Winter tale Icicle

Far, far, away from the light and rainbow, lived one little girl. She was fragile and cold, like thin ice, on which everybody looked through. So they called her - Icicle. Not wishing to get out of her dark room,  the girl with a barely beating heart, was always waiting for the onset of winter. And then, one day, early in the morning, opening her beautiful tired eyes, Icicle became alive again! She ran to the snow-covered window, placed her palm on beautiful white patterns and whispered:

- You came! Finally! Take me this time with you!

In response there was silence. The girl quickly put on her boots, wrapped herself in a coat and ran out of the house.

- Oh! - she suddenly screamed, slipping on the ice rink, made near her porch by the local kids.

- Icicle came out! With the first snow! - laughed the boys, starting to throw snowballs at her

- Wait a minute! - said the girl, trying to avoid the hits. - She's here! She's here!

- Who is here? Your snow Queen?

- Don't laugh, Vaska! Last winter you barely thawed from icicles! You made fun of her, and she with her breeze put you in an ice hole up to the waist! And do you, Sashka, forgot how at the lake we found traces of her sled? You did not believe, and then suddenly saw a huge print of iridescent blue snowflake, and next to it was your name! And you, Zoyka, remember how we climbed the pipes, and you have caught her spirit in a snowy blizzard cape?

- We remember, remember, but our parents ordered not to leave the yard for more than a couple of feet, - said Vaska. - Sorry.

- You are so helpless everyone! But it's okay, I will go there myself... 

And she went all alone to the enchanted side of the blue mountains, where no human ever was.

Icicle walked for a long, long time, passing the snowy fields, dense forests and big-eyed frozen streams. It seemed to her that she trampled in place, so she decided to look at her map from a piece of ice. Girl looked and sees: up at the snowy top of the mountain stood the castle, sparkling with dazzling blue ice, and down in her direction, rolled the ball of fluffy frost. Surprised what she saw, Icicle wistfully sighed and went down the path.  Step by step she went deeper, rubbing her hands in mittens and looking around. Suddenly, pines rustled , howled wind, whirled heavy snow - at high speed towards her was approaching the frosty ball. Eyelashes of the girls clapped as a winter butterfly, and her body became even more transparent.

- Don't be angry with me, my snowy friend! I'm looking for your hostess, the Queen!

The ball rolled around the Icicle, flashed with a dazzling blue light and scattered by a whirlwind at her feet. The girl frightened, shrieked and closed her eyes. In one moment a whirlwind erupted even stronger, lifting her high above a snow-covered trees and then instantly disappeared with her in the air.

Icicle opened her eyes, and her cold breath stopped from amazed. She was lying on the snow-white bed in the middle of millions of colorful gardens with flying diamond-nightingales and spectacular ice fountains. The girl got up and walked over to the mirror.

- Wow! -  she admired, starting circling, fascinated by her extraordinary dress with sewn jewels and sparkly blue crystals. - You look like a real Queen!

- That is the reward for courage -  said a gentle female voice.

Icicle looked around, but there was no one there.

- Where are you? Show yourself!

- I'm here in the mirror..

- No, you are not! In the mirror only me!

- Look, how transparent you are.. I'm standing right behind you. 

The girl looked in the mirror again, but through herself saw only snowy gently blossoming flowers. She frowned and stamped her foot.

- No! I still can't see you!

- You are yet too young, little girl. Time will come and you will see... you will see everything.   Once, many - many years later, among the endless gardens you will meet one boy. He will be as pure as the pristine snow and beautiful, like a flash of icy Sun. He will be as transparent  as you are..and you will pass by each other. But one day, after seeing all the enchanting alleys and hearing the songs of all birds these  magic gardens, you both again face to admire your charming reflections in the transparency of the frozen fountain. You will look up into the ice and will not find in its depths nothing but reflections of each other.. then you will understand everything.

- And what will be after?! 

- And then, with both of your love,you will melt the ice and turn it into living water. The fountain will stream with happiness, the gardens will bloom more brightly, and the birds will bring the gift - a fluffy, woven cover with Golden threads, which will open up all the beyonds of the Worlds and Universes.  In the window of your home, among the tall millennial firs, the light and children's voices will turn on, and on the meadows will bloom moon violets ..

- How beautiful! Where is this boy now?

- He's here.. look in the mirror..

Icicle looked, but again saw nothing but the snowy flower alleys.

- He's not here! - she frowned.

A female voice laughed.

- He wanders the gardens and listens to the enticing singing of birds. What will you do?

- I'll go look for him! - girl happily jumped , picked up the hem of her dress and ran into the vasty  mother-of-pearl gardens...
