Journey into Eternity. Part II. Incarnation


And that’s how I came back to the idea of reincarnation — as an eternal incarnation of ONEself. Why I said came back? Not only for ironic remark, but as an actual fact from my life.
A whole my life, since my childhood, I’ve been this eternal searcher for the Truth, deeply hidden in universal mysteries of our life and its undiscovered secrets, known by our everlasting Selves through our whole path of existence. Hence there has always been a great interest not only in religion and spirituality, but also in psychology as a study of our human personalities and our uniqueness in this world, and on the other hand —  a study of our Higher Self personalities, forged and shaped through numerous facets, through countless manifestations of Everything though us, the evidence of which can be traced through different sources of knowledge (for those who can see): in cosmology, astrophysics, esoterics, philosophical teachings, different theories of evolution in intergalactic volume and our place in it, eternal questions of the purpose and great sense of life, through an insight out of frames in perspective of great diversity of the worlds, we live in and create ourselves, of our unique divine spirits and our eternal union in one great mission, called Life.
My enduring thirst for Higher Knowledge brought me to the first obvious source — religion. But at that time it was only the first step of my life-long discovering journey. 
By studying an enormous number of main religions of the world and great philosophies and teachings I somehow managed to draw the common Essence of God that is composed of all the images, prophecies and philosophical and scientific theories. But what is the most incredible is that there has always been something… that I have lived with and known inside of me — this inner Knowledge since my childhood  — an image of eternal incarnation of God in everything we know, and its eternal reincarnation within Eternity from Everything to Nothing and on vise versa.
But of course being a child I couldn’t even shape this idea, especially being born a Christian and raised in a surrounding of atheists. And the last doesn’t mean only God atheists, but atheist of anything unknown, inconvenient and extraordinary that comes out of frames or expands the abilities of apprehension.
As well as by bathing in the seas of religious dogmas I could not understand their sacramental assurance that they were the only water sources of the truth. Each one “is the only one” according to their claims. And they seemed to neglect and reject the existence of global ocean and the universal essence of water itself. Being born and bathing for ears in one little sea, called Orthodox religion, I felt tied up and deprived from swimming in the great waters. That’s why I started to widen my list of sources and made an acquaintance with such religions like Catholicism, Islam, and also Buddhistic and Hinduistic teachings, which do not restrict you with only religious point of view, but on the contrary encourage you to apply to science as well, by giving different kinds of proofs in physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history, psychology and other studies that crack your conventional views about the icebergs on the surface and are not afraid to look into the depths of the oceans.
But even despite of this, usually each of flow (religious or any other one) tends to extract their own “truth” and set the sail into one direction voyage sailing with the flags called "The Only Truth", which is given or seen by “them and only by them”. While there are so many ships and boats, carrying the same flags, the same sacred “t”ruths. But only by combining them and uniting them in the face of common horizons, we can at least approach the common ocean of the Big “T”ruth
Thus being captivated with the idea of an around the world journey I managed to keep this eagerness for knowledge and search for the Truth, that I have been looking for and learning through the prism of different flows.
But even before this I somehow already KNEW the Truth deep inside of me. Strange, but even in childhood I used to be surprised with such questions from people, like “how can God hear my prayer and communicate with me at this moment and at the same time hear and communicate to all human beings on the planet?” I have always heard this strange question from everyone. Why strange? Because I somehow always understood that vast nature of God and His almighty power. Maybe I understood it not with my brain, but with my heart. That God is an integral and eternal substance that is always here and now and at the same time in the past and the future, as well as He is always with every life being at the same time.
So together with this understanding it was not so strange and alien for me to understand reincarnation, even being a child. And here I am, a 27-years old searcher, who began to study the thing, that I subconsciously somehow believed in since I was 6 or even less — a reincarnation theory, to which I began to pay more attention when I began to see my famous dreams about strangers, and me being other people of strange nationalities, in far lands, seeing strange landscapes that I had never seen. And writing letters at the age of 6 in languages I couldn’t possibly know (when I just started writing letters in my own language). Sometimes I even saw different shapes of life on other planets and other worlds, that God had so generously and wisely created together with our world. Sometimes I even dreamt of being one of those inhabitants of far distant planets, going through certain lessons and challenges of my life there. And that’s when I began to get more interested in studying myself.
