Битва Богов

The war of Gods: idol of Atheists vs. God of Theists.

The Atheism is a religion, a false-religion. Why false? The True Religion is the connection to True God, the false religion is the connection to idol (to false god). They have took the God of Theists and removed one property: Existence. Then, they have got the idol: Nonexistent God. So, to the question of atheists: “can you prove god?” you shall answer: “no, I can not prove your idol, because false gods do not exists.” For the comfort and safety of Theists they must separate their God from the idol: there are two Gods: the god of atheists and the God of Theists. They have nothing in common, like those two trees (two ways) in the Eden: Blessed Tree of Life and the Forbidden Tree, which is the idol making.
There are many religions and strange atheism? No, just two Gods and people are mixing them. But you must separate them and, thus, defeat the pagans! The atheism is the oldest false-religion (very first member and founder is satan himself), hereby the false-believer has atheism in sub-conscious, but atheist is degraded so much, that it has atheism even in conscious. The atheists hate to call atheism a religion, because by pronouncing the forbidden word “religion” they promote the name of God of Theism.
