to sermin sinem from russia with lovee


to sinem (& also sermin) from russia with lovee))**..



hi,  sinem !!))

how a u feelingzz ??))

hope, -u a fine..

.. (oh, ofcoz) u remember karvaaaaan-style party party -partyzaaaaneeee)))) -it waz realyy funny, especiallyyyy, well , ))))..

so,, long time, we hear, no see.. each other..))
ofcz im missing for istambul, .. and my friendzz, sinem !!))..

..((and also plus ,-additionally from impressionzz of reading
new (in regard) book of 2016, by pamuk orhan
- "a strangness in my mind".. (his last book as i know))..

((literally, -i will say,- this is now, -at this moment,-
one of my lovelyz authorz and novel, - bookz !!)) ..


so, sinem, but, alas, i ll cant fly to my lovely city at this year,..
(maybe next year -2018, ..after winter time))..

but .. my sister (she is comfortly, realy good person as well)) ..
(she s 28years old) ..will fly to ur city from 27december..))

so, bcz that fact, i wanna ask u, sinem,

- its possible, ..if she ll can stay in ur hospitality flat..??))
(on few dayz - nightzz))..

thkz in advance,
