Susan CEO of Youtute A Princess Fairy Tale, Гл 4

Susan CEO of Youtute. A Princess Fairy Tale Chapter 4 - Wayback machine

And the fairy tale story by Nastia is real! Just recently, from the autumn of this year, Nastia conducted lessons on the air! Not with a cheat sheet, not on the script, but from scratch! It was incredible, but it was so!

This was the second year of training at the Youtute Ballet School by Nastia. But Susan-the-Girl came to Nastia's school with a delay and just was finishing the first grade! She tried very hard to pass the exam with excelence and get to the second year of training! She very much wanted to qualify for a dolls national team, where, by results of the exam, Nastia enrolled the girls such as Barbie dolls Angela, Rita, Adele, Katya and Nadia! Or at least for the senior group (in terms of the level of training), in which Nastia invited Ora (Disney princess Aurora), Disney Princess Belle, Barbie dolls Nicole, Jessica, Stephanie and Disney Fairy Lika (Tink)!

Yes, it was a dream, but Susan-the girl knew: to achieve the fulfillment of a dream it is necessary to work a lot and purposefully; to be hardworking; and work on the thing you like most every day! Hard work was Susan lifestyle, so now she was free to sit on the split and performed all the assignments of Nastia in the classroom!

Susan-Director-of-Youtute was much interested in the fascination of the little girl living in her! It was like a way-back machine! It was a real journey into her childhood! Everyday! It took only half an hour or so, as the dense working schedule of Youtute Director allowed her. Susan-director rediscovered for herself and sympathetically sympathized her own childhood! It was very interesting to Susan-Director also because she also re-discovered in a new way the business that she led! She never heard of what she discovered at Nastia's channel, never, on any channel! She could not even think before that such an immersion of viewers in the video and such interactivity is possible! Such an interactivity, that she, a mature woman, someone would say the shark of business, again felt like a child and returned to childhood! Really, how could this happen? It was not understandable!

And why did no one do this before? Or did they, but did not succeed? But only Nastia, a girl from the XXI century? How and why Nastia's School of Ballet and Gymnastics collected more views than the combined Youtute channels of famous ballet theaters: the New York City Ballet, the San Francisco Ballet, the National Ballet of Canada, the English National Ballet, the Scottish Ballet, and the Russian Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cradle of many prima ballerinas of the world-wide ballet stage!

For two years, Nastia surpassed the views of Warner Classics, which Warner got in 11 years!

And this is only in the narrow sector of the videos in Russian language! Yes, it's the language of the great Russian ballet school, and many world-famous ballerinas! Susan the girl understood this language, because it was the mother tongue of her mother, which she absorbed with her milk!

Susan-Director almost forgot her mother's native language. So she wondered why and how she understands everything in the video lessons of Nastia's ballet school, although she hardly knows Russian? The analytical mind of a business woman and the head of a huge business so formulated the answer to this question: because in Nastia's videos there was a kind language of dolls, the code if you want! "And it's a pity", - Susan-director thought, - "that Nastia or Nastia's dad, who helps her, did not make the name and description of Nastia's videos in English! After all, then the Youtute algorithm would have noticed it, and would have recommended Nastia's video lessons, so hen videos by Nastia would not have 40 million views, but 400 million, or even 4 billion!

Algorithm! Remember this word, dear reader! Because very soon this very Algorithm will do something more abruptly! He will kill Nastia's Channel and will erase all of her videos on Youtute! And the word Code, remember, too! (*)

In order to better understand the secret of the success of the School of Gymnastics and Ballet by Nastia, Susan-Director watched Nastia's videos again and again... And that's it! A wayback machine began to work! In Susan-Director, a powerfull businesswoman, Susan-girl woke up and began to persistently engage in gymnastics and ballet! Was very responsible! It was a magic month of December! In January, Susan-girl had to take examinations. But this little Susan's dreams were not destined to come true ... Or ... will it come true?

To be continued!

(*) footnote by the storyteller

Alexey Kudinov and Kids, Beatles Scholar - Youtube Scholar. (2018/01/20) Volume 3, Fairy tale story chapter 4 Wayback machine
Алексей Кудинов и дети. Битлз Школяр - Ютьюб Школяр, (2018/01/20) Том 3, Сказка Глава 4 Машина времени.

Originally written in Russian and Russian text should be referred for true meaning of words, sentences, phrases and the entire fairy tale text.
Оригинальный авторский текст - русский, и только русский текст может быть основным для правильного понимания содержания текста сказки и значения слов, предложений, фраз и всего текста сказки

написано: ~2018/1/20 (точно не указано)
отпечатано: Пятница 2018/02/02 1412-1445, перед подработкой
