Ваза и цветы

 Хрустальная ваза - свидетель счастливых

 мгновений из жизни. Сияет она,

 порой вспоминая цветы, что красиво

 смотрелись в букетах. Звенела весна,

 и лето пылало, и осень горела,

 зима серебрила весь мир за окном.

 А в вазе букеты краснели несмело.

 Хозяйке дарил их поклонник. Влюблён

 он был, и цветы за него говорили

 о чувстве глубоком и нежном любви.

 Они для любимой желанными были.

 Душисты, милы, живописны они.

 У девушки взгляд загорался счастливо.

 А юноша грустно смотрел на неё.

 Цветы улыбались для них молчаливо

 из вазы блестящей хрустальной светло.

 Прекрасное время цвело и звенело.

 И молодость пела, свежа, хороша.

 Хрустальная ваза цветами алела.

 Её молодая сияет душа.


 Oh, this crystal vase – she has seen happy hours,
 Has seen happy moments in the people’s life.
 Sometimes she’s remembering beautiful flowers,
 Which were in the bouquets. Spring was full of love.

 The bright summer blazed and the yellow fall shined,
 The winter – she silvered whole world outside.
 The bouquets in the vase – they blushed so shyly,
 The fan gave them hostess; he named her – my bride.

 The flowers was helping him speak the need words –
 About deep feeling of the tender love.
 They were so desired, nice for his beloved-girl,
 They were so vivid, the best in her life.

 The girl’s eyes lit happily. Young man was happy,
 And he just was looking at her pretty face.
 The flowers gave the great pleasure to Lady,
 The flowers gave happy lovers the grace.

 Good time was blooming, was jingling so loud.
 And the fresh good youth – she sang nice joyful song.
 The vase was so happy – she burned by the flowers,
 Her young soul’s shining – the life goes on!

 Перевод Кирилла Ивницкого.

Oh, this crystal vase – she has seen happy hours,
Has seen happy moments in the people’s life.
Sometimes she’s remembering beautiful flowers,
Which were in the bouquets. Spring was full of love.

The bright summer blazed and the yellow fall shined,
The winter – she silvered whole world outside.
The bouquets in the vase – they blushed so shyly,
The fan gave them hostess; he named her – my bride.

The flowers was helping him speak the need words –
About deep feeling of the tender love.
They were so desired, nice for his beloved-girl,
They were so vivid, the best in her life.

The girl’s eyes lit happily. Young man was happy,
And he just was looking at her pretty face.
The flowers gave the great pleasure to Lady,
The flowers gave happy lovers the grace.

Good time was blooming, was jingling so loud.
And the fresh good youth – she sang nice joyful song.
The vase was so happy – she burned by the flowers,
Her young soul’s shining – the life goes on!

Кирилл Ивницкий   29.10.2017 15:28     Заявить о нарушении
Благодарю Вас, Кирилл, за очаровательный перевод! Очень понравился!
С признательностью, Р.

Рудская Раиса Терентьевна   29.10.2017 15:56   Заявить о нарушении