I like psychology and just love to explore all the psychological processes of ours. During my university times I was interested in psychological subjects such as age-related psychology, psychology of personality and creativity, biological, cultural and social aspects of shaping of our personality, just in order to understand the world, starting with my own one. Starting with understanding: WHO are you, Tatiana Sidorenko, and what exactly shaped you the way you are?... Where is the actual start of your own personality and where is the end of it? Or maybe this EGO-garment is only one of your shapes, one of dozen, hundreds, thousands, millions of shapes of who You really are. And accompanying phenomena to my reflections were these dreams. The dreams about different incarnations of me and my close people being incarnated in other personalities with other names, of different genders, nationalities, in different, diiiiiiifferent times and places, but the Souls of whom I could recognize and follow the connection, which existed between us since the birth of the Universe (or its Eternal Rebirth)…
Thus I came to understanding that all of us are connected within the Sacred Union of all of our Souls in One great blessed Soul, that came from Everything and has always been the Everything.
But the problem is that EGO has separated us shatteringly! Usually people live their Earth life and don’t really care about other lives, their connection with each other, AT LEAST within one little town (not talking about even countries)! So how can we expect them to seek for connection in the Universe?...It is very strange to me. Because it is just like we study ourselves with the help of psychology in order to understand our personality, — the same about these Universal personalities we have. And the same as our surrounding and our environment shaped the man or woman we are (within this certain name, of this certain nationality, of these certain customs and traditions and other Earth experience), the same way our “Soul Personalities” are formed on much more higher spiritual level, being shaped and brought up by our Universal experience.
As our Soul is such a substance that cannot be understood by only human brain, temporally given to us here. And thus, all we can know or imagine about our soul now is only one side perspective. An earthly life perspective. But the soul continues to live after our journey on Earth in far more deep and developed space, than material life. And so we can assume that the qualities of notion of a "soul" are far more rich and boundless...
All we need is to look inside our Inner Knowledge and not to learn but to “remember”  about it. And I deeply believe that I am not the only one who has carried this knowledge through all their lives since the very birth and even before it. Because all of us already KNOW the Truth, we were there once, we touched God’s Love and Eternity and we DO have these sacred memories in us. But in our human embodiment we forgot about them. And were put on Earth to learn about Him and His miracles with the help of human apparatus given to us in this life: our brain, our mind, our hearts, our beliefs, our hopes… I think it was a great plan to do so. Everything has its own sense. And we, spiritual creatures, were put on Erath into material life to experience it too, to learn our earthly lessons as well, in order to develop, to purify and to become more clear and good in order to get closer to the Essence of God and His Purity…
After all, what is the main reason for existence of every religion on Earth (regardless customs and different dogmata)? — Unity with God, unity with each other, Love for Him, Love towards each other. Unity in Love for God. But all of us are connected within His Spirit. So why can't we assume that if we are connected SO MUCH up there, we are as well connected in here?... What if our souls are really connected and joined that much, that we may share One soul?... AT ALL.
As another reason that triggered my interest and studies in this direction was my old question since young years — a question of so called “sins of the fathers”. This notion is met in almost every religion and this is the notion which I could never understand and accept. Because how come?! How fair can it be? Where is justice here? When the innocent child for example, his innocent soul, suffers and pays for his “father’s sins”, grandfather’s grand grand graaaandfather’s and so on. Kin sins. Or Ancestral sins. This notion is very popular as in Biblical dogma as in esoteric teachings. But as I was always a fighter for justice and freedom to be ourselves with our own choices and destines, our own sins and benefactors, our own responsibility and facing our life choices, I could never accept this injustice towards innocent souls. I compared this question in Christianity and in Islam. And even though in Islam I liked it more how they put it, still this attitude didn’t satisfy my inner challenge about this question.
Well, yes. In Christianity they believe that all the calamities that an innocent person endures is some kind of punishment for previous sins (of fathers or grandfathers, — doesn’t matter). But in Islam it is believed that all these calamities are sent to an innocent person as a trial for his soul. Yes, it sounds much better. That God doesn’t want to punish an innocent soul for the sins he hasn’t done, but to try him and make stronger in calamities and diseases. But still. It didn’t make much sense for me, as still there must have been some connection. Because different people experience different calamities and events in their lives, that give them this or that lesson — the lesson that was the most important and needed for them. Maybe lessons that he/she didn’t learn in their past lives or unsolved issues that would make his/her personality more genuine, more true.
