Free Will

"FREE WILL" — is the main concept given by all religions through all the centuries. Together with arguing about priority and paradox of existence of God's Will and our free will together. But when you look deeper, you will see that there is no paradox in here.
FREE WILL — is a different manifestation of the Us in different personalities from life to life. By being One Single Whole we grow, we make our own choices, our own lives, we manifest, we learn our lessons: good or bad, big or small. Look at your neighbour, look at your school teacher, at a strange passerby or even at a robber. Look at great inventors of all times, look at key figures through all the history. Look at any person on the planet Earth. All of them were writing the history of YOUR Life. Your common life, and unique at the same time. All of us are small parts of a great puzzle, called "the Us"="the You" ="the Me". All of our lives are little steps in our Common Evolution, Common Growth, Common Enlightenment. And the more choices we do the further we go, the more lives we live the closer we get to the Recollection of and the Return to Our True Self, which is One Single Eternal Essence living in Harmony and Love for All.

