Romantic story

After a few years I can admit that the worst thing in detective’s work is to realized your helpless and people’s death, that sometimes you can’t prevent.

Mister Henry Davidson was found in his appartment at 7 a.m. on 17th of March. The 25 years old man was shot in the head. He was sitting in the armchair with a gun and a piece of paper in his hands. Obviously, it was a suicide. I take this sheet of paper, it was the letter. The handwriting was illegible, but I can read it:

‘To the man I’m in love with’ - says the letter. There is no return address. I continue to read:

“ I want you to know that it’s the happiest day of my life! I can’t even imagine this in my the most beautiful dream! I dote on you, immensely. Do you remember how did we meet each other? Of course you do. You came to me at the bus station and said: "you are so beautiful that I’m not able to look at you”. You turned red and walked away. Thank you. For your love, for your trust. Thank you for all nights spending outside watching at the sky full of stars. Before I met you I thought I’m unable to love. I locked my heart in safety, in darkness. And you shown me the light. I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.

My love to you is endless stream,

And life with you my hearted dream.

From Rebecca,

With love".

Near, on the table I found a newspaper. The article reports about the car accident a year ago on 17 of March. It was newly-married couple’s car. The young and beautiful woman in white dress died. Her husband was taken to the hospital with a head laceration…

Now matter how many years have gone I’m sure the worst thing in detective’s work is to be a witness of your own helpless when a tragedy has already occured.