Well…. Anyway all of this experience has led me towards the answer to one of my eternal questions. The substance of our Soul. The Supreme Substance of It. So thus I came to reincarnation and karma beliefs. And especially after a near death experience, after being almost THERE… I saw… — No. I FELT something so close and genuine!... But HOW to explain on earthly level something, which is of heavenly nature?...
…I have seen our Soul as a Crystal Sphere of 1000000…;… of inner spheres inside, gravitating towards each other or like a polyhedral Crystal with many sides in eternal move transcending one into another…
Once, one of my seeing friends (as I call them) told me something like this. But at that time I simply didn’t pay attention. Besides everybody use their own images to illustrate and transmit the essence of what they have witnessed: some of them see it, some of them hear it, some — receive the information with the help of other different receptors of feeling and perception. So that’s why in all my speeches I just use the word “FEEL” just to generalize the way of perception of the Essence. But again: even by “feeling”, by perceiving the Essence, different people would still use different images to explain themselves. Like they do when they try to imagine such immeasurable, immense and unimaginable Essence, like God (or Supreme Ultimate Energy) or Eternity. So my image of a “Crystal Sphere of 1000000…;… of inner spheres inside, gravitating towards each other” ( let’s call it here shortly “Crystal”) is only an image, only one way to describe it, for us to imagine it easier. You can imagine it as a chain of molecules which in their turn consist of atoms. And the way they are all combined in a single whole. So the same way our Supreme Soul consists of many many many different atoms of One molecule or many many many sides of One whole Crystal, which is our True Supreme Soul (on the highest level of spiritual holiness), which is the purest and lightest substance ever, so geniusly created by God as a part of his Holy Spirit, as Union with His Essence and Love.
This is how I FEEL it and has always felt since my birth, I think. But only now after so many years of my researches and studies I approached the closest source of this truth, that has always lived in me — a reincarnation theory, which is a part of such religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, ancient cultures (even Greek historic figures, such as Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato had a belief in rebirth/metempsychosis) and modern religious and scientific movements, like Spiritism, Theosophy, Eckankar and so on. These movements are still waiting for me to study them. But of course it is reasonable to look into the origin of their appearance, I mean more ancient sources.
The idea of reincarnation has existed many years, together with the main world religions and before them, including Christianity and Islam. In a separate chapter I am about to show how even dogmatic difference of the world religions do not actually contradict the very essential notions, that unite them all, if to come back to the origin of people’s attempts to imagine the ESSENCE by endowing It with different conventional images (being unable to endow with one universal image, that would be understandable for all nations of all people all over the Earth at all times, because they have different history of development, mentality and different ways of perception and forming images).
That’s why we can witness so many names that were given to ONE Essence. Over centuries we have been using some of the most conventional ones. Like for example we call God by “God” or “Allah”. Or calling God “Him”. Although of course I don’t even see God as “Him”, — rather as “It” (if to try to use linguistic signs to try to render the essence of God). Because it is something that is above all measurements and categories, like gender (He) or human notions of relations (Father) or practice of giving names (“God”, “Lord”, “Allah”, “Buddha”, “Brahma” or “Absolute“ ). But as I said it doesn’t matter how you call It, what names or images you give to this Eternal Energy of Everything — It will still stay the same God, — the same ESSENCE of Everything.
But we are just humans and we use human apparatus to talk and share the notions between each other. So ok. Let’s take an example from Christianity how they illustrate the image of God by endowing Him with humanlike characteristics to the highest extent. Well, actually any religion endows God with humanlike qualities of a character by giving Him different adjectives and names. But Christianity added to this image other humanlike qualities, like parental relationship, and call Him a Father and Jesus — a son. I understand why the word “son” was given to Jesus in Christianity — to illustrate the highest and the purest manifestation of a Soul sent by God to our world, as well as other prophets and “teachers”. Can you blame them? I don’t want to go deeper into religions and their customs and holy images. But well, as I was born Christian and a notion of the Father and the son is close to my mentality to transmit the Holy Unity and Relation of our souls to the Supreme Soul — ok. Let it be. But then I dare to call not only Jesus to be God’s son, but all of us — being a part of Him, being an Eternal Part of Everything. And MAAAAYBE this is what was meant in the Bible, which says that “we are created after the image and likeness of God”.
