Susan CEO of Youtute A Princess Fairy Tale Гл 5

Susan CEO of Youtute. A Princess Fairy Tale Chapter 5 - December Month of Magic
Сюзан президент Ютут. Сказка про принцессу. Глава 5 - Волшебный месяц Декабрь

To be edited, below is automatically translated English text:

December has come, the most magical month of the year, the time of New Year's holidays, Christmas, Hanukkah! Waiting for a fairy tale, magic, Santa Claus, gifts! Everyone loves the New Year, both children and adults!

Susan-Director had a hard time bringing the business results of the year. The year was not easy. On Yutut every day, users posted so many videos that the strength of the staff just was not enough! On Yutut more and more led robot Algorithm and his friend program code, Susan-director understood this! Sometimes, in the face of the Algorithm, she was simply shy and felt herself not a director, but a subordinate, a small, defenseless girl who was supposed to do the robot's will. This robot was unfriendly: in all users of Jutut, he saw violators of the rules of using the site, and a few that immediately blocked the channels and destroyed their video. He did not care what he erased, because it was a car. Algorithm erased everything: whether it's video about princesses and dolls, or someone's memory for generations - family photo slideshow. Human sensuality, abstract thinking, humanity and conscience were alien to him! Of course, the scapegoat was the scapegoat, of course, because she was ultimately responsible for everything that happened on Yutut! In the outgoing year, she often had to make reports on the basis of the Algorithm. She threatenedly branded all the infringers revealed by the Algorithm, each time promised that the Code would further tighten the Algorithm, although Susan-Director was not sure of the guilt of the "violators". Susan was nervous, because on December 4 she would have had the final annual report!

Susan girls were alien to the care of her big second me! She graduated from the program of the 1st year at the Nastia Ballet School: thanks to her diligence and diligence Susan was able to master the entire school curriculum perfectly! And someone just started doing gymnastics and ballet! Susan-girl and Suzan-director read the comments to Nastya's video with affection, as for example this comment of the girl of Milana: "All [dolls] are very very beautiful! And thanks to you, I now go to the gym!"

Susan-girl herself commented on the video Nastya did not write, although she really wanted to! Susan-director strictly forbade her to do it! "Well, do it yourself," she strictly told her second me, the little girl who lived in her, "what will subordinates think about me, or even at home" when suddenly in a tweeter or something else, in the Internet, a message is heard: Susan-director Yutub Just saw the video "Barbie dolls and Disney Princesses." Ballet School and Gymnastics for Girls ", added him to the playlist" Dance School, Grade 1 ", and wrote a comment such as:" Nastya, I completed the entire program of 1st grade! Please, I ask You assign me a date and time exam for first class! I really want to be qualified in the senior group! I think I'm fully prepared for this! "
And nothing such a bad thing about you will not say - answered her little Suzan-girl! Vaughn, Katie's mom's mom after Nastya's videos also started playing dolls, you've seen this Katyn comment! And Vika and Dasha Mom watch the ethers of Pope Nastya together with her daughters! Yeah, with a smile thought Susan-director: Pope Nastya is a separate story!

To be continued.

Alexey Kudinov and Kids, Beatles Scholar - Youtube Scholar. Volume 3, Fairy tale story chapter 5
Алексей Кудинов и дети. Битлз Школяр - Ютьюб Школяр, Том 3, Сказка Глава 5

Originally written in Russian and Russian text should be referred for true meaning of words, sentences, phrases and the entire fairy tale text.
Оригинальный авторский текст - русский, и только русский текст может быть основным для правильного понимания содержания текста сказки и значения слов, предложений, фраз и всего текста сказки

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