicolette. Walter returned home in a quite irritable mood. He was confused. “Maybe there is a mistake with the meeting place? Not really.. Everything must be with no problems.” Since that day Walter got no more letters from strange Nicolette. He did not know what the stuff it was. “Probably the woman was old and mad”, - they said. Yes, probably. But her postcards touched Walter`s mind. He even wrote a little poem about the case:

Nicolette! Where are you!
Nicolette! What should I do!
Every time I had your postcard,
I was falling in love like I`m drunk,
Nicolette! Don`t go away!
Kiss my lips. What a wonderful day!

But Walter Streeter had shown this poem to nobody because it was really silly.