The problem is that every religion has established its own image of God. It happened that Christianity “imagined” and endowed God with humanlike nature and thus has taken the words in the Bible too literal by depicting God with the alike legs, hands and other biological characteristic of the body we have. There are many more other and other worlds around us: maybe on other material planets with their own physiological features, maybe non-material worlds where people do not have material bodies at all, but only spiritual ones and an idea of material-like manifestation of God simply doesn’t come to their mind!))) What I am saying is that the IMAGE — is just an image, and only the ESSENCE is what matters. Another reason why I like Islam is exactly for this. Because unlike Christianity with their perspective only from Earth life, Islam actually says that Earth is not the only world that Almighty God has created (even by mentioning the world of gins which exists parallel to ours ( of course Quran doesn’t widen and doesn’t categorize gins as only one of manifestation of non-material life, but other religions and beliefs do).
So other religions of other nations and other peoples endow God with their own conventional image — the one that embodies the highest and the lightest notions and values for them. And we can just guess what other images of God may be “imagined” by people world-wide, including other different worlds and extraterrestrial peoples whom God loves as well as us, and takes care about them by guiding and teaching them, just like people on Earth but in different ways, which are more proper for them. Maybe they are enlightened more than humans. Maybe they are more mature to behold the Truth in more clear and open way. Who knows. But what I know is that we all are learning here through this Journey of Life, and there are a lot of more new journeys that are waiting for us. On our way to the Truth, on our way to His Holy Spirit. And I always believed that too. And was too disappointed when I couldn’t find this in the Bible. Yes, we were created after the image and likeness of God but in a way of likeness to his TRUE ESSENCE. And we are the part of God not in a way of god-like humans on Earth, but in a way of Being Single Whole, together with His Holy Spirit and Endless Love which rules a whole world created by Him.
I brought up this analogy of images of God just to remind that the image — is just an image, what matters — is the essence. So thus, in order to try to understand the essence of a Soul, I applied to reincarnation beliefs. Even though it is still difficult to apprehend with our human brain and to embrace the notion of a Soul in one universal image. But I still will keep trying to understand, to get closer, to look wider, to listen to that Inner Self that keeps talking to me, as well as other’s Selves do to anyone who wants to listen. And even though it drives crazy all the confessions and believers of all the religions to whom I have spoken, that I manage to unite all of the religions and teachings into One Single Truth sources, I still feel that all of them carry that truth I so desperately seek for. And unfortunately or fortunately, but I still haven’t found the ONLY religion or teaching that encloses the Whole Truth in its pure manifestation, that my inner could correlate with that Innate Knowledge given to me since birth.
And maybe this is my greatest trial and greatest gift from God — to find His presence, traces of the Truth in every religion and not being able to accept none of them totally. As my Higher Supreme Soul “notices” those deviations from the Truth and alarms it down to my human mind. It’s hard to explain. But this is it. And I can’t do anything with it. Because accepting something which my Soul doesn’t accept would be a hypocrisy and treachery. That’s why I take many revelations from different religions and let them through my inner, through my heart, through my spiritual knowledge and intuition, through my perception of the world deep in my heart and through my Soul, exactly that one that is “the One” and that already Knows the Truth.
Yes, I cannot explain why I subconsciously inwardly accept this revelation and cannot accept the other. Some of the revelations settle down in my subconsciousness, like if they were living there a whole my life. Some of them — don’t; and they feel wrong in my heart, so those ones I cannot take with all my heart and thus I do not want to lie either to myself or to other believers of this or that confession. And it is not about choosing the “comfortable” revelations. Because I can tell you, my heart has taken both of them: both easy and beautiful and also those ones that were hard to take, but, after all, even those hard ones came with understanding of its beauty. Like revelations that came so hard in challenges, like bitter tragedies and transformations. And revelations, which I rejected to look at deeper by fearing to acknowledge them, but which has always lived in my Inner Heart, came with a clear understanding and inner acceptance. So thus, a lot of revelations that have already lived in my Higher Self, were learnt by me with human self, by studying different teachings and religions.
Like a long contradicting road to Islam. There was a time that I realized that there would be a lot of things, that my Inner Soul wouldn’t correlate with its Inner Knowledge. But when I came to look at it and its wisdom deeper, I also have found a “t”ruth, I was looking for.
The same happened with Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. The same: I cannot accept a lot of things from these religions, like Hinduistic worshipping numerous “gods” in their hierarchy as to the Only Almighty God (or Supreme Ultimate Energy or whatever) instead of realizing that these “gods” or souls are just ones of divine incarnations of It. Although the idea is correct, but the way people interpreted it and began to put into practice went twistedly wrong. Because actually Hinduism was meant to be a monotheistic religion too, and in some way Hindus acknowledge that, at the most fundamental level, God is the One — “the absolute, formless and only Reality known as the Supreme, Universal Soul”. Yet Hindu religion has become polytheistic: populated with myriad gods and goddesses “who personify aspects of the one true God”. But we have already said that there are a lot of personifications and manifestations of the One. Just like Jesus is a personification of God, just like all of our souls are personifications of the One, Ultimate Soul, just like you and me — are also His personifications. But it doesn’t make us worship each other, right? So why did Christianity and Hinduism decide to practice it concerning other personifications of God, like Jesus (and in some way even numerous saints) and thousand of Hinduistic gods? So I have learnt and gained the ideas from the source of Hinduistic wisdom, but not from the twisted way of practicing it.
Another religion that attracted my attention was Sikhism, that was born in India from two different religions, like Hinduism and Islam. It got me interested in it, because one of its ideas is also close to my worldview. Because it “rejects claims that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly on Absolute Truth”! It is literally what I keep saying a whole my life. Besides, their treatise of realm is also close to mine (a belief in Eternal Incarnation of the Universe and the Divine Union with It). They believe that God is in everlasting presence in everything, as a “life-giving Idea, Love, Mercy, Beauty, Morality, Truth and Faith”. They worship God only by meditating, praying and singing to Him (well, yes, strange to us, but let’s remember Christian prayers, that are performed in certain musical tone, and Islamic “singing” during prayers which always seemed to me a beautiful vocal performance). So according Sikhs, no other deities, angels, demons, spirits, saints or whoever are worthy of worship, like to the Ultimate God. That’s why I find this religious philosophy closer to mine.
But still, still, stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill! People. Yes. People. It seems that they are doomed to interpret and twist every Truth and idea in their own way. And nowadays even by learning and following such high-conscious ideas, like a belief in eternal presence of God within Everything and everyone, modern followers began to overuse this notion and began to say: “If the God is in everyone, then it is within us. If God is Everything, then He is us. Then it makes US gods”. Thus blasphemous statements began to appear, like “Why worship God or many gods if we can 'worship' ourselves”. And so on. So they took the right idea of God, but turned it into wrong wrong way of self-egocentric worship.
I guess that’s why more and more new approaches and movements appear: not to “state” a new truth, but to clarify it. Sometimes by sending the message in an open literal way, sometimes in veiled and metaphoric way (like in Gospel) in order to send the message in an appropriate way, corresponding this or that way of people’s perception and mentality. To guide them, to teach them, to reveal the Truth step after step in order to prevent close minded believers to turn the world upside down or make gods out of themselves, but at the same time not to let them forget that they are a part of God’s Eternal Spirit and His eternal Love for them.
 So by learning for example 10-15 religions at once and analyzing them you actually realize that they are not different religions that carry different “T”ruths, but rather different human interpretations of THE “T”ruth and bearers of “t”ruths, which compose THE ONE. But to SEE the clear message, the purified truth (even little “t”ruth, like one of many revelations) is a hard work to do. I wonder whether it is possible at all. And what means can we use? After all, all of us have a subjective mind (subjectivized culturally, historically, nationally and personally). So HOW to look at the reality without personal and subjective perspective, in order not to twist the VERY MESSAGE, that was meant to be sent to us?... While this rhetorical question stays in the air, I have been using my own way — the one I am talking here all the time. The Inner Knowledge of the Truth, that we already have on a higher level of ourselves. And if it is impossible to see the Truth with our human mind, then we should apply to our higher one — our Soul.
So thus, through all the stages of my life, I began to re-establish, to prove the inner Truth that has always lived inside of me with the help of existing world religions and philosophies. It was like putting all the puzzles together by learning more and more and feeling more happy and guided towards the Light with every new child step, that the Universe was showing to me.
So thus I paced my long way towards my latest re-discovery — a reincarnation theory. And even if it is the closest idea that correlates with my Inner Perception of the world, I still want to state one little,… — no. one huuuuuge — detail that I would like to reconsider.
Most religions see the reincarnation only in time-mode. Exactly due to the fact that we are limited with such notions like time and space. Just because it is the easier way for our brain to process the information and events happening in our life. So even such great notion like reincarnation is considered in a simplified perspective — in a time-space plane, presupposing that one soul can be born, pass away, and only after that it can be reincarnated in another body, in a new child, born afterwards. Yes, it also exists and it is easier to notice (for those who looks for it).
But we have already said that in spiritual world there is no such notion like time: yesterday, today and tomorrow is like a huuuuge perfect phenomenon living here and now at the same time in One great Unit. Thus in true spiritual world, where there are no limits of time and space, such reincarnation (or constant incarnation) happens all the time. We have a very complex and geniusly constructed Soul by the most genius Creator. And our Soul is something so vast and beautiful and multi-existent in the whole endless Universe that our “earthly embodiment” cannot comprehend.
So what I have felt all my life and recently re-discovered in such a bright flash of revelation coming from far lands of my beloved eternal Home… is that…
…our Soul rebirth, or simultaneous birth, happens all the time…
Happened before, and will happen after. And only because we cannot enclose the idea of simultaneous nature of Energy of the Everything, that flows in us; a notion of Unity and Singleness of God, that lights up the Universe in Eternal Flow, doesn’t mean that it is impossible.
So, if to try to understand this vast law of continuous move of Life in different shapes and bodies, it would be easier to understand the presence of 2, 5, 10 or even 1000 of incarnations of your own Soul on the Erath at the VERY moment! Now! Not only before or after your death, not only being some John in the past, Alexey in the present and maybe Katherina in the future! All we should do is just stop this crazy chase after time and look at ourselves OUT of time-mode. Look at ourselves only in Essence-mode. Our existence, Our Life. We are all connected in the world, so much that we eagerly draw to each other, like soul-mates, soul-brothers, soul-sisters and so on.
And all of this speech would sound like groundless invention of someone’s imagination, if only I myself didn’t witness the existence of soul-mates and if once my life didn’t change crucially, when I happened to meet a true twin soul-sister of mine!... And even after so many years since our meeting there is no such time that I forget and stop feeling a huge connection to her and witness another and another confirmation of it.
I still remember the year of 2010 that changed my life. It was like a lightning stroke right into my mind and heart! The very moment when we saw each other, it was like if a whole world of our previous lives and embodiments shook and triggered some hidden memories of each other! It was so incredible! Of course, everyone at least once in a lifetime heard about soul-mates. Maybe someone heard about soul-twins too. But did anyone actually meet one?...
It happens that two different people sometimes even of different nationalities look absolutely alike, like if they were born identical twins. But these people are from different parents and origins and they never ever met. Usually you don’t often hear about them, only if it happens that they are celebrities and reveal themselves to the public. Some good examples of such “twins” through history are: Enzo Ferrari and Mesut Ozil (the first died the same year when the second one was born), Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Tharwat, or lookalikes of present days, like Will Ferrell and Chad Smith, Victoria Justice and Nina Dobrev and other examples. But of course these are examples of simple alike appearance. True soul twins are those who share more than only appearance. These people share alike destinies and unbelievable stories about their meetings. Some of them were studied and presented to the public. But it’s very rare that such people meet. And even rarer that we can witness their life stories.
So, I happened to be one of those rare examples, when such two people met. So thus I met my soul-sister Natasha. (even Na-Tasha — kind of reflection of my short name Tasha). But at that time we didn’t know the names of each other and nothing except the photos of each other on the internet. Those eyes… Both of us felt this: we were like looking at ourselves through the mirror. And ME was looking at myself from that photo of hers. Through her eyes…. my!!! eyes!!!
When we started to speak and tell about each other, we were more and more in shock of what we’d heard. Now I stopped even counting those numerous stories from our lives that repeated each other in so identical scenario, that it was almost freak. But how could it happen at all? There was so much of coincidences that I barely believed she was a real person. Having so much in common with me: her look, her outlook, her aspirations and likes, her philosophy and beliefs. We both have similar life stories, we both experienced similar events in our lives, we got ill with the same diseases and even had similar traumas. How many times she gave me some facts from her life and I confirmed them with the same facts and events from my life. And it happened endlessly. Every detail she told me about herself was like about myself. We both study religions, esoteric, mysticism, philosophy, self-knowledge, self-modulating of our own reality, psychology, the principles of hypnosis and meditation (due to the last two interests we met), she also sees dreams about different lives and embodiments of her soul, like I do. We used to see the dreams about each other during the same nights. At the period when I started to learn about hypnosis, she saw a dream right before we met about a famous hypnotist. Just at the moment when I also got interested with his teachings. Thus her dream drew her to his page on the internet and thus to me. We both write poems and reflections on different topics, we both draw, it turned out that we somehow choose the same books to read and are interested in the same subjects, she is also fascinated with Arabian world and feels connection with it (even had similar dreams like I did about our reincarnation at old times in Egypt), she also has this exigence and need for independence, we both have experienced different contacts with spiritual world, she is also born in the Year of Snake. We used to wear the same jewelry in identical shape. Some of our relatives have the same names, and even the same story of changing their names from one to another (As in her family, as in mine). We were interested in the same things at the same time, we are also both freaks in healthy life style and both practice some spiritual teachings (that we started to practice at the same time with the same duration). The most freaking was that we both were ill at the same time and within the same period, we felt each other’s emotions and moods and when one had some ache, another one also had it at the same place! I remember 2 days when I had strange ache in my neck with no reason. Then Natasha calls and says that she has this ache in her neck for 2 days at exactly the same place. Well, in general we have identical chronic diseases and tendency to identical illnesses and fractures. 
Well. BUT. There is the main aspect that exists in our similarities. We are like two opposites of one image. If to talk about material things: I am right-hander, she — is left-hander; I wear silver, she — wears gold; I like black and dark saturated colours of the world, she — on the contrary lighter and brighter ones; we both have common facial features, but her eyes and hair is lighter than mine; her zodiacal sign is Lion, mine — is Aquarius; her element is Fire, mine — is Air, Wind…
We are not best friends, but we are exactly like sisters. Only not birth ones, but soul ones. We still have common events in our lives, common tasks and problems, and turning moments of our lives, maybe not simultaneously, but eventually we duplicate them. And I think it happened after our meeting. So all the similarities that used to happen simultaneously before, now may happen with a delay or take the opposite courses of the same situations. Now she is like repeating my destiny, but is taking her chances where I didn’t. And I also walk the same paths, that she would go, but on her side — she didn’t.
And maybe this is the whole point in having a soul-twin. As of course, we are alike and have alike destinies, but each of us has his/her own mission during this exact life. Generally soul twins live in totally different sides of the planet, and never meet. It was kind of clever plan, a concept to put the Only Soul (of high spiritual level, our Unique Supreme Soul) into different bodies not only in different times, but at the same simultaneous time span in order to fulfill the mission of a certain Soul on the Earth. So for example if one twin-soul in one body fails to fulfill that mission, another twin-soul in another body accomplishes it. And vice-versa.
Maybe we were put on the Earth at this exact time span to fulfill our missions and to return with accomplished acquisitions (in a form of experience from both of our lives) to our common Supreme Soul in the end. For example to give birth to some special children or accomplish some sort of mission in spiritual level, thus acquiring a certain common level of spiritual evolution.
And understanding of such notions like soul-mates and soul-brothers and sisters has come to me as a derivative phenomenon from the main processes and universal laws like Eternity and Ever-existing Unity of the Essence of God in all what we know.
Any soul is created to be a part of another and another and another… To be a part of a huge entity, that develops, purifies and aspires towards the Light, — towards the One, that is composed of a genuisly created great Self-Consciousness, an Everlasting Supreme Energy that flows within the Universe beyond space and time, that lives eternally and travels here and back, learns, grows and develops in so many spaces and substances that our human mind cannot even imagine. And with every spiritual step we take, with every new life experience…we complete this Supreme Soul entity of ours: by learning certain lessons, by overcoming certain challenges and by gaining certain experiences from one life to another… …in order to become those, who we really are — the One, that came from Everything and that Has Always Been.